Serious flu or common cold? Symptoms to help you tell them apart

The flu intensified the attack. In the current season, almost 3 million cases and suspected cases of influenza and flu-like diseases have been recorded in Poland. We are among the countries with the highest incidence of this dangerous viral disease. However, it is essential for all of us to learn to distinguish between a cold and the flu. Not only because you shouldn’t take an antibiotic, because it won’t work for the flu. Primarily because we tend to go to work with the infection. The snails catch a cold, meanwhile, the flu takes its vengeance for complications. One of them is a heart attack, which in this case affects even thirty-year-olds.

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1/ 10 Fever

This is one of the main symptoms that distinguish the flu from a cold. While the increased temperature always accompanies the flu and is around 39-40 degrees Celsius, in the case of a cold it may not be there at all. A person with a cold most often experiences recurrent low-grade fever. However, they cannot be compared with the persistently high body temperature during the flu, which is often accompanied by chills and profuse sweating. As with other viral diseases, antibiotics are ineffective and treatment is mostly symptomatic. It is recommended to stay at home and rest, drink plenty of fluids, use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – note: salicylates should not be used in children under 16 years of age. In young children, it is extremely important to stay hydrated and to lower the fever, which can lead to febrile seizures.

2/ 10 Pain in muscles and joints

It occurs with both flu and colds. However, it differs significantly in intensity and duration. In the case of flu, we can even talk about asthenia, i.e. weakening of the muscles of the entire body and joint pain that makes everyday functioning difficult. This condition persists throughout the duration of the virus infection. It is especially felt in parts of the body that have been injured in the past. On the other hand, an infection that leads to a cold, although it is also accompanied by muscle problems, usually does not affect the entire body and does not last throughout the disease.

3/ 10 Headache

Influenza, in addition to muscle pain, is accompanied by headaches. Most often they are located around the temples and sinuses. Unfortunately, in most cases they are difficult to eliminate with standard medications. A headache around the eyes can contribute to photophobia. A cold, if it is already accompanied by a headache, occurs punctually and you can get rid of it by taking painkillers.

4/ 10 Conjunctivitis

It occurs especially during flu, when the eyes start to water, the eyelids itch, and there is photophobia. Colds are usually not accompanied by such ailments.

5/ 10 Sore throat

A sore throat is usually a sign of a cold. Just like regular coughing. In the case of influenza, it is less common, although it becomes more severe in the last stages of the disease. Your cough may also get worse then. During a cold, we are also accompanied by a characteristic scratching sensation in the throat.

6/ 10 Dry cough

This is a characteristic symptom of infection with the flu virus. A dry cough without discharge or phlegm sometimes becomes paroxysmal. It is accompanied by muscle pain in the chest area. In the last stage of the flu, a dry cough may turn into a productive cough, typical of a cold.

7/10 Qatar

Besides the intensity of the fever, this is the second symptom after which it is easiest to distinguish between a cold and a flu. If we are dealing with a minor infection, the runny nose is usually more intense. Watery at first, causing nasal blockage. Flu, on the other hand, often runs without a runny nose.

8/ 10 Nausea or slight diarrhea

It only actually occurs when you have a heavy flu attack, especially in young children. They are then exposed to dehydration, so parents or guardians of the child should ask a doctor for consultation.

9/ 10 Lack of appetite

Characteristic for both flu and colds. In the case of flu, it may be extended to the duration of the illness. It is also more noticeable. The reason is the full mobilization of the body to fight the virus. When we do not eat, the body does not lose energy for the digestive process.

10/ 10 The intensity of the onset of symptoms

The difference between a cold and the flu also shows in the way symptoms appear. In the case of a cold, there are three stages: sore throat, fever and runny nose, followed by swelling causing difficulties in expectoration, combined with dehydration. As a result, in the case of ineffective treatment, dangerous bacterial superinfection may occur. The course of influenza is more rapid. We feel that the disease has caught us by surprise. The fever that rises rapidly up to 40 degrees is also characteristic.

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