Seven signs your body needs vitamin D.

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It is estimated that over a billion people in the world suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Up to 90 percent. Poles may have this problem. And while more and more is being said about the importance of an ingredient, few people still know what the symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency are. Learn about the seven signals your body sends you when it is deficient in vitamin D.

  1. If you have no energy and tire quickly, get blood tests. You may find that you are deficient in vitamin D, experts warn
  2. One of the symptoms that quite strongly suggests vitamin D deficiency is a decline in immunity and frequent catching of various types of infections
  3. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency – Fatigue

We often feel that our lack of energy is the result of being kept busy and not getting enough sleep. However, it may turn out that the constant fatigue and physical exhaustion result from a deficiency of vitamin D. American scientists from Rowan University observed that the leveling of this substance in the bodies of the studied people made them stop feeling constantly tired. If you have no energy and tire quickly, get blood tests. You may find that you are deficient in vitamin D.which translates into a bad mood.

Remember that it is always worth consulting your GP during the online consultation, who will help you find the cause. In addition, he will advise and help you choose the amount of vitamin D, if its low level causes malaise.

Vitamin D and COVID-19
  1. Vitamin D supplementation may be important for COVID-19 patients
  2. Do vitamin supplements and preparations protect against coronavirus?
  3. Scientists have described the factor that determines vitamin D absorption
  4. This is how you fill in the gaps. Products that contain the most vitamin D.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency – frequent infections

Vitamin D has many functions in the body, but one of the most important is to strengthen the immune system. Thanks to it, the body is able to fight the viruses and bacteria that cause disease on its own. When you run out of vitamin D, you become more prone to infections. Do you often get colds, respiratory diseases and the flu? Scientists have confirmed that this may be related to low levels of vitamin D in the body. Instead of stuffing yourself with over-the-counter medications and antibiotics, you’d better start prevention – make up for the deficit, and your immunity should improve.

See also: Here are some of the best home remedies to boost your immunity

The rest of the article under the video.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency – bone pain and back pain

Vitamin D is very important for bone health. Why? Thanks to it, calcium and phosphorus, two key components for the condition of the skeletal system, are properly absorbed in the body. If it is missing, bone pain occurs, as shown by German researchers from the University of Giessen. Vitamin D deficiency can also manifest itself through back pain. Scientists from the US Department of Health and Human Services have come to such conclusions. So it may turn out that recurrent back pain is not the result of a sedentary lifestyle, but a lack of an important vitamin.

Vitamin D deficiency in the diet helps to make up supplementation. Dr. Jacob’s offers a vegan vitamin D3 dietary supplement available on Medonet Market.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency – hair loss

Many factors can be responsible for hair loss – stress, poor diet, weakened immunity. But doctors emphasize that a vitamin D deficiency may also be to blame. Experts from the University of Cairo have shown that there is a link between low levels of this vitamin in the body and the tendency to hair loss in women. Lack of vitamin D disrupts the life cycle of the hair, leads to hair thinning and increased hair loss.

If you are deficient in vitamin D, regularly use Vegan Vitamin D3 2000 IU Terranova, which you can find at a promotional price on the Medonet Market.

Also read: 10 most common causes of hair loss

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency – muscle aches

Vitamin D affects not only our bones, but also muscles. This is why its deficiency can cause muscle pain, loss of muscle mass, and problems with muscle regeneration after exercise. During an experiment conducted at the University of Bern, it turned out that 71 percent. patients with chronic muscle pain had too little vitamin D in their blood. Other studies have confirmed that taking high doses of vitamin D relieves muscle pain.

Do you want to supplement the level of vitamin D in your body? Order Vitamins in powder Aqua Kick ADEK OstroVit – a supplement that combines vitamins D, A, E and K.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency – depression

Vitamin D affects the entire body, including the brain. Experts have shown that depressive disorders can be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Such conclusions were reached, among others, by researchers from Harvard Medical School. Vitamin D levels are often too low in people with depression. Scientists say this ingredient influences the release of serotonin and dopamine in the brain – these two hormones are crucial for our well-being. If you feel depressed, have trouble sleeping or have anxiety disorders, don’t wait and see your doctor. It may turn out that it is enough to supplement the vitamin deficiencies to feel better.

If you want to take care of the proper level of vitamin D in your body, order Vitamin D3 + K2 Terranova complex available on Medonet Market today.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency – slow wound healing

Wound healing disorders after surgery and injuries can be an alarm sign that your body is demanding vitamin D. Researchers at the University of Alberta in Canada have found that vitamin D increases the production of compounds necessary for new skin to form during wound healing. Another study found that vitamin D deficiency slowed the recovery process after dental surgery. Interestingly, it has also been noticed that the body regenerates slower and worse, e.g. after infections, when we have an insufficient amount of vitamin D.

Vitamin D – how to supplement the deficiency?

Vitamin D is synthesized in our skin under the influence of solar radiation. This is why the sun is said to be the best source of vitamin D. Unfortunately, it is difficult to obtain this ingredient in this way in Poland. What about your diet? Yes, some products contain vitamin D, but in too small amounts to be able to provide the required daily dose with food. The best solution is supplementation. However, don’t do it on your own. It is best to contact your family doctor, who will tell you which preparation to choose. Before that, you may need to do blood tests to determine if you are suffering from a vitamin D deficiency.

On Medonet Market you will find Homocysteine ​​and Vitamin D Shipping Testing.

In order to supplement the deficiencies, it is worth choosing an appropriate supplement containing a high dose of vitamin D, such as Vitamin D3 from Now Foods.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time, we asked Orina Krajewska what, according to her, a holistic approach to health is. How to combine the three aspects – body, spirit and mind to enjoy balance and good health? You will hear about this and many other aspects of the topic in the latest episode of our podcast.

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