Seven reasons why you should be active in a pandemic
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– It is no coincidence that since the beginning of the pandemic, people have started to look after their gardens more, bake bread or DIY. Attractive classes have healing power, bring relief and de-stress – says prof. Mary Ann McColl of Queen’s University School of Rehabilitation Therapy in Ontario, Canada.

  1. All hobby activities are good for us and their benefits are even greater if we experience uncertainty, anguish or shock
  2. It is worth knitting, doing yoga online, finding other interesting activities. They will all help to survive this pandemic with intact self-esteem
  3. Being active during a pandemic can help restore meaning in life
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

How to survive a pandemic?

– In times of a pandemic and the related limitations, for example when it comes to keeping social distance, it is extremely important to find an interesting job, a hobby. It is no coincidence that since this spring, people have devoted themselves to the care of their gardens, baking bread or DIY – claims prof. Mary Ann McColl, Rehabilitation and Public Health Specialist at Queen’s University School of Rehabilitation Therapy in Ontario, Canada.

The expert proves that attractive classes have healing power, bring relief and de-stress.

– In the fall of 2011, after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, I presented my position on this matter to the experts of the American Foundation for Occupational Therapy, and although the current circumstances are radically different, the arguments are very similar. All hobby activities are good for us and their benefits are even greater if we experience uncertainty, anguish or shock — argues McColl.

The Canadian scientist lists seven reasons why it is worth opening up to an interesting way of spending free time in the difficult circumstances of the pandemic.

1. Identity

Troubled times threaten the integrity of the self. That’s why every action reminds us who we are. This in turn contributes to personality formation. Human activity makes the past, present and future integrated, and this, after the crisis is over, gives the opportunity to return to a fuller, more integrated self.

2. Championship

All activities remind us of our ability to control circumstances. They confirm our belief that we are able to take control of the situation, turn it to our advantage and get out of it without major losses.

Crisis makes people actors of the situation rather than its victims, so being active is inherently satisfying as it confirms our sense of mastery and adaptation.

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3. Habits

Routine activities in crisis situations make us stronger. They prove that the world goes on and that you can still lead a normal life. Psychologists have long understood that habits have restorative properties, otherwise chaos ensues. Habits reduce the feeling of fatigue, focus attention and protect a person from the stressful effects of difficult situations.

4. Distraction

Doing something interesting distracts you from the negative aspects of stressful situations. Diverse activity allows individuals to overcome the obstacles and difficulties of their daily lives and, under certain circumstances, to achieve optimal experience beyond the established realities of time and space. This state is called “flow”. All activity has the power to divert people’s attention away from difficulties, towards satisfaction and healthy commitment.

5. Support

Being active often involves interacting with others, for example by providing support in your efforts and receiving it in return. It is understandable that belonging is one factor in helping people to achieve positive results and deal with stress without negative health consequences. Joint activities can therefore have a double positive impact on both sides.

6. Survival

Evidence from anthropology shows that humans created and diversified professions that fostered collaboration and survival for both individuals and groups. Competitions respond to safety and maintenance needs and as such are important survival tools.

7. Spiritual community

Finally, when difficult times emerge, any activity can be a means of restoring meaning in life. This is probably the most effective measure available, by which individuals can confirm their relationship with themselves, with others, with the world, and in stressful moments, you can reassure yourself that you are not alone.

– So let’s knit, do yoga online, find other interesting activities. Because there are seven good reasons why you should do this. All of them will help to survive this pandemic with intact self-esteem, concludes Prof. Mary Ann McColl.

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