Sequence of vaccinations against COVID-19. Check which group you belong to [EXPLAINED]
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The national COVID-19 immunization program has been divided into four stages. Stage 0 has been running since December 27 and includes the health care workers to be vaccinated first, as they are most at risk of being infected with the coronavirus. From January 15, the registration of people who can be vaccinated in the first stage, which is focused on the elderly and chronically ill, begins. Who and when will be able to get vaccinated against COVID-19? We explain below.

  1. The first person in Poland to receive the COVID-19 vaccine was Alicja Jakubowska, head nurse of the hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw
  2. Group 0, in addition to healthcare professionals, also includes diagnosticians, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, as well as staff and students of medical universities
  3. After the intervention, parents of premature babies were also included in group 0
  4. Vaccination of stage 18 persons will begin on January XNUMX. There will be a certain order
  5. For more up-to-date information on the coronavirus epidemic, visit the Onet homepage.

Stage 0 – people most at risk of infection

Phase 0 of the national immunization program began as soon as the European Medicines Commission (EMA) and the European Commission approved the conditional use of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech.

On December 27, the first vaccinated (the first dose of the vaccine) was Alicja Jakubowska, the head nurse of the hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw, and the vaccination was performed by Dr. Artur Zaczyński. (See: The first person in Poland vaccinated against COVID-19).

In stage 0, employees of the health care sector (including those performing individual practice), employees of Nursing Homes and Municipal Social Welfare Centers, as well as auxiliary and administrative staff in medical facilities, including sanitary and epidemiological stations, are vaccinated.

In stage 0, they can vaccinate, among others laboratory diagnosticians, pharmacists, clinical psychologists and others, technical and administrative staff of medical entities, diagnostic centers, medical transport, as well as university teachers and students of medical faculties.

According to the Minister of Health, parents of premature babies were also included in stage 0. As we read in the letter of Deputy Minister of Health, Anna Goławska, sent in response to the appeal of the Coalition for Premature Babies Foundation, “parents of premature babies hospitalized in the Intensive Care and Pathology Department of the Newborn should be vaccinated in a given hospital or reported for vaccination in another entity by the hospital”.

Stage I – the elderly, teachers, uniformed services

Important dates
  1. January 15 – registration for seniors 80+ opens and applications for people aged 18-69 (applications will be accepted via the form available on the website)
  2. January 22 – registration for seniors 70+ opens
  3. January 25 – starting vaccinations for people aged 70+ all over Poland

From January 25, vaccination of people qualified for the first group will start – in the first place, they will be seniors over 70, residents of social welfare homes, then people over 60, teachers and uniformed services – explains Minister Michał Dworczyk.

In the next communiqué, minister Dworczyk gave specific dates. On January 15, the central registration and the possibility of arranging vaccinations for people over 80 years of age starts. From 18 to 22 January, residents of the Nursing Home will be vaccinated.

On January 22, registration and the possibility of arranging vaccinations for seniors over 70 years of age will start, and from January 25, vaccinations will begin in this age group.

Stage I of vaccination
  1. residents of Nursing Homes and Care and Treatment Institutions, Nursing and Care Institutions and other places of stationary stay,
  2. people over 60 years of age in order from the oldest
  3. uniformed services (soldiers of the Polish Army, Territorial Defense Forces, officers of the Police, Border Guard, Municipal and Municipal Guard, Fire Brigades, employees of TOPR and GOPR, who take part in anti -andemic activities and are responsible for national security),
  4. teachers.

The first stage of vaccination focused on people over 60 years of age, which is dictated by the fact that the risk of death from COVID-19 increases with age. The largest percentage of deaths as a result of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection concerns people over 80 years of age.

See: How was the COVID-19 epidemic in Poland in December? Still a lot of deaths

This group will be vaccinated starting with the oldest. Priority will apply to those who are professionally active, undergoing diagnostics and treatment that require repeated or continuous contact with health care facilities. Priority will also be given to people over 60 years of age with comorbidities that may increase the risk of a severe course of COVID-19.

See: Seven chronic diseases that increase the risk of hospitalization of seniors with COVID-19

Stage II – people under 60 years of age with chronic diseases

People under the age of 60 who are struggling with chronic diseases that increase the risk of a severe course of COVID-19 or who are under diagnosis and treatment requiring frequent or continuous contact with health care facilities are eligible for the second stage of vaccination.

  1. See more: These chronic diseases entitle you to get COVID-19 vaccination faster

According to the Ministry of Health, the details of the next stages, including the XNUMXnd and XNUMXrd stages, will result from the vaccination process carried out in the first stage.

In the second stage, people who “directly ensure the functioning of the basic activities of the state and are exposed to infection due to frequent social contacts” will also be vaccinated.

These are i.a. employees of the critical infrastructure sector, water, gas, electricity, ICT services, postal services, food and drug security, public transport. They also include officials responsible for combating the pandemic, judicial staff, and customs and tax officials.

Stage III – general vaccination of the rest of the adult population

The final stage of the national immunization program includes:

  1. entrepreneurs and employees of closed sectors under the regulations on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and bans in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic and
  2. widespread vaccination of the rest of the adult population.

This stage will be for anyone aged 18 or over who does not qualify for any of the above stages. As reported by the Ministry of Health, in accordance with the above stages, foreigners who have the right to permanent or temporary residence due to the work performed in our country will also be vaccinated in Poland.

We do not know exactly when each phase of the national vaccination program will begin. Today, another batch of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has landed in Poland – 360. doses. Until 3.01.2021 January 50,4, XNUMX thousand children were vaccinated in Poland. people.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. President of the ARM on vaccines for the Medical University of Warsaw: there is no such thing as an “additional pool”, such a category does not exist
  2. How to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccination? [WE EXPLAIN]
  3. Who can get vaccinated against COVID-19? CDC Recommendations

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