Sex after varicocele, complications and recovery

Complications of varicocele

Varicocele is a male disease that occurs in boys from the age of nine and in men at a younger age. The disease is quite common, is a varicose veins surrounding the spermatic cord, manifests itself more often on the left side. Externally, varicocele can be determined by the scrotum hanging down on the left, as well as by comparing the veins in the left and right parts by palpation.

Severely swollen veins should cause concern and cause a visit to a urologist. Bilateral varicocele occurs occasionally. The course of the pathology can be asymptomatic and is detected by chance. In case of manifestations of symptoms, pulling pains in the scrotum are observed. Discomfort is felt with long walking, uncomfortable sitting or wearing tight underwear.

An accurate diagnosis of the presence or absence of a varicocele can be established by a specialist using ultrasound diagnostics and dopplerography. Everyone who cannot decide on an operation to remove a varicocele should know how dangerous the disease is. Normally, the testis produces sperm. With varicocele, blood accumulates, the temperature of the testicle and epididymis rises, their functions are disrupted, as a result of which spermatozoa become unviable and infertility develops.

Accumulated due to impaired blood flow in the veins, toxic metabolic products also damage the testicle. Among the causes of infertility, there is a lack of nutrients and oxygen, mechanical compression of testicular tissue, which leads to hypoxia. A timely identified and timely operated varicocele will help in the future to have offspring and avoid psychological problems in sexual life.

Modern surgical methods make it possible to correct this pathology, but no matter how ideally the operation was performed, some complications are possible that disappear with time. Immediately after the operation, due to ligation and damage to the lymphatic vessels, there is a violation of the outflow of lymph from the tissues of the testicle (lymphostasis). Swelling of the scrotum disappears within 2 weeks. Soreness in the testicle and along the spermatic cord can be felt for several months or a year.

If lymph node transection is performed (depending on the choice of surgical method), hydrocele may occur (water bodies), when serous interstitial fluid accumulates between the membranes of the testicle. Microsurgical operation involves the preservation of the lymphatic vessels and therefore this complication is less common. Hypotrophy (reduction in volume) or testicular atrophy may occur when the spermatic artery is accidentally ligated.

It is quite rare and almost impossible when using a microsurgical method of treatment. Recurrent varicocele  у adult men does not occur often, but still it happens from the technical errors of the surgeon during the operation. Surgical treatment of varicocele should be carried out immediately after puberty. If there are no complications, further examinations are required after 1 month, 6 months and 1,5 years after the operation. Preventive measures are individually selected for each patient, and the optimal load regimen is determined. 

Sex after varicocele

With varicocele, sex is possible if there are no unpleasant or painful sensations in the scrotum. After surgery, men also have a good level of sex, and all far-fetched fears about a decrease in erectile function are myths.

Of course, during the period after the treatment, sexual intercourse can cause pain, so you must follow the doctor’s recommendations regarding the period of abstinence. You can continue your sexual life when the rehabilitation process is over, on average it is about 3 weeks. The term of abstinence depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the speed of recovery characteristic of each.

Recovery after varicocele

Sex after varicocele, complications and recovery

It must be remembered – the older the man, the longer the recovery period. The recovery period after varicocele surgery depends on the type of operation method. Traditional operations of varicocele according to the Palomo or Ivanisevich method consist in excision of the testicular vein. These operations are intracavitary and, of course, the recovery period will be long – 7-14 days.

After these operations, varicocele relapses are possible and complications occur in the form of dropsy of the testicle. At the heart of endovascular varicocele surgery is blockage of the testicular vein using balloons or coils. Recovery comes in a day. Laparoscopic varicocelectomy (endoscopic method) allows you to do without an incision in the groin, this saves the testicular artery and eliminates complications. Recovery occurs in 1-2 days.

Complete success is possible after microsurgical varicelectomy. The recovery period after the most progressive method of varicocele is 2-3 days. Improving the spermogram after treatment, the absence of complications and relapses are the best indicators of the postoperative period.

Is it possible to have children after a varicocele?

With varicocele, sperm motility is impaired, and the likelihood of conceiving naturally is reduced. Based on this, surgery for varicocele in the early period of the development of the disease before puberty will prevent infertility. In many adult men, sperm functions are restored after surgery and sperm counts improve.

But doctors are unanimous in their opinion that the elimination of varicose veins should be done as early as possible, up to 25-30 years. It is also believed that if there are no deviations in the spermogram, then there may be no need for treatment of varicocele. Indicators with very pronounced deviations from the norm in men of childbearing age are also not a reason for surgery, because it does not affect the resumption of reproductive functions.

For those men who have minor deviations from the norm and their plans include planning the conception of a child, it makes sense to carry out the operation, since it is possible to restore sperm activity. And of course, with significantly pronounced symptoms of varicocele, surgery is necessary in order to relieve suffering.

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  1. Varicocele surgery کے کتنے دن بعد ہمبستری کرسکتے ہیں

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