If a person needs to scratch his ear, he practically does not think about what is the cause of this phenomenon. But itchy ears can indicate serious pathologies in the body. When the first symptoms appear, it is recommended to go to the doctor’s office.
Itchy ears: what is the reason?
A common problem is itching inside the ears.
The reasons for this phenomenon are different and are provoked by different stimuli:
- Sulfur. Many have a sulfuric discharge in the ear canal. This process is accompanied by itching. If you want to prevent such a nuisance, you should not forget about hygiene procedures.
- If you insert cotton swabs too deep into your ear, the wax in your ear will be compacted. This will lead to traffic jams.
If there are plugs in the ears, only a doctor can help you get rid of them.
- Lack of sulfur. If you have practically no sulfur discharge, then you may experience irritation of the skin receptors.
- Foreign objects. Severe itching in the ears for this reason appears when a foreign thing irritates the inner walls of the ear for a long time
- Ticks. If it seems that someone is crawling under the skin, you should not exclude the presence of a tick. Bite marks usually appear on the skin
- Dermatological pathology. You may have psoriasis or eczema. Such ailments make themselves felt by the appearance of papules and scales. They are the cause of itching.
- Allergens. If itching in the ears appears, more attention is paid to the hygiene products that are constantly used: gel, soap, shampoo
- Otitis. In most cases, the disease is accompanied by fever, lethargy and discomfort in the ears.
In addition, unpleasant symptoms can result from mechanical damage. If hygiene procedures are inaccurate, microcracks appear on the eardrum. Sometimes the described symptom indicates the presence of diabetes.
If your ears start to itch inside, then you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe treatment. Usually, therapy depends on the problem that caused the unpleasant symptom.
- With otomycosis, antimycotic drugs are prescribed. For example, amphotericin or levorin. These agents suppress the activity of fungi.
- In case of otitis media, antibacterial drugs are used. Perhaps the doctor will recommend drops – cypromed or normax. If eczema or any other dermatological ailment is detected, it is advised to use antihistamines, such as suprastin or tavegil.
Thus, if your ear itches, you should immediately consult a doctor.
After all, timely treatment will help you cope with the disease faster.
Also interesting to read: we clean our ears with peroxide.
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