series “Angelica” on STS Lika Kashina

“What you see on the show is a wonderful work of make-up artists on my look! In fact, I weigh half as much, – admitted Lika. – For filming, I was given a special plastic make-up, a silicone patch was glued to my face, which visually added chubby cheeks and a double chin to me. With the help of dressers, I put on my new body like a “spacesuit” from above. And then the clothes. I also wore full hands like gloves. In general, the process is complex and slow (laughs). Of course, my Angelica’s complexes multiply in direct proportion to the growing weight … But I want to say that many girls tend to have complexes even without such global problems. The nose is not the right shape, the legs are not long enough, and the hair is not as thick as we would like – we can think of anything! Therefore, I believe that the only possible way to say goodbye to complexes is to love yourself. Not so difficult! Accept your uniqueness, praise yourself in front of the mirror, smile (and inside too!), Convince yourself that you are the most beautiful, interesting, charming, talented. I am on my word! – I do this every day. At home, in traffic, in front of the camera. Working!

But I’m not talking about the fact that you don’t need to work on yourself at all and leave everything as it is if you are very unhappy with natural data. I just think that it is necessary to move from the inner to the outer. As for the flaws in the figure, then, it seems to me, the main assistant is sports. I myself am somewhat lazy in this sense, but with an effort of will I force myself to go to the gym twice a week. And by the way, always after a workout, despite the fatigue from classes, I feel full of energy!

I have never been on a diet, I can not imagine that I will have to eat some boring list of foods for a period. And it is a disaster for me to do without sweets. Buns, cakes, pancakes – I can’t resist them, I eat sweets every day, in moderation, of course. In general, on the menu I have mainly vegetables, fruits, uncooked meat and … water. I drink it a lot.

If we talk not about the figure, but about the skin, for example, then cosmetologists, massage and masks will help. They must be done without fail, because the skin gets tired of stress, ecology and cosmetics. I really love the banana and olive oil mask. My skin is prone to dryness and this mixture is good for nourishing. And I also want to say: do not be afraid to experiment! I wanted to change my hairstyle – change it! Change always boosts mood and self-esteem. “

Watch the new series “Angelica” with Lika Kashirina starring from monday to thursday at 19.00 on STS.

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