Seven ways to delay aging. Jane Fonda reveals secrets

Jane Fonda is 84 years old, but her beauty and physical fitness can envy the actress much younger women. The Hollywood star has several ways to delay aging. She shared them with fans, incl. in a book published over 10 years ago. What is Fonda doing that still inspires admiration?

  1. Jane Fonda, 84, continues to be active in her work and continues to encourage people to exercise at home. However, he emphasizes that you should adapt them to your age
  2. A healthy diet and giving up stimulants is, according to Fonda, a way to not shorten your life. From time to time, however, the actress allows herself a piece of chocolate
  3. He also pays special attention to wholesome sleep and regularly devoting some time to himself
  4. In her life, the actress has already struggled, among others with breast and skin cancer. That is why sun protection is very important to her
  5. In her opinion, there is nothing wrong with women her age remaining sexually active. Moreover, the actress believes that it is extremely healthy for them
  6. More information can be found on the Onet homepage  

Jane Fonda is one of Hollywood’s most colorful characters. Thanks to her acting skills, she has earned the recognition of millions of viewers around the world over the years. The actress is also a political activist and promoter of a healthy lifestyle. Although, as she admits, she had to adapt her current training to her age, the 84-year-old actress still tries to be active not only professionally, but also physically.

Around the age of 40, the actress, fascinated by physical activity, decided to infect American women with a healthy lifestyle and a willingness to train. Jane Fonda’s Workout Book was on the New York Times bestseller list, and the video cassette Jane Fonda’s Workout, released in 1982, is one of the bestsellers on the market. Fonda showed women that they don’t need a gym to stay fit. The home workouts were, of course, complemented by a leotard, leggings and leggings, which at that time became a mandatory training outfit.

Jane Fonda revealed her ways to delay aging, incl. in the book “Prime Time” published in 2011 and numerous interviews. Looking at the 84-year-old actress who has been playing Grace in the Netflix series “Grace and Frankie” since 2015, we can confidently say that her methods actually work.

Remember to be physically active

No one is surprised that one of the conditions Jane Fonda mentions in order to maintain health and beauty is movement. “Maintaining a healthy weight, heart and bones with regular exercise is an important part of aging successfully” emphasized Fonda in a 2017 interview for People magazine. Although the actress is not as efficient as she was years ago, she still finds time and willingness to exercise.

I have a fake hip, fake knee and have had several spine surgeries, so I’m half metal and half bionic now. I have osteoarthritis and getting in and out of the car is a challenge for me. I’m glad I exercised a lot before because it makes me stronger now

betrayed the actress in an interview with the Daily Mail in 2016.

Fonda decided to adapt the exercises to her age and, as she admits, “she never intends to stop”. The actress shares her ways to keep fit with fans via Instagram and TikTok. In an interview for Healthy Living, she also revealed that she tries to walk a lot, and although she lifts less weights and moves slowly, she believes that movement is absolutely crucial to stay active. «If you are in a wheelchair, move your arms» emphasized the actress.

  1. For better exercise results, try the Powerband HMS GU05 exercise resistance bands with various resistances, which you can find at great prices on the Medonet Market.

The most important thing for Fonda is independence.

We can let our various ailments define us, or we can say to ourselves: »I want to be independent as long as possible. I want to be able to sit on the floor and play with my grandchildren. I want to carry at least some of my luggage and not need 15 minutes to get out of the car«

she said, quoted by Platinum Magazine.

Give up stimulants

According to Fonda, it is never too late to change. As quoted by Chatelaine, in her book Prime Time, the actress listed 11 things that we shouldn’t do. Among them were, among others smoking, drinking too much alcohol and not getting enough sleep.

In an interview with CBS News about the final season of “Grace and Frankie”, Jane Fonda revealed why she no longer drinks alcohol.

If I had a martini today, tomorrow I would regret it. Alcohol affects you differently at this age. I know I’m getting closer to death and resigned myself to it, but I’m not going to shorten the life I have left by sipping drinks

Fonda explained in an interview with CBS News.

If you have a problem with giving up stimulants, try Stop Addiction – Panaseus Panaseus dietary supplement, which will not only help you control the problem, but also support the detoxification of the body.

Eat healthy food

The actress does not believe in diets, but in the long-term change of eating habits. «Most diets focus on weight loss and restrictive, temporary weight loss. Unfortunately, such a scenario has a failure in advance » translated in the film material for “BeFit”.

However, Fonda emphasizes that salt restriction is especially important for our health. Too much sodium it contains increases blood pressure and causes water retention in the body, which can lead to a heart attack and stroke. In addition to sodium, Fonda also advises you to avoid refined sugars in your diet.

However, a healthy diet does not have to be full of sacrifices. The actress starts her day with a hearty breakfast, a occasionally he allows himself a piece of chocolate.

If you want sweets, reach for the healthier ones. We recommend, for example, Milk chocolate without added sugar PURE & good 75g available in various flavors or Cranberry in dark chocolate Anka Dziedzic.

Sleep a lot

Jane Fonda spends eight to nine hours sleeping. As sleep becomes more and more problematic over the years, the actress advises to exercise during the day, not to drink coffee after lunch, and to eat foods with natural tryptophan, which is involved in the production of melatonin, so that we get a full-fledged sleep.

  1. RestMe Health Labs – when you have sleep problems Health Labs Care is a supplement that will help you improve the quality of sleep, relaxing and regenerating the body.

This amino acid is also responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system, reducing hyperactivity and tension, improves immunity, and is also involved in the production of serotonin, the so-called. the happiness hormone. Natural sources of tryptophan are, among others fish (e.g. cod), meat, dairy products and pulses.

To improve the quality of his sleep, Fonda has a constant temperature set in the room, and a weighted blanket is used as a cover. «It makes it easy for me to fall asleep and sleep all night. It is divine » underlines the actress quoted by the health magazine Prevention. You can find high-quality Weighted Blankets on the Medonet Market.

Take care of your skin

In her daily care, the actress focuses primarily on proper skin hydration. However, she does not deny having undergone several plastic surgeries, which she claims were “minimal” and provided her with “an additional 10 years of working life”.

  1. Appropriate cosmetics will also help in daily care, eg Bioherba cosmetics set (youth serum + care and regeneration cream) or Youth Serum for dull and tired skin with vitamins C and E Malus, which is currently available at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

The star also emphasizes the importance of protecting the skin from the sun. The actress has struggled with cancer several times, including a skin cancer that has attacked her lip. Use appropriate sun care products, which you can find on the Medonet Market.

You should not sunbathe too much. I say this as the greatest sun worshiper, but after skin cancer and many surgeries, I can say not to be in the sun

Jane Fonda quoted by Prevention magazine.

Cleansing face gel with rice bioferment for normal, dry and mature skin, which improves the condition of the skin, softening and regenerating it, you can order today at Medonet Market. Also reach for the Bioherba soap bar for oily skin that regulates sebum secretion and strengthens blood vessels. These types of cosmetics will surely help the skin stay young and fresh for longer.

Make time for yourself

Apart from her work, Jane Fonda is also involved in activist activities. Her day is therefore filled with many tasks. The 84-year-old actress emphasizes that “downtime” is extremely important in such a busy life. It does not matter whether it will be a longer bath, pedicure or hiking trip, the most important thing is that the moment of free time should be a permanent place in our schedule.

At home, you can use beauty devices that will not only take care of your skin, but also help you relax. We recommend, among others A device for needle-free mesotherapy with 5 operating modes B-Glossy PRO.

In our spare time, we can also focus on activity for our brain. Solving sudoku or playing an instrument is a real thinking training.

Have sex

Until a few years ago, Jane Fonda openly encouraged women to have sex, as she believes it is a way to maintain self-confidence and self-awareness. While she admits there is no room for sex in her life today, she still believes that there is nothing wrong with women her age remaining sexually active.

These are very important issues: friendship and sex. Good for an older woman to have both

in 2018 she translated in an interview with a journalist of the “Extra” program.

  1. At Medonet Market, find the Libido Supplements that are right for you, which improve your well-being and support your intimate life.

It is worth emphasizing that sex is not only enjoyable, but also relieves pain, stimulates the immune system, helps fight stress and protects the heart.

Strong menstrual pain is not always “so beautiful” or a woman’s hypersensitivity. Endometriosis may be behind such a symptom. What is this disease and how is living with it? Listen to the podcast about endometriosis by Patrycja Furs – Endo-girl.

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