- 1. Make the most of the mating season
- 2. Prepare a month in advance
- 3. Don’t set the bar too high
- 4. Re-establish physical contact
- 5. Reconnect with your sensations
- 6. Plan romantic one-on-one
- 7. Get out of your comfort zone
- 8. Leave the field
- 9. Show yourself to be playful
- 10. Dare to talk about sex
- 11. Create a special atmosphere
1. Make the most of the mating season
Heat and light influence our libido and boost our sexuality. In summer, the mood is high and desire rises because hormones are boiling. It’s chemistry, and it’s proven in all animals and humans! Listen to the messages your hoop sends you and let your wild nature and instincts run wild!
2. Prepare a month in advance
You want to make up for lost time because it must be admitted, the daily race, the professional and family constraints, the mutual annoyances and the worries have put the intimacy of the couple and the sexual relations in the background for months . For a hot reunion, set the stage and make the effort to put your differences on hold. After the kids are in bed talk to each other, express your desires and emotions, listen to each other, say what you like and what bothers you. Recreating links and complicity upstream will allow you to be motivated from the start of the holidays.
3. Don’t set the bar too high
Have you decided to take advantage of the holidays to make love again intensely? Don’t fall for the performance obsession! Summer is a good time to get together, but putting pressure on yourself is counterproductive. Sexuality should not become a constraint. There is no standard when it comes to sex, the desire sometimes takes a long time to manifest, you have to be patient and forgiving. Let go, stop thinking, stop wanting to control at all costs, let your two bodies naturally reconnect with pleasure.
“Explore erotic literature together:he novels of the Marquis de Sade, Virginie Despentes, Pierre Louys or “50 shades of gray”… ”
4. Re-establish physical contact
Of course, reconnecting with sexual ecstasy is important. But in order to achieve perfect privacy, it is essential to do cool activities together. The pleasure of swimming for two, the complicity of meals concocted together, the languor of basking in the sun side by side, all the activities that make us available to each other are preliminaries to hot nights.
5. Reconnect with your sensations
The awakening of your sensuality passes through the skin to skin because the contact causes a secretion of endorphins (hormones of the well-being). Sleep naked. Cover each other with sunscreen, walk hand in hand. Stimulate your senses. Savor frozen cocktails, walk in the hot sand, dine outside, enjoy the warm nights, the wind …
6. Plan romantic one-on-one
To reconnect with your relationship, you will have to give you real moments for two. Of course, with children it is less easy. If you can find a babysitter on site or hand them over to their grandparents for the evening, great. Otherwise, organize romantic evenings once the children are in bed. Turn off your TV, laptops, smartphones, cut yourself off from the outside world and recreate the bubble conducive to moments of intimacy and carnal pleasures.
7. Get out of your comfort zone
Routine is a real killer and the holidays are the perfect occasion to change habits. No more rigid schedules, expeditious meals, take the time to live, to surprise him. What is valid for daytime activities is even more valid for nights. Give free rein to your imagination, try new caresses, vary the pleasures. Follow your impulses, stay tuned to your body and its desires as much as possible. If you want to try something more fun than the bedroom or the bed, say so. If sex in the great outdoors (out of sight of course) or erotic massages excite and tempt you, take the first step. The more you create the surprise, the more eroticism you will instill in your relationship.
“No more routine! Summer boosts hormones and libido, so let’s take advantage! “
8. Leave the field
Reunion evenings are important, but don’t hesitate to take advantage of the holidays to also do things that you like on your own. The fusion plan “we are both, we do everything together” is downright “killing” for the couple! Do not hesitate to sleep in or give yourself a session at the beautician while your man takes care of the little ones … You will be relaxed and grateful to your darling for being attentive to your well-being.
9. Show yourself to be playful
The favorite playground of adults is sexuality! There are many naughty card and dice games out there. On the first die, there are areas of the body (mouth, ears, breasts, neck, etc.) and on the second, actions (stroking, licking, etc.). You just have to perform the combination on your partner. Put yourself in the shoes of a character who allows himself things that you would not dare to do …
10. Dare to talk about sex
Take stock of what is working well between you and what could be improved. Talking bluntly about sex is titillating. Whether lying by the pool or on the terrace of a cafe, the speech eroticizes the relationship. In order not to fall into the annoying reproaches, everyone talks about themselves. Don’t be afraid to state your desires and take them on board. Your darling will choose to answer it or not, the ball will be in his court! If you have a hard time saying what would make you happy, send naughty texts.
11. Create a special atmosphere
When you are planning a night of passionate lovers, create a special atmosphere, light candles in the bedroom and the bathroom, put on music, flowers, incense, pretty sheets … Just to detach yourself from everyday life and to be “
As soon as you have succeeded in rediscovering a physical, amorous, sensual and sexual bond, continue your momentum, keep the same playful state of mind, the same attention to each other, the same availability , don’t let everyday routines suck you in again until next year. That would be a pity !