Childbirth is a complex process that in one way or another affects the health of a woman. Sex after the birth of a child requires preparation of the body and a certain amount of time. Therefore, it is important for a man to listen to his partner and support her – this will speed up recovery. The duration of abstinence depends on many factors and varies from a couple of weeks to several months. Healthy Food Near Me, together with a gynecologist, understands the nuances of this delicate topic.
How long can I have sex after giving birth
一Although there is no clear time frame for mandatory abstinence from sex after childbirth, we generally recommend resuming sexual intercourse no earlier than 4-6 weeks, 一 says obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, candidate of medical sciences Lyudmila Radetskaya.
Limitations are due to the fact that the risk of complications is highest during the first two weeks after the birth of a child. Also, often the body and in particular the birth canal needs time to recover. These terms do not depend on whether you had a birth through the birth canal or a caesarean section, for the first time you gave birth or not. It should be borne in mind that everyone’s body is different, so the exact time when you can resume sexual activity for young mothers is difficult. With such a question, it is better to contact a gynecologist and listen to your feelings in general. (one)
Sex after natural childbirth
The beginning of intimate relationships after natural childbirth, which took place without complications, should be carried out after the full recovery of the woman’s body. In most cases, this takes at least 4 weeks. During this period, the uterus returns to normal. It is cleansed of blood, mucus and the remnants of the amniotic membranes, due to this, special secretions – lochia – come out of the vagina. They are not a contraindication to sex, but to avoid infection, you must use a condom.
Also, during childbirth, microcracks and abrasions inevitably form on the vaginal mucosa. Movement during sex can lead to pain, discomfort, bleeding, and infection through these sores.
Usually a woman herself understands when her body is ready for sexual relations. If in doubt, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist. The specialist will assess the rate of recovery of the uterus and vagina, and based on this will give recommendations whether it is possible to resume sexual intercourse.
Sex after first birth
The resumption of sexual relations after the first birth should be the same as in any other. However, this can be problematic for a number of reasons.
- Fear of re-pregnancy. Carrying and giving birth to a child is not an easy process. Therefore, some mothers, especially when faced with them for the first time, may be afraid of a too quick second pregnancy.
- Fatigue, lack of sleep and overwork, which often accompany parents in the first months of a child’s life.
- Excessive concentration on the baby. As a result, everything else, including the partner, fades into the background.
- Uncertainty in their own attractiveness after childbirth.
After the birth of a child, a woman needs rest and support. Only close people can provide this. If the above conditions are observed for a long period, it is advisable for a young mother to visit a psychologist in order to understand the causes of her anxieties.
Sex after caesarean section
Some women need surgery, a caesarean section, to give birth. Now this operation is practically safe, but imposes some restrictions, including on intimate life. This is due to the suturing, which can disperse, bleed or just hurt. The body must fully recover: the discharge should end, the stitches should heal. Moreover, if the condition of the external seams can be assessed independently, the gynecologist should examine the internal ones using ultrasound. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will make recommendations about the possibility of sexual activity.
The conditional recovery period is 6-8 weeks. However, the healing process is very individual: 4 weeks is enough for someone, half a year is not enough for others.
It should be borne in mind that the first sexual intercourse after cesarean should be carried out with caution. Deep penetration or unusual positions are not recommended. All this can lead not only to discomfort, but also to rupture of the seams. Another important condition – the partner must be completely healthy in order to avoid infection. You also need to take care of contraception, since the imminent occurrence of a second pregnancy can be dangerous to the health and even the life of a woman.
Sex if there are stitches left after childbirth
In addition to a caesarean section, stitches may be needed for episiotomy (a skin incision in the perineal area to help deliver the baby and avoid injury) or lacerations.
一 If you had a vaginal rupture that required surgical intervention and suturing, you will have to wait until it heals completely, sometimes it takes up to 2 months, 一 says gynecologist Lyudmila Radetskaya. – Subject to this period, discomfort during intercourse should not occur. (2)
The condition of the seams and the possibility of resuming intimate life should be assessed by the gynecologist during the examination. Early onset of sexual activity after suturing is fraught with rupture, infection or bleeding. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions exactly when caring for your stitches. If there is an unpleasant odor, severe pain or other disturbing sensations, the doctor should be visited immediately.
Contraceptive methods allow not only to prevent an unplanned pregnancy, but also make it possible to fully restore the female body after childbirth. (3)
一 If less than six months have passed since the birth, you are exclusively breastfeeding and your periods have not returned, then the chance of pregnancy is less than 2%. However, studies show that the contraceptive effectiveness of breastfeeding can vary greatly from woman to woman. Therefore, the likelihood of becoming pregnant during breastfeeding remains, explains gynecologist Lyudmila Radetskaya.
To avoid unplanned pregnancy, including during breastfeeding, it is recommended to use additional protective measures. The most popular methods of contraception:
- condoms;
- vaginal suppositories;
- oral contraceptives;
- spiral.
– If you are not breastfeeding, absolutely all methods of contraception will work for you. But when breastfeeding, only drugs containing gestagens are allowed, for example, a contraceptive implant, pills, an intrauterine device with gestagens, or a regular hormone-free intrauterine device, explains Lyudmila Radetskaya.
When choosing a method of contraception, consult your doctor.
It is also worth clarifying that coitus interruptus as a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy is not reliable – sperm can be contained in a natural lubricant, and not just in semen. Therefore, the use of standard products approved by doctors is recommended.
Popular questions and answers
We will answer frequent questions from readers about sex after childbirth.
What will be the sensations during sex after childbirth?
一 You can do Kegel exercises to tone your pelvic floor muscles. It is advisable to perform them at least 15 times in a row, at least three times a day, you can during feeding. There are also special medical programs for the restoration of the pelvic floor muscles, including biofeedback therapy and exercise with an exercise therapy instructor, 一 recommends gynecologist Lyudmila Radetskaya.
However, this is not necessary if there are no discomfort. In a row, at least three times a day, it is possible during feeding. There are also special medical programs for the restoration of the pelvic floor muscles, including biofeedback therapy and exercise with an exercise therapy instructor,
recommends gynecologist Lyudmila Radetskaya.
However, this is not necessary if there are no discomfort.
Why might it hurt?
一 To reduce discomfort during sex, you can use standard painkillers – taken in advance before sexual contact. It is also advisable to empty the bladder, some help a warm bath. If pain and burning appear after contact, ice wrapped in a small towel can be applied. If the vagina is dry, a lubricant may be used. Experiment. Discuss alternatives to vaginal intercourse. Make time for sex when you’re not too tired or anxious. If sex still hurts, talk to your doctor about possible treatment options, recommends Ludmila Radetskaya, a gynecologist.
Why don’t you want sex after giving birth?
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