Hundreds of books have been written about proper nutrition, and a nutritionist is one of the most popular professions in our time. According to some sources, there are about 30 thousand diets in the world, and their number is growing rapidly.
But most of them, especially low-carb, give only a temporary effect, and sometimes cause harm to the body. After all, carbohydrates for us are the basis of life, they give the necessary energy, help to stay in good shape and are responsible for the work of the brain. In addition, diets often provoke additional nervous stress, forcing you to abandon the usual pleasures and driving you into the limits of restrictions. And after that, it is only necessary to return to the old rhythm of life and ignore the prescriptions, all the lost pounds quickly return, sometimes even with weight gain.
Still, eating right is easier than it sounds. To do this, you do not need to set yourself up for life bans in food and a joyless diet menu. The main thing is to focus exclusively on healthy foods, prepare a variety of dishes, forget about strict diets and adhere to the method of fractional nutrition. Eat five times a day, every two to three hours, including mandatory healthy snacks, which will help you with fruit chips “Yablokov”, which will not only please the sweetness of the taste, but also make up for the lack of nutrients.
Don’t be afraid of carbs!
Do not believe when you are told that carbohydrates only increase blood sugar levels and contribute to weight gain. In fact, they supply 60 % of all energy to our body! Without carbohydrates, the heart, brain, liver and nervous system simply will not be able to work properly and the metabolic processes will slow down. And if you consider that poor metabolism leads to weight gain, it becomes clear that without carbohydrates it will be difficult to lose weight or maintain a slim figure.
The main sources of healthy carbohydrates are fruits, among which apples are considered the most affordable and useful, because they grow even in the north and contain many necessary vitamins and trace elements. The company “Yablokov” owns gardens on the Black Sea coast, where the most delicious and fragrant fruits grow. Especially for those who want to eat right, the company’s factory prepares apple and pear chips, as well as apple crackers. They quickly replenish energy, satisfy hunger and satisfy the need for sweets.
Separately, it should be noted that all products of the company “Yablokov” have certificates of high environmental cleanliness, issued by the Federal Certification Center in November 2016. And apple chips received a gold medal in the category “Best product of 2016” at the international food exhibition “Prodexpo-2016”.
The products are recommended by the chief sanitary doctor of the Krasnodar Territory for children of school and preschool age.
This essential fiber
It is difficult to imagine a proper diet without fiber — dietary fibers that are not digested, but pass through the entire gastrointestinal tract, clean it and are excreted from the body. The highest fiber content is in vegetables and fruits, so snacking on apple snacks will give you great health and well-being. The fact is that with dietary fiber, the body leaves toxins, the microflora in the intestine heals, and the weight begins to melt. In addition, apples are rich in pectins, which are the real sanitation of the body — they neutralize even heavy metals, pesticides and radioactive substances.
How important is a balanced diet?
Of course, you can’t live on carbohydrates alone, so we also need healthy fats, vegetable and animal proteins for our health. Without them, it is impossible to fully function the organs and systems of the body. Proteins are the building blocks of cells, carbohydrates, as we have already found out, provide energy, and fats are the source of energy, affect metabolism and thermoregulation. So if you’re used to snacking on fruit snacks from Yablokov, just add a little nuts or cheese to them, and your snack will be perfect.
Eat more often and less
And one more good news — you can eat very often, after about 2-3 hours, but in microscopic portions. The fact is that with frequent snacks, you do not have time to get hungry, so you eat less and do not overload the stomach. The main thing is to include only healthy products in the menu. And the most suitable energy snack — fruit snacks from the company “Yablokov”. They are easy to digest, and they are very convenient to store thanks to the sealed packaging. And fruit snacks are extremely tasty and healthy.
So that the food does not get bored
Variety is what is important in everyday food. If you eat the same foods from morning to night, proper nutrition will get boring very quickly. Therefore, make snacks from fresh vegetables, first and second courses, pastries and delicious desserts to get all the necessary nutrients and not feel like a diet.
With fruit snacks, you can prepare delicious treats — fruit salads, sweet soups, porridges and cottage cheese desserts. Apple chips and crackers can be added to the dough for cupcakes, biscuits and cookies, make muesli and energy bars with them, add to tea and compotes. You need to live delicious!
Life-giving moisture
Water is life. It is no accident that our body consists of 60% of moisture, which needs to be replenished periodically. It is water that helps the body to absorb nutrients and actively remove toxins. Some nutritionists believe that the norm of water for each person should be calculated according to a special formula. But in fact, everything is much simpler-focus on thirst, because the body knows better how much water it needs. It depends on the weather, age and well-being. It is believed that you need to drink about 1.5-2 liters of water a day, but if you snacked on chips and crackers from apples and pears, the need for liquid may increase, because they are so sweet!
Be selective
It’s up to you to decide what to fill your stomach with. We recommend eliminating white sugar from the diet (or minimizing its consumption), fast food, soda, margarine, fried and very salty dishes, as well as products containing artificial flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives. Everything else can be eaten. Of course, pastries, chocolate, butter and lard are better tasted in moderation, but vegetables, fruits and herbs can not be limited. Listen to yourself and your feelings of satiety, if you are full-stop! Although fans of crunching apple chips and crackers say that it is impossible to stop!
It is ideal if you eat right and varied food all your life. However, this is not difficult to achieve, because with fruit snacks from Yablokov, your diet will never be boring!