Sex education for adolescents: role, parents, advice from a psychologist
According to statistics, children who discuss intimate topics with their father or mother are much less likely to encounter sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, sex education for adolescents is of great importance and it should be given a lot of time.
Moms and dads try not to touch on intimate topics in conversations with children because of shame and embarrassment. But this is the wrong approach, because in any case, adolescents will learn about sex and the sexual sphere of life. And it is desirable that they receive this information from you. After all, in this way you can warn them against many mistakes and disappointments.
Sex education for adolescents is important.
First of all, the child should be told about sexually transmitted diseases and methods of contraception, then in the future he will be able to protect not only himself, but also his partner. And also the teenager needs to be taught to say “no” in time. After all, children of adolescence can do a lot of stupid things because of the fear of being rejected. Therefore, it is worth teaching them to respect themselves and accept their personality and body as they are.
Psychologist’s advice in sex education for adolescents
Talking about intimate topics with relatives can cause embarrassment in the child. Therefore, it is desirable that a parent of the same sex talk to him. In addition, you should not rush the child, especially if he does not want to make contact. It is enough to give him a little time and prove that you are worthy of his trust. And then he will be able to calmly talk about the intimate sphere of life.
It is much easier for girls to talk about intimate things with their mothers, and boys open up to their fathers faster.
During a conversation, teenagers often try to laugh it off. You should not react to this with anger, because behind the laugh, the child is trying to hide his embarrassment. To soften the situation a little, try to tell something about your intimate life yourself, but without any particular details. Then, over time, the child will get used to it, relax and be able to speak frankly on any topic.
In adolescence, children are interested in pornography. And if you happen to notice such material, then there is no need to make a scandal. It will badly affect your relationship with your child. He will withdraw and refuse to talk about this topic.
Remember, teenagers are interested in pornography to satisfy their curiosity. Therefore, be delicate and do not violate the child’s personal boundaries.
It takes a lot of time to devote to sex education for adolescents. Indeed, thanks to the information received from you, the child will be able to harmoniously build his relationship with the opposite sex.