Seven unusual signs of dehydration. Do not underestimate!

Increased thirst is a signal that your body may already be dehydrated. This condition is especially dangerous for children and the elderly. However, research shows that most of us require more water than we usually do. How else can you tell if your body is dehydrated? We present seven atypical symptoms. Don’t ignore them, but use fluids as soon as possible.

– Water is about 60 percent. your body. It is involved in countless processes, including the elimination of toxins, the transport of nutrients and minerals that provide the building blocks for cells, explains clinical nutritionist Dr. Vikki Petersen in Forbes magazine. What signals does the body send when its hydration is declining?

A common symptom of dehydration is fatigue. – Lack of adequate water reduces the volume of blood and makes the heart tired more to ensure adequate nutrition, oxygen and fluids to all cells. This extra effort leads to fatigue, Dr. Petersen explains. It is important not to underestimate this symptom.

In addition to thirst and fatigue, dehydration may have a less obvious manifestation.

1. Unusual symptoms of dehydration. Sugar craving

– Adequate hydration allows the organs to release the stored glucose, and specifically glycogen, which is the body’s main source of energy, says Dr. Petersen. – Dehydration impairs the ability to release this compound. To make up for the lack of sugar, the body sends a signal that it needs another dose of sugar – the appetite for this ingredient grows – explains the dietitian in Forbes.

If you experience any symptoms of dehydration, reach for OxeoORS electrolytes for water and electrolytes replenishment, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

2. Unusual symptoms of dehydration. Headache

The brain tissue is extremely hydrated – about 75 percent. the brain is made up of water, so it feels the discomfort of dehydration even faster. The reaction is a headache.

Drink water before you feel thirsty. To do this, always have a full Water Jug 1890ml OstroVit water bottle handy, which will allow you to refill your fluids at any time.

  1. See also: Dehydration of the body – symptoms. How to recognize dehydration in the elderly?

3. Unusual symptoms of dehydration. Feeling hungry

Hunger and dehydration overlap and are often confused with each other. Both of these conditions can cause nausea, lethargy and dizziness – dietitian Miranda Galati. – Next time you feel hungry, drink water first. If you are still hungry a quarter of an hour later, eat something.

  1. See also: Dehydration – causes, symptoms, diagnosis. Who is at risk of dehydration?

4. Unusual symptoms of dehydration. Slower brain work

Even mild dehydration can adversely affect cognition. We feel distracted, irritable, have mood swings.

Do you feel sleepy, you lack energy and your mood is deteriorating? Check the level of electrolytes in the body. You can do this with the FixCare research package available on Medonet Market.

5. Unusual symptoms of dehydration. Dry eyes

– When you are dehydrated, your body must give priority to available water, “distributing” it to vital organs, such as the brain. This means that others will be less hydrated. You may then experience dry eyes, for example, describes Dr. Petersen.

Attention! Chronic dehydration will damage the eye tissues.

  1. See also: How to Avoid Dehydration and Hyperhydration? How much water should you drink per day?

6. Unusual symptoms of dehydration. Halitosis, bad breath

Dehydration reduces the production of saliva (which is 99% water) and disturbs the balance in the oral ecosystem. As a result, “bad bacteria” grow and cause bad breath.

OstroVit isotonic powder to regulate the water and electrolyte balance will help you replenish your fluids.

7. Unusual symptoms of dehydration. You eat less but don’t lose weight

“Your ability to lose weight depends on your body’s ability to detoxify, absorb nutrients, and maintain an adequate metabolic rate,” Dr. Petersen points out. All these factors are negatively affected by dehydration – it can make it difficult to lose unnecessary kilograms.

If you experience similar symptoms, you need to rehydrate your body as quickly as possible. You do this, for example, by using Litoxen Xenico, an electrolyte supplement. It is available on Medonet Market in a 1 + 1 set. It is also worth taking care of dry skin, which also needs hydration and protection against irritation. Reach for the EPTA CREME Body Lotion for dry and dehydrated skin and the EPTA CREME Kit for the cleansing and care of dry and dehydrated skin.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.


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