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Sex addiction is nothing but sex addiction. Like drugs and alcohol, sex addiction can destroy a relationship. A sex addict regrets his act after intercourse with a random person. What are the causes of sex addiction? How is sex addiction manifested? Can sex addiction be treated?
Sexholism – symptoms
Over time, the sex addict makes sex the main element of existence. Most often, such people lead a double life. They have a home, family, and at the same time need to constantly satisfy erotic. As in the case of alcohol addiction, remorse arises, but only after intercourse and satisfying one’s own needs. The situation repeats itself because resisting feelings is extremely difficult.
The first symptoms of sex addiction are obsessive masturbation, constant meditation about sex and sexual relations, and collecting newspapers and pornographic films. With time, the need for sex is so strong that the sex addict starts using the offers of prostitutes, has sex with random people, uses erotic services via the Internet and telephone. The need for sex is so strong that nothing else matters. The sex addict loses control of this and only thinks of physical contact with the other person.
Sexholism – causes
What could be the causes of sex addiction? Sex is a source of bodily pleasure. People suffering from sex addiction, according to many researchers, most often come from families with problems, often from families where other addictions were common – alcohol, drugs, violence. Such a childhood can lead to a feeling of rejection, lack of self-confidence, and an inability to develop deeper relationships with the other person. These are undoubtedly factors that can contribute to sex addiction.
In addition, sex addicts often are already addicted to drugs, alcohol or gambling. Sometimes sex addiction is associated with disorders such as depression. Then we look for the love and support of another person. Even if this love is illusory and temporary. Sexholism can also be caused by neurological diseases such as fluctuating sex hormone levels or multiple sclerosis.
Sexholism – treatment
Treatment of sex addiction mainly involves total withdrawal. This procedure is aimed at restoring a healthy sex life based on conscious choice. Sometimes the 14 Step method for alcohol addiction is used to treat sex addiction.
Help in the case of sex addiction can be sought from a psychotherapist, psychiatrist, as well as an addiction specialist, but also a sexologist. Just admitting that you have a problem is the first step forward. Beginning to seek support and help is the next step to dealing with this disorder. Whether we take the next step and apply for therapy depends on us. If we want to build a lasting and strong relationship, rebuild family ties, and not lose all that we have rejected to satisfy our sexual needs, the desire for treatment may be stronger.
Treating sex addiction itself takes a long time. Sometimes medications are necessary in the case of sex addiction. The first sexual intercourse usually takes place after about 5 years of therapy alone. Moreover, there is always a risk that the patient will revert to previous sexual habits, so a complete recovery is not possible.