People suffering from depression often do not attribute their problems with a lowered sex drive to the symptoms of the disease. However, there is a deep connection between the two, which should not be underestimated. Depression affects almost every aspect of life: relationships with people, attitude to everyday duties, work. The best way to help your loved ones understand most behaviors is to tell them about your illness. Hiding depression is fatal: it can lead to misinterpretation of our behavior, looking for reasons for it in laziness, lack of ambition, etc.
No wonder that people struggling with this disease also complain about problems with sex. A depressed mood also reduces the desire for intimate close-ups. To enjoy this aspect of life, factors such as a favorable atmosphere, a sense of relaxation and security are necessary in such moments. Suffering from depression, we often live in a kind of suspension, we lose interest in things that normally gave us pleasure. The most common sex problems in this condition are:
- Erectile dysfunction. Their background lies in the difficulties in achieving the appropriate degree of excitement. It is most common in elderly men. Very often, however, it can be a side effect of taking antidepressants.
- Decrease in libido. That is, the state when sex gradually ceases to interest us.
- Arousal problems. In men, it is associated with erectile dysfunction, when it takes longer to achieve a full erection, in women with vaginal dryness. They are also often manifested by the lack of orgasm.
Although each of these symptoms does not necessarily accompany depression and may not be related to it, these are the most common problems reported by people suffering from this condition. A large group of people meet them because of the antidepressants they take. This happens for several reasons:
- Antidepressants lower libido in both sexes,
- They have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system,
- They impair the ability to achieve orgasm.
Nevertheless, taking antidepressants is a very important part of treatment that cannot be neglected. However, there are ways to minimize these symptoms. Sex has a beneficial effect on the psyche, it is an important part of life – every person strives for closeness, and closeness leads to the secretion of substances in the body that affect well-being.
- Consider taking medication to treat sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction.
- Report your libido problems to your doctor. It is possible that he will reduce the dose or change the prescribed medication.
- Also consult your doctor before stopping the medication.
- Use only drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist, never buy them on your own. Psychotropic drugs cannot be bought over the Internet or taken from another sick person.
- Sometimes therapy alone is enough. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of excluding drug treatment.
- Report any side effects to your psychiatrist. Many of them, including a decrease in libido, can be overcome by changing the drug or dose.