Sex after 50. How to improve your intimate life after menopause?
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Are you over 50 and you experience night sweats and hot flashes? Or maybe you suffer from insomnia and mood swings? The menopause is a unique period in a woman’s life and is associated with numerous changes in the body. Check what is worth getting ready for!

Don’t be afraid of change!

Irregular menstruation and anovulation may indicate the gradual decline of the ovarian hormonal function. Some women have a shorter menstrual cycle, while others may even last 40-60 days. Sometimes it comes back to normal, only to shorten or lengthen again later. Often times, bleeding does not stop after 7 days, but lasts for 10-14 days. Many women also experience vasomotor disorders, then they complain of night sweats, hot flushes or dizziness.

Occasionally they may suffer from insomnia and palpitations. As research shows, sudden hot flashes occur in up to 85% of adults. women. They are usually concentrated around the neck and head. This is due to an unregulated body temperature control system. When they subside, the body goes into “cooling mode”, resulting in heavy sweating.

Menopause also often leads to sleep disorders, including not only trouble falling asleep, but also frequent waking up at night, getting up early, or the inability to go back to sleep. No wonder you don’t want to make love after another sleepless night, night sweats, and hot flashes.

One of the symptoms of the menopause is the loss of bone tissue, which often results in osteoporosis. Women in their 50s become more prone to bone fractures and injuries. If you want to reduce your risk of osteoporosis, start moving. Go on a healthy, balanced diet and make sure you get enough calcium in your diet as well. Additionally, quit smoking and don’t abuse alcohol.

Perimenopausal depression

Menopause affects not only the physical but also the mental sphere. May cause fatigue, apathy, irritability and mood swings. It often causes anxiety, nervousness and depression. Many ladies feel physically and mentally exhausted.

They do not want to perform activities that until recently gave them joy. They become tearful and have trouble making decisions. They also often complain of problems with memory and concentration, which is why they feel depressed or frustrated.

Vaginal dryness and menopause

Many menopausal women struggle with recurring intimate infections. The decrease in estrogen and progesterone may cause changes in the genital organs. Then there is dryness and burning of the vagina, which affects sexual life. Vaginal dryness not only causes pain during intercourse, but also daily activities.

Untreated vaginal dryness can lead to intimacy, decreased libido and psychological problems. So you shouldn’t take it lightly. There are many factors that can make symptoms worse. The most common are: long, hot baths, the use of perfumed pads and pads, the use of deodorants for intimate hygiene. You may feel throbbing or pressure in your vagina later, which is very uncomfortable.

Importantly, the problem of vaginal dryness is not only physical, but also mental. It worsens the quality of life, lowers satisfaction with sex life, distancing partners from each other. The woman does not feel attractive and self-confident then.

If you have this problem, pay attention to Feminum. It is a moisturizing intimate gel with a slight pH reaction. Thanks to it, the skin of intimate parts will become more elastic, resistant to scratches and abrasions. In addition, it stimulates the secretion of mucus in the vagina and facilitates intercourse. It also reduces the risk of vaginal and external genital infections.

Importantly, its long-term use does not disturb the hormonal balance of the body. It does not irritate the skin and mucosa. You can use it many times a day – it does not leave unsightly stains on your underwear.

Postmenopausal sex and decreased libido

Women during menopause also often report a decrease in libido, i.e. less interest in the intimate sphere and shorter and less intense orgasm (in some cases its lack). They don’t feel like having intercourse then, and they don’t dream up sexual fantasies. They don’t want to read and think about it. Problems with sex drive can make relationships with your partner difficult, so it’s worth talking to them calmly.

Hormonal changes can lead to weight gain. Unwanted fatty tissue begins to build up on the belly and the breasts droop and shrink. Unfortunately, this has a negative impact on your well-being and self-confidence. Ladies do not feel as sexy and attractive as before, so they stop thinking about frolic in the bedroom.

Hormonal changes, pregnancy and childbirth can weaken the Kegel muscles and lead to urinary incontinence. We distinguish several types here: urgent, exercise, or mixed. This bothersome, embarrassing multi-factor disease varies in severity. Fortunately, you can strengthen your Kegel muscles by doing the right exercises. It is worth using special vaginal balls here, thanks to which you will learn the correct technique more easily.

If you want to increase your libido, try some home remedies. Try to set aside more time to rest. Combine a balanced diet with regular physical activity. You should also be interested in popular relaxation techniques such as yoga, massage and meditation.

Remember that sexual intercourse is not reserved only for young people. Admittedly, it looks a bit different after menopause, but it can still be very pleasant. It is enough for you to accept certain changes in your body and try to eliminate others from your life.

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