The 44-year-old politician remains in a stable serious condition after being poisoned. He is now being treated at the famous hospital in Berlin.
7 456 177August 24 2020
Алексей Навальный</p>» data-v-16fc2d4a=»» height=»600″ loading=»lazy» src=»» width=»600″>
Improvement in the condition of Alexei Navalny after the poisoning and flight for treatment to Germany has not yet been observed. This was reported by the Berlin hospital Charite in response to a letter from colleagues from Omsk.
The head physician of the Omsk emergency hospital No. 1, Alexander Murakhovsky, said that he received this information, coupled with a polite gratitude in response to an offer to help treat the politician.
“We are grateful that we are interested in health, thank you for a stable condition … We are glad to continue informing about the patient’s health. The condition is consistently grave, ”Murakhovsky said.
It was also noted that the Berlin colleagues did not request any additional documents and test results.
Meanwhile, the head of the Cinema for Peace foundation, Yak Bizil, who organized Navalny’s flight to Germany, said that Alexei would get out, but he would be incapacitated for the next few months, reports “
“I assume that he will survive, this is my interpretation of the events of the last two or three days,” Bizil said, but at the same time emphasized that he was not a physician, and to complete the picture, one should wait for the assessment of German doctors.
Bizil also noted that in the next two or three days it is unlikely that it will become clear whether Alexei Navalny will be able to survive the poisoning without consequences.
On the morning of August 20, Alexei Navalny felt sick on the plane
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Navalny’s press secretary Kira Yarmysh, however, these words
Фото: @navalny, @ yulia_navalnaya / Instagram, Getty Images