Sex at 40, what if it was better now?

Sex at 40, what if it was better now?

Over time, our body and our sexuality evolve, and our way of making love too. Over the years, we benefit from a better sexual experience, which often allows us to better understand his desire and that of the other. So what are the benefits of sex at 40?

Gender: what changes with age?

The way we make love and view sex changes with age. Indeed, we do not have the same relationship to sex when we are 20, 30 or 50 years old. At the beginning of our sex life, especially around the age of 20, our body is strongly subject to the action of hormones. Sex is then perceived as a world of discoveries and experiences to be experienced.

We do not yet fully know our body, or how that of the other works. It can happen that we are less confident, or even that there are “failures”. But all this must be seen as beneficial: it allows us to build our sexual identity for our future life. Finally, our body and our performance also change with age: we do not have the same vigor or the same endurance at 20 or 50 years.

40 years old, the age of sexual maturity?

In life, we often hear that 40 is the age of maturity: socially, professionally, and sentimentally. Indeed, this age corresponds on average to half of a life, during which one had the possibility of achieving a certain number of “objectives”. Thus, we had the opportunity to experiment with all kinds of things, especially in matters of sexuality, and thus find what suits us.

This maturity allows us to be more comfortable in our sex life. With age, sexuality benefits from a better experience and from a self-confidence acquired over the years. However, there is no notion of competition or skills to be fulfilled. You can completely discover sexuality at 40: we all have different sexual paths, and the main thing is to be fulfilled in yours.

Benefit from your own experience and that of the other

Whether you are a man or a woman, it is very likely that you have already had several sexual partners after you turn 40. These different adventures may have nourished your sexual experience throughout your life, thus enriching your “knowledge” of sex. And the same goes for your partners. Thus, your mutual experiences add up, which allows you to better understand your respective desires. With age, it is indeed easier to know which position gives us more pleasure than another, or which sexual practice we prefer the most. Share it with your partner: this will allow you to achieve enjoyment more easily and to listen to their desires. This experience sharing can also be an opportunity to introduce you to sexual practices that you have not yet experienced.

How to continue to make love?

If you have been in a relationship for a while, it is possible that after a certain age, you notice a decrease in the frequency of intercourse. This can be explained by several reasons: mental overload linked to the problems of daily life, routine within the couple, decreased feeling of love, etc. To continue to maintain your libido after 40 years, refocus on your romantic relationship. Do not neglect the attentions of everyday life: tenderness, kiss, hugs, etc. Do not hesitate to surprise your partner, by offering to make love in a new place for example.

Can we have a fulfilling sexuality at 40?

For some, age can seem to be a barrier to a fulfilling sexuality. In men in particular, age can be associated with a possible loss of libido, tone, decrease in endurance, etc. However, these physical changes do not concern all men. In women, the approach of menopause can also be a source of concern. Here again, you have to know how to put things into perspective and not focus on the bad sides. Not all women are subject to these variations in libido, due to the action of hormones. It is therefore quite possible to have a fulfilling sexuality after 40 years.

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