Sex: 5 exercises to feel confident

Having sex helps strengthen muscles. But the opposite is also true: in order to surrender to the feeling with all your heart, you need to have a strong body and endurance. This will help you five unusual exercises and … the clock face.


What is the use?

In sex, looseness is important, both literally and figuratively. If your movements have a large amplitude and nothing constrains you, you will be more open and active in sex. Few people are naturally given to sit on a twine, and not everyone has the same angle of hip opening. But it is possible to increase it. To do this, you first need to strengthen the muscles of the thighs.

How to do it

Imagine that you are standing in the center of the dial. 12 o’clock in front of you, 6 o’clock behind you. Lunge forward with your right foot at 12 o’clock. Shift all your weight onto your right leg and then return to the starting position. Now lunge at 1 o’clock in the afternoon and come back again. Then at 2, 3, 4, and you can even try (for those who can stretch) at 5 and 6 hours.

Change legs. Lunge with your left foot at 11 o’clock, then at 10, 9, 8, and cautiously at 7 and 6.


What is the use?

Any position in sex in which you need to lean against a wall (table) or just lean back requires strong core muscles – that is, both the back and the press at the same time.

How to do it

Take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kilograms and stand up straight, raising your arms above your head. You should feel the tension in the muscles of your back and build your posture so that it is comfortable for you to stand – and this can only be when you are standing straight. Don’t arch your back. If you do this, you will immediately feel discomfort. Raise the dumbbell above your head and describe a circle with it in a horizontal plane, holding it with both hands by the edges. For more stability, you can put your feet shoulder-width apart, but then your right foot should be slightly forward.

pelvic rotation

What is the use?

Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles will allow you to feel more pleasure in bed and get rid of the pain that can occur if you decide to try an unusual position. Your muscles will become more elastic and will be able to contract with more force. In classic Kegel exercises, we work only on the pelvic floor. Here you will strengthen both the pelvic floor muscles and the core muscles at the same time.

How to do it

Sit on a fitness ball (fitball) so that your feet are firmly planted on the floor. Feel the tension in the muscles of the thighs, pelvic floor and abs, keep your hands on your belt. Start moving your pelvis back and forth (from 12 to 6 o’clock), then left and right (from 3 to 6 o’clock). The most important thing here is to noticeably tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor, as if you are trying to hold something with them. Only in this case you will get the result from the exercise. Then move on to circular movements – describe them with your hips, sitting on the ball and squeezing the muscles of the pelvic floor. If you don’t have a ball, stand up and imitate the movements as if you were spinning a hula hoop.


What is the use?

Your hips will become stronger, which is good for movement in any position.

How to do it

Stand against the wall, leaning on it with your whole back. Feet shoulder-width apart, about one foot away from the wall. Start climbing down the wall until you reach a position as if you were sitting in a chair. If necessary, the legs can be slightly rearranged forward.

The main task is to do the exercise slowly and without jerking. Stay in this position until you feel a burning sensation in your thigh muscles. Then put your feet a little wider. Stay in this position for a few seconds and try to put them even further apart. So, time after time, increase the distance until you feel a strong burning sensation in the muscles. The strongest can do this exercise relying on only one leg.


What is the use?

Strong buttocks are needed in order to vigorously make jerky movements in bed. This exercise also strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, hips and back.

How to do it

Come out of the supine position with your legs bent and resting on your hands to a position where the torso is lifted up and in line with the hips.

So you need to stand for just a second, and then slowly lower yourself, vertebra by vertebra, back. You can complicate this exercise by lifting one leg or relying only on the heels or only on the toes.

About the expert: Sari Loker is a sexologist who teaches sexology at Columbia University (USA).

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