
To whom more is given, more is asked. Not so with leaders! If you want to have more in life, it is beneficial for you to be a leader. If you want to do more in life, you must become a leader. The leader is the one who has the advantage. A leader is someone who is allowed to have an advantage. The leader is the one under whom the laws are written. When it will be so easy for you to be the first and manage your life that leadership will no longer feel like work, it will only become interesting for you to be a leader. This is one of the most interesting and creative things in life — to be a leader, that is, to build life, people and yourself.

For those who like to think independently, the text will give the richest opportunity to give birth to their thoughts for an entire kindergarten, and for those who prefer to use the author’s considerations, I suggest in advance the most correct conclusion from the entire book:

Influencing life is good, but influencing well is even better!

Leadership: intrigue and technology

Are you a leader?

Do you want to be a leader?

Yes, you want to be a leader. And the fact that you hesitate with the answer is about something else: about the fact that you have not yet learned to do it joyfully and easily. So this is your immediate prospect!

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The Precious Place of a Leader: Why You Should Want It

The fact that it is not easy to be a leader and that the leader has to move faster than others seems to be known. But then why do so many people want to be leaders, fight for leadership, learn to be leaders? You know the answer: a leader is a very rich place, and once you have invested and received IT, after a long time you will have big dividends almost for free.

If you want to have more in life, it is beneficial for you to become a leader.

However, rich places attract not only consumers, but also creators. Do you like to make life around you more beautiful, cleaner and more convenient? Do you want your (and not only your) children to walk in beautiful yards and go to good schools in your city? You know, to do this, you have to be a strong person, and sometimes very strong.

If you want to do more in life, you must become a leader.

The leader is the one who has the advantage.

  • A leader is someone who is allowed to have an advantage.

The leader is the one under whom the laws are written.

  • Moreover, the laws are most often written by the leaders themselves.

And given that they write laws most often for others, they themselves do not write the law. Clarification: in fact, their lives are governed by much more stringent laws than those written for everyone, but what many and most limit themselves to is really not a decree for them.

If we formulate briefly and most importantly, if we immediately give a hint and an execution algorithm in the definition, then the definition of the concept of «leader» will sound like this:

A leader is someone who puts himself outside the law, but does it either smartly and beautifully, or very beneficial for others.

  • That’s why he is allowed to.

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