Severe thrush: causes. Video

Severe thrush: causes. Video

Many women experience thrush. This fungal infection occurs most often against the background of problems in the body. And until the causes of candidiasis are eliminated, the unpleasant symptoms of the disease will recur again and again. It’s time to understand the prerequisites for the onset of thrush.

It is after treatment with antibiotics that women often complain of thrush. The thing is, antibiotics don’t care what bacteria need to be destroyed. Therefore, they can kill bacteria, without which it is impossible to maintain microbial balance in the body. In this case, vaginal lactobacilli and intestinal microflora are defenseless against the antibiotic. And fungi, in turn, are absolutely insensitive to such drugs, they receive favorable conditions for reproduction and growth.

Often, thrush develops against the background of uncontrolled and frequent use of antibiotics. But if you cannot do without these drugs, then you need to simultaneously protect the beneficial microflora from destruction

Low immunity and hormones

Thrush almost always develops with chronic stress and frequent infectious diseases. People with HIV also suffer from candidiasis. Some pregnant women complain of thrush. During the carrying of a child, the vaginal microflora may change, the fungi are active at this time. If candidiasis worsens in the second half of the menstrual cycle, then the cause of thrush is hormones. After ovulation, the concentration of progesterone increases and overall immunity decreases.

Oral contraceptives also affect female immunity. If a woman is completely healthy, then she may not notice any changes in the body. But if a lady suffers from any chronic disease, then taking hormonal contraceptives can become a serious impetus for the onset of symptoms of candidiasis.

Endocrine diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus, can also provoke the appearance of thrush.

Frequent use of alkaline soap for washing is detrimental to lactobacilli. And the desire of some women to wash the vagina with soap leads to their complete destruction. Fungi thrive in an alkaline environment. The fashion for openwork synthetic underwear and tight jeans allows the girl to look 100%, but it greatly interferes with the ventilation of the external genitals. A thin strip of thong panties is considered the best conductor of fungi and pathogenic bacteria from the anus to the vagina.

Based on this, we can conclude that you need to use special intimate gels for hygiene, as well as wear loose clothing and cotton panties. If you experience symptoms of thrush, see your doctor right away. The sooner treatment is started, the more chances you have to get rid of this scourge forever.

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