
Dyspareunia is a little known word, however, for those who suffer from it, it is a real nightmare. Perhaps its name is more common as coitalgia and it is pain during intercourse that, although it is more common among women, can also occur in men. It ranges from a slight stinging to a deep pain and causes many people to dislike sex and experience caresses and intimacy as the prelude to pain rather than pleasure.
The causes can be both physical and psychological. In men, the main cause is usually an infection that affects the urethra, prostate, seminal vesicles, or bladder. It can occur at the time of ejaculation and affect the external or internal part of the genital tract. An abnormal curvature of the penis, phimosis, even some spermicidal creams can be the origin of this male pain.
In the case of women, the usual thing is that the pain is internal, either in the pelvic area or in the inner part of the vagina. As in the case of men, the cause may be spermicides, the use of a specific soap for vaginal washing or an infection. Often, dyspareunia is difficult to diagnose since gynecological problems such as endometriosis among many others are added to these reasons.
In addition to the physical aspects, the psychological aspects can also favor the appearance of pain during intercourse. Negative or traumatic sexual experiences, lack of excitement during penetration or the emotional situation are some of the most common psychological causes. In any case, the pain reinforces this negative experience, making it happen again.
Whatever the reason, consultation with the doctor should be the first step in tackling this problem that complicates sexual relations for many people. Do not miss it. The Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians estimate the number of women who suffer from it at 12% of the female population, although, as it is still a taboo subject, they consider that the number should be higher.
What to do
Clinic history: know when the pain began, if it occurs in all sexual relations or not, in which positions it occurs more … Surgical history, delivery and other details that will be requested by the doctor to carry out a pain study.
Medical check: to look for physical signs, possible anatomical problems, pelvic muscle problems, or skin reactions. In the case of women, they may also feel pain during the pelvic exam, so the doctor who performs the review must be informed. That is, if it hurts, in this case you don’t have to let it go either.
Sexologist: In addition to specialists to rule out infections, pathologies or anatomical problems, the advice of a specialist in sexology will help to improve the sexual health of the patient for both psychological and physical causes.
- Eliminate your own or other people’s pressures to carry out intercourse.
- For a healthy sex life it should be remembered that intercourse is not essential. The so-called preliminaries are also sex and there are numerous options to experience sexuality without having to lead to penetration.
- Avoid deep penetrations and favor positions in which penetration can be better controlled.
Advice for women
- Use of lubricants, especially if there is vaginal dryness.
- Strengthen the pelvic floor to better understand and control the muscles.
- Perform relaxation techniques to also achieve vaginal relaxation