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Teaching students at the University of Practical Psychology is also good because it is primarily focused on practice. Once, one of the students complained that it was difficult for her to complete the “Plus — Help — Plus” exercise, since her son Serezha did not listen to her or her criticism, all thoughts were only about the computer, which had to be hard password protected. And I once saw Serezha, he seemed to me a great guy, lively and quick-witted. I asked my mother to dial the phone so that I could talk to Serezha myself. She called, there was such a conversation …
N.I. Kozlov. Seryozha, hello! Seryozha, the situation is this: your mother will let you play on the computer, or whatever else you want to do. But, of course, only after you do what you need every time. This is fine?
Seryozha. This I know, but there is one inconvenience. I come home, do everything, and quite often I have time to do everything before my parents come. And I can already sit at the computer …
N.I. Kozlov. Sergei, it’s all right. You do everything quickly — it’s normal. When you do, call your mom right away, mom will tell you the password, and you will relax at the computer. It is clear that the password will be new every time, in the morning mom will change it. And you need to recognize him every time. Reasonable?
Seryozha. Well, yes. I’ll do this for a while and see how convenient it is.
N.I. Kozlov. Do you have any better suggestions?
Seryozha. Suggestions: do as it was before — remove the password altogether.
N.I. Kozlov. And what then will be the guarantees that you were doing business, and not playing games on the computer?
Seryozha. If I sit at the computer, then I will not have time to do my homework …
N.I. Kozlov. But you can make them hacky. There is an order: first the lessons are done, then life and the computer appear. So?
Seryozha. Why doesn’t it work the other way around? Some computer, some lessons…
N.I. Kozlov. Great solution, but it’s only for the smart and advanced. You’re still early.
Seryozha. Why?
N.I. Kozlov. Why you are not yet so smart and advanced is not a question for me. When you learn to behave like this, prove it, when mom sees it, when I see it — then it will be another matter. And now it’s too early for you. This is how a child comes to the first grade, says: “I want to solve a problem from the 10th grade!”. Well, whatever. Prove it first… When my mother writes me a note that «my Seryozha is such an assistant, disciplined, friendly, accurate, I’m proud of him…»
Seryozha. Today I washed the hallway, the dishes, hung things, swept.
N.I. Kozlov. Great. Tell me, how many minutes or hours have you been doing socially useful activities today?
Seryozha. Approximately one hour.
N.I. Kozlov. How much did mom do?
Seryozha. I don’t know. She worked for the most part.
N.I. Kozlov. 8 ocloc’k? Now she has been studying for 3 more hours. Accordingly, my mother was doing good deeds for 11 hours today. And you — 1 hour.
Seryozha. But I’m only 13 years old, and my mother …
N.I. Kozlov. So you have more energy? Then you must do more.
Seryozha. But we digress from the topic. I suggest this: before my mother arrives, I do my homework, and then I sit at the computer. And if I didn’t do my homework, then my mother turns off the computer for me. Will it go?
N.I. Kozlov. Serezha, I think that this is quite a possible system. My daughters have their own computers and use them completely freely. But they are already organized people. Are you organized or not?
Seryozha. Organized. Here are the lessons I have already done.
N.I. Kozlov. When you do household chores for at least 3 hours, help your mother, then we will return to this issue. In the meantime, do you want to study on the computer?
Seryozha. Yeah.
N.I. Kozlov. Then, while mom will come up with new passwords, change them in the morning. You will scold, grow wiser and prettier. Mom will tell me about you at the Distance, how these things happen, I will be happy for you, and after a while we will move on to the system that you like.
Seryozha. The variant is quite interesting. I will consider whether to accept it or not. I think it’s worth trying for a while to see how it goes.
N.I. Kozlov. Seryozha, not really. Thinking is always good, but in this case you have no other option. Until your mother is interested in your option, she decides all the issues, not you. Heard?
Seryozha. Yes.
N.I. Kozlov. Therefore, you yourself think of what else you can do around the house. I’ll ask you — you help your mother! Your mother has a task at the University: she needs to say something nice to you, but she doesn’t know why yet. Will you help her? Do something kind so she will come and admire you. She said: “Son, thank you, dear!”
Seryozha. Will try.
N.I. Kozlov. For how many things will she say “thank you” to you today?
Seryozha. Today about 4 times.
N.I. Kozlov. 4 times is good. Can you do more today, make mom a holiday like March 8?
Seryozha. Will try.
N.I. Kozlov. Will you try or will you?
Seryozha. How will the circumstances.
N.I. Kozlov. What circumstances!? Come on, tell me!
Seryozha. It’s just that I can get carried away with something interesting, like reading…
N.I. Kozlov. What if you love your mom? If you loved your mother and would like to please her, would you be distracted by nonsense? Who is more interesting to you — mom or TV? Seryozha, will you make your mother a holiday today, huh, son?
Seryozha. I will.
N.I. Kozlov. Sergei, you are great! Wait for mom. Goodbye!
Seryozha. Goodbye!