
Gestalt therapy is a psychotherapeutic method that helps to understand how we contact the outside world (we achieve our goals, try to fulfill our desires, interact with people) and why sometimes this contact does not bring us satisfaction.

Gestalt therapy is a psychotherapeutic method that helps to understand how we contact the outside world (we achieve our goals, try to fulfill our desires, interact with people) and why sometimes this contact does not bring us satisfaction. Serge Ginger, French Gestalt therapist and expert of our journal, in his book makes a brief excursion into the history of the creation of this method, introduces us to the personality of its founder Fritz Perls, succinctly formulates the basic theoretical principles and dwells in detail on Gestalt therapy techniques. This book is addressed to those who are just getting acquainted with this method. According to the author, it «is an introduction to Gestalt therapy, which is presented not as a complete scientific theory, but rather in the form of a hint for thinking about ourselves.»

Culture, 192 p.

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