Spicy, burning, hellish, turning your throat into Vesuvius full of heat, but so delicious! There will never be a lot of peppercorns, especially in winter – it can be used as a warming, anti-cold remedy, and it’s not a shame to put it on the table – under smoked salsa with mustard, pickled cucumbers and black bread – that’s it!
There is already an article on Romovy that explains in general terms how to make peppercorns at home – here it is. But are these simple basic recipes enough for the searching minds of home alcoholic experimenters – our readers? Peppercorns can be done in a lot of different ways, which will give us completely different, dissimilar results. Today we will talk about making a “pepper burner” on moonshine, vodka, alcohol, learn recipes for express pepper for an hour, the original Green Serpent drink, and also an unusual pepper tincture “Lucifer’s Tear”, which does not need to be filtered.
How to choose raw materials for homemade peppercorns? A bit of theory
I will say right away – none of the existing pepper recipes is 100% correct. You will never get the same drink as the author of the recipe, and just making the same vodka with pepper twice, alas, will not work. The reason for this is simple – all peppers are different. There are thousands of breeds and varieties of it, the fruits collected at different times of the year have different pungency, taste and sharpness.
a million factors influence: how and where the vegetable grew, how it was stored, how it was processed.
Hotness of peppers according to Scoville. To see the image in full size, click “open image in new tab”. Click, it’s interesting!
There are 2 ways that will allow you to control the spiciness of the final drink. The first is to make a pepper extract, an archaic tincture that can be added little by little to vodka. And the second (in my opinion, more faithful) is to insist on ordinary moonshine on pepper, but try it daily, or even 2 times a day – in this case, the pepper is removed as soon as the drink becomes sharp enough. In general, pepper tincture is like sex. The main thing is to pull it out in time, otherwise tears are inevitable.
And, of course, the most unpleasant moment – the pepper must be tasted before you throw it into the tincture. Regardless of which variety you use: chili, cayenne, jalapeno, or the usual “light”, the fruit should be slightly cut and licked in order to determine how much to throw into the drink. In general terms: if you can chew a piece without tears – you need 20 grams per liter, and if immediately after tasting you are irresistibly drawn to drink water, your nose is blocked, your breath is intercepted, and your hands are not washed for several more hours – 2 grams will be enough, and even then – without membranes and seeds. How to prepare peppers – see the video about peppering at the very end of the article.
And one more important point. Some varieties of pepper are so hot that their juice is dangerous to health (see the attached table for more details). Therefore, as a specialist in pepper gas sprays, I recommend preparing raw materials exclusively with rubber gloves, and if, God forbid, the juice gets into your eyes or on your face, rinse not with water, but with milk. Effectively kill the taste of pepper will help … alcohol. Just wave 50 grams – and stop breathing fire.
Some varieties of pepper are so “burnt” that they are collected only in special protective suits.
Cold Pepper Recipes
I will say right away that pepper is my favorite tincture, I use it for everything from headaches to depression. Therefore, when people ask me if peppercorns help with a cold, I always answer “yes”.
In fact, of course, vodka with pepper will not lift you to your feet like a snap of your fingers. Moreover, if you are very sick and have a high temperature, you should not drink it – it will only get worse. But this drink can be used as an auxiliary drug at the first signs of acute respiratory infections or with hypothermia. A little – 100-150 grams, as Bulgakov bequeathed “for a hot and spicy snack” – and immediately under the covers. The drink will warm you up, make you sweat properly, bring the body into tone and disperse the blood – this is very important, since the influx of fresh blood will help to eradicate the virus as soon as possible.
Pepper is a natural antiseptic, it is rich in vitamin C (of course, not as much as wild rose, but still), it has vasodilating properties. Pepper and moonshine, which also stimulates blood circulation, mutually reinforce each other’s action. In addition, alcohol softens the burning taste and effectively extracts trace elements – with pepper you will get much more useful substances than just eating a whole pepper.
And another effect of this medicinal plant is anti-inflammatory. Peppercorns on alcohol are often used as a remedy for indigestion – it easily kills all kinds of infection that has settled in the gastrointestinal tract. Among other things, such a tincture can be used not only internally, but also (oh, a transfer of the most valuable product!) Externally – for rubbing.
How to make peppercorns at home in 15 minutes?
When I feel that I am starting to get sick or very cold, I use this simple (even slightly artisanal) recipe for moonshine peppercorns: I take a glass of 70-degree distillate, pour about half a teaspoon of paprika into it, a large pinch of Chili, a small pinch of black and allspice (all ground), mix and put in a water bath, tightly closing the container with a lid.
After 10 minutes, the tincture should be slightly cooled and filtered well – through a dense cotton filter and sweetened (half a teaspoon of sugar or honey). You need to dilute with ice so that the warm liquid reaches room temperature – 3-4 large pieces. As soon as the ice has melted, the medicine is ready for use!
Of course, such a “drink” does not attract pepper. It is, rather, a purely medicinal drug and its taste is not very pleasant. If you have at least an hour and a half of time, it is better to use the following recipe.
Recipe for moonshine peppercorns in an hour
For this recipe, we need half a liter of vodka, 1 hot pepper and 2 teaspoons of honey. For authenticity, you can use a little dried paprika – just not ground, but sliced uXNUMXbuXNUMXbin circles.
This drink is made like this:
- Pepper must be cleaned of seeds and membranes, cut the flesh lengthwise, make cuts in the skin with a blade or a sharp knife.
- Boil about 80-100 milliliters of water in a mug, throw in pepper and paprika, reduce the fire to a minimum.
- After the mixture has boiled for 10 minutes, add honey to it to taste, stir until completely dissolved. Turn off the fire, cover the mug with a lid (you can additionally wrap it in a towel) and let it cool to room temperature.
- After the mixture has cooled, it must be tasted. If the taste is too sharp – use not all the raw materials, but only part of it.
- Honey syrup, along with pepper, is poured into a bottle of vodka and stirred well several times. Ideally, vodka should stand for another hour or two in a dark place, but if you can’t wait, you can use it right away.
Quick pepper for colds helps no worse than the one that is infused for 10-20 days, in addition – it has a completely sane, albeit maybe slightly poor taste. If you do not drink all the tincture at once, do not forget to remove the pepper from it, otherwise next time, it is quite possible that you will not be able to drink it.
Fire-breathing “Green Serpent” – original green peppercorns
I found this recipe on the forum of moonshiners, as for me it is quite interesting, in any case – definitely unusual! I bring it with some simplifications, because some of the ingredients from the original recipe are definitely not found in the pantry of the average person.
So, we need:
A liter of good grain moonshine diluted to 50 degrees.
- One medium hot pepper – naturally green.
- A handful of currant leaves (natural dye).
- 2-3 peas of black, white and Jamaican (allspice) peppers.
- 2-3 grains of paradise. If you don’t have this spice of the ginger family (for example, I haven’t seen it in my eyes), this item can be completely skipped. They say that the grains of paradise are replaced by coriander, cardamom seeds (without boxes) and juniper. Somewhere like this: 2-3 pieces of cardamom and coriander and 1 juniper berry.
- A piece of cinnamon – 1 cm.
- Lime zest – a piece 2-3 cm long.
- Honey (light) – 2 teaspoons.
Preparing this whole thing is very simple: all the spices are infused on moonshine in a dark, warm place. The tincture should be tasted daily – as soon as the sharpness becomes sufficient, remove the pepper, and leave the rest for up to 10 days until the drink becomes fragrant and acquires a beautiful green color (in which case, the color can be “caught up” to the ideal with food coloring). After insisting, strain, add warmed honey, stir well, leave to rest for another week. When a precipitate appears, decante or filter. Everything is ready!
For those who do not like to mess with filters – the recipe for peppercorns “Lucifer’s Tear”
When preparing peppercorns from moonshine at home, you will definitely encounter clouding of the drink. This is inevitable: firstly, fresh pepper itself gives turbidity, secondly, all ground ingredients (for example, paprika) and thirdly, honey, which contains residues of wax and other impurities. Of course, everyone wants the drink to be not only tasty, but also beautiful, that is, transparent. There are two ways out – filter, filter, defend, and filter again or – use this recipe.
- Cereal double purified moonshine or sorting 50 ° – 1 liter;
- Whole chili peppers (necessarily dried) – 2-3 things;
- Dried paprika slices (the larger, the better) – a tablespoon;
- A couple of grains of all the peppers that are in the house (black, white, allspice, green, red);
- Cinnamon – a piece of 1 cm.
- Cloves – 1 piece.
- Sugar, water, lemon juice, a pinch of vanillin – for syrup.
As you already understood, we use ingredients that give the least sediment – dried, large, easily removed from the drink. We replace honey with invert syrup – this article describes in detail how to cook it.
The preparation is also easy. We clean the pepper from the stalk, seeds and membranes, cut it lengthwise, throw it into a jar along with the rest of the spices and pour it with alcohol. Dried pepper reveals the taste more slowly than fresh, so you can start tasting the tincture from the third or fourth day. The drink should be infused from 10 days to two weeks. If the pepper has become too hot before this time, the main ingredient must be removed.
At the end of the infusion, the pepper is drained through several layers of gauze (a little sediment may still appear in it). Next, an invert syrup is prepared, which is added to the tincture – 2-3 teaspoons, to taste. Now the drink needs to rest for another couple of weeks, after which it will be completely ready to drink!
Do not forget that our today’s drink does not tolerate formalists – it is always experimental, it will not be possible to clearly follow the recipe, and there is no need for this. If you don’t know how to make peppercorns at home without any ingredient, don’t be afraid to use your wits! So, for example, in the Lviv cafe “Masoch” I tried an incomparable pepper tincture with fresh paprika – very tasty, fresh and original. You can also achieve interesting results if you replace the usual paprika with smoked paprika – it is called “pimenton” – then an additional noble aftertaste will appear in the drink. And how much can you add to the tincture of various spices! In general – full scope for imagination!
If you are going to make peppercorns, the notorious comrade Alkofan shot a video to help you, I post his video here.
Successful experiments!