Sex during pregnancy
There are many misconceptions about sex during pregnancy. Some argue that it is harmful, others that it is simply necessary. Will try to dispel the main myths together with experts.

Pregnancy is not a disease. And in most cases, it is not a contraindication to a full sexual life. But in some situations, the future mother needs to be more careful. We discuss important intimate issues with gynecologist Alexandra Saifullina.

Is it possible to have sex during pregnancy

We will immediately please our readers – it is possible, even necessary. From the point of view of sexologists, everyone needs an intimate life, regardless of age and condition.

The body, as they say, knows better. If you want sex, then you can have sex. If the body is bad, then sexual activity will be at zero. Listen to yourself. There are, of course, situations when it is better for pregnant women to refrain from intimate life, but we will talk about this a little lower.

How often can you have sex during pregnancy

And again, we rely on our feelings. You can have sex during pregnancy as often as you want. Sexual desire often decreases during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. But interest in sex may, paradoxically, increase (1). For many women, pregnancy takes the relationship with the man they love to a whole new level. You become closer, respectively, and sex promises new sensations.

“In the first trimester, up to 12 weeks, I don’t really want intimacy, as the body is being restructured, hormonal changes and sometimes feeling worse, toxicosis and nagging pain,” explains gynecologist Alexandra Saifullina. – Starting from the second trimester, the well-being of the expectant mother improves, and the mood rises. You can indulge in pleasures at least every day, if there are no contraindications.

Are there any restrictions in poses for a pregnant woman

Expectant mothers may have heard that missionary sex should be avoided during pregnancy. But regarding this statement, the opinions of doctors differ. Some say that the baby is reliably protected by amniotic fluid, so that the pressure of a man from above cannot cause harm. Others still advise not to tempt fate and abandon all positions in which pressure is applied to the stomach.

According to gynecologist Alexandra Saifullina, the best position for women in position is the pose on the side.

Another important point concerns not the position, but the intensity of sex. Here the opinion is unanimous: it is better for pregnant women to give preference to a more relaxed style. From sharp and fast “sports” sex will have to give up for a while.

In any case, if you feel good, then your baby cannot feel bad. Focus on your own feelings and desires.

When sex is not recommended for a pregnant woman

There are situations when the expectant mother is not recommended and even forbidden to have sex (2).

The main reason for this ban is the threat of miscarriage. If it is, then the pregnant woman is not only advised to forget about sex for a while, but in some cases they are even forbidden to contact her spouse. Doctors fear that the slightest arousal can trigger a miscarriage.

There are other situations when sex is not recommended for pregnant women.

  1. If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

    “Most often this applies only to the first trimester, that is, the first 12 weeks,” clarifies gynecologist Alexandra Saifullina.

  2. First 5-6 weeks after IVF.
  3. If there is placenta previa.
  4. If there is ICI (isthmic-cervical insufficiency) – a pathological condition in which the isthmus and cervix are not able to withstand intrauterine pressure and hold the fetus.
  5. If two or more previous pregnancies ended in miscarriages.
  6. If there is a threat of premature birth in the second and third trimester.

The expectant mother should be told about all these risks by her gynecologist. The main thing is not to be shy and ask him questions that concern you.

Popular questions and answers

Expectant mothers and fathers are concerned about many issues related to sex during pregnancy. Together with gynecologist Alexandra Saifullina We answer the most popular ones.

Is sex during pregnancy dangerous for the baby?
This experience is one of the most common among couples. It is because of this that some reduce sexual life or completely refuse it. However, you should not be afraid. The fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid, protected by the muscular layer of the uterus and the mucous plug. Therefore, there is no way to harm the baby with sex and you can do it for your own pleasure (if there are no contraindications from the doctor).
Can sex induce labor?
There are cases when labor activity begins after sex. But this is possible only if the woman’s body is completely ready for childbirth. This is facilitated by the substances contained in the semen – prostaglandins. They stimulate uterine contractions and, accordingly, bring the long-awaited day closer. Therefore, the common advice to have sex more often before childbirth is fully justified.
Is it true that pregnant women experience more vivid orgasms?
Yes, pregnant women often note that sensations during sex are greatly exacerbated. This happens for several reasons: the blood supply to the uterus and vagina increases, the hormonal background changes significantly.

All this contributes to increased sensations during orgasm. And some girls say that they got their first pleasure during pregnancy.

Can there be discharge from the mammary glands during sex?
The whole body of the expectant mother is preparing for the appearance of the baby. Including the mammary glands. From about the 3rd month, the production of colostrum begins. During sexual intercourse, the hormone oxytocin is released, it is also released during breastfeeding, ensuring the production of milk. The hormone is also responsible for sexual desire. Therefore, a small release of colostrum during intimacy is quite possible and normal.

Sources of

  1. Gynecology: national guide / ed. IN AND. Kulakov, I.B. Manukhina, G.M. Savelyeva // 2007
  2. High-risk pregnancy / Makatsaria A.D. // 2015
  3. Obstetrics. National leadership / Ailamazyan E.K., Kulakov V.I. // 2009

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