Septic tank Topas: principle of operation, installation, maintenance

One of the ways to organize an individual sewerage system for a private house, cottage or cottage is to install an autonomous wastewater treatment plant. In abbreviated form, such treatment plants are called AU, and in conversation the more familiar concept of “septic tank” is more often used, although this is not entirely correct. Today we will talk about such an installation, produced by the Topol Eco campaign. Their products are called the Topas septic tank, are widely used and have good reviews. 


Topas septic tank looks like a plastic box with a lid. The body of the unit is made of polypropylene, which does not corrode, does not rot, does not react with the contents or with the environment.

The appearance of the septic tank “Topas”

These stations are produced with different capacities, designed to process different amounts of wastewater. From 4 to 20 people live in private houses and cottages at the same time. For such cases, Topas 4, Topas 6, etc. stations are used, up to Topas 20. To serve hotels, groups of houses, there are more productive ones designed for 30, 40, 50, 75, 100 and 150 people.

Models have been developed for different levels of groundwater: for low and high. With a high level of groundwater, it is worth choosing a Topas septic tank with a postscript – Pr. These models are equipped with an additional pump for pumping moisture into the drainage system, storm sewer, a separate container with the possibility of its further use, etc.

Modifications of the Topas septic tank, depending on the depth of the sewer pipes from the house

There are modifications for different depths of laying sewer pipes:

  • up to 80 cm fit models marked “standard”;
  • at a depth of 80 to 140 cm – Long (Long), have an elongated neck;
  • for those buried deeper than 140 cm -240 cm – Long Us.

There are no installations for an even deeper occurrence. When choosing an installation, you first need to decide on the maximum number of people who can live in the house at a time. In accordance with this, select the performance of the unit. Next, take into account the level of groundwater at the installation site of the Topas septic tank, as well as the depth at which the supply communications should be located (depending on the depth of soil freezing in the region).

Ways to organize autonomous sewage for a private house are described here. 

The device and the principle of operation

This self-contained cleaning station is internally divided into four compartments, each with its own cleaning phase. Effluent consistently passes through all four stages of purification, at the exit, according to the manufacturer, the degree of purification is 98%. Waste processing occurs with the help of aerobic bacteria that live in the presence of oxygen. To ensure their vital activity in each compartment there are aerators pumping air.

Topas septic tank device

The Topas septic tank works according to the following principle:

  • Drains enter the receiving chamber, where their processing by bacteria begins. While filling is in progress, air is supplied to the chamber to activate the activity of bacteria. In the process, insoluble particles settle to the bottom, fat-containing particles rise to the surface. This compartment contains a large fraction filter – this is a large-diameter pipe in which holes are made. A pump is installed inside this pipe, which pumps the water that has passed through the filter. Thus, the drain enters the next compartment without large contaminants – they remain in the receiver and continue to be processed by bacteria. At this stage, the effluents are cleaned by about 45-50%.
  • From the receiving chamber, partially purified water is pumped into the second compartment – the aerotank. When filling, aeration is switched here, which allows particles of pollution to rise above the surface of the water. Since the shape of the chamber is pyramidal, they settle quickly. About 20-30% of contaminants remain in this compartment. With the help of pumps and special airlifts, semi-cleaned effluents enter the third chamber, and excess sludge from the bottom is pumped into the stabilizer chamber.
  • The third and fourth chambers are similar in structure to the second. Here, according to the same principle, the final purification of wastewater occurs.
  • Clarified water from the last compartment, by gravity or with the help of pumps, is sent to the ground, to a tank where water is stored for technical use, to a filtration column, etc.

As you understand, all the work of the Topas septic tank is based on the vital activity of bacteria. They require certain conditions – the presence of oxygen, a positive temperature. Bacteria are supplied with oxygen by aerators, therefore it is very important to provide the installation with a continuous power supply. After the power is turned off, the bacteria can live for 4-8 hours. If during this time the air supply is not resumed, it will be necessary to populate the installation with new ones.

Disadvantages and features of operation

The Topas septic tank, when working properly, cleans drains well, with regular maintenance it does not smell. With a properly selected volume, it provides a comfortable existence of the city level, even in the country. All this is true, but there are also disadvantages:

  • Dependence on the availability of electricity.
  • The need for regular maintenance (2-4 times a year, the list and description of work below).
  • Volley discharge limitation. Each model of the Topas septic tank can accept a certain amount of runoff at a time. It is impossible to drain more than this volume. This can become a problem with a large number of guests.
  • Not everything can be drained into an autonomous sewer. It is impossible for large fragments that do not pass through the drain grate, it is impossible for newspapers or any insoluble fragments to fall into the drains. Disinfectants that can get there in large quantities have a very bad effect on bacteria.
  • It is necessary to take care of where you will merge / put the treated effluents. It is impossible to use them for watering a vegetable garden or a garden, only for technical needs – to water a lawn, a flower bed, etc., to wash a car. Another option is to install a post-treatment station and dump it into a gutter (if there is one nearby), bring the treated waste into a filter column or a pit filled with rubble for further post-treatment and suction into the ground.
  • In seasonal residences (dachas), it is necessary to conserve the system for the winter, otherwise the bacteria will die.

So there are certain restrictions on use. However, these installations give a better effect than conventional septic tanks.

Installation and commissioning

The installation of the Topas septic tank begins with the marking of the site – it is necessary to determine the optimal installation position. There should not be large trees, shrubs nearby, it should be arranged so that sewer pipes from the house do not have to be pulled very far, but at the same time, it was convenient to send the purified water for further processing.


A pit is dug in the chosen place. Its dimensions are 30-40 cm larger than the dimensions of the septic tank body. The depth should be such that only the manhole cover remains on the surface. At the same time, it must be remembered that a 10 cm layer of sand is poured at the bottom of the pit.

The pit is dug, it is necessary to level the bottom, pour sand

The pit is dug to the required depth, the bottom is leveled, then sand is poured 5 cm thick, each layer is shed and leveled. The latter needs to be leveled “into the horizon” – using a rule or an even bar, on which the level is set.

A trench is being dug to the foundation pit from the house. Its depth depends on the level of the home sewer outlet. The width of the trench is at least 25 cm, but it is very difficult to work in such a trench, therefore it usually turns out wider. When digging a trench, remember that the pipe should go from the house towards the septic tank with a slope of 2 cm by 1 meter. Making the slope more or less is not recommended. With a larger slope, the water will leave quickly, and solid particles will remain in the pipe, a smaller slope will not provide the required flow rate.

Sand is poured onto the leveled bottom

The bottom of the excavated trench is leveled, a 10 cm layer of sand is poured on it, compacted and leveled, forming a given slope. A polypropylene sewer pipe for outdoor use is laid on the sand. Its diameter is 110 mm. When connecting the segments, in addition to the sealing rings, the joints are coated with silicone sealant for outdoor use.

The pipeline is connected to the drain outlet, laid with a given slope in the trench. The slope is checked with a level. The pipe is covered with sand (not soil), which serves to compensate for soil pressure during frost heaving. Fall asleep so that the top of the pipe is covered with sand.

The pipe is laid on the bottom of the trench and covered with sand

In the same trench, along the sewer pipe, a supply cable is laid that goes to the Topas septic tank. They usually take a VVG cable 4 * 1,5 mm. It is laid in a HDPE pipe (low pressure polyethylene pipe) with a diameter of 20 mm. The cable brought into the protective sheath is laid in a trench, brought into the house, where the cable ends with a plug. The second end of the cable will need to be connected to the septic tank.

Sheathed power cable

The next step in installing an autonomous sewer Topas is to install the device in a prepared pit. It must be lowered carefully, without hitting. Polypropylene, although a durable material, is still plastic, so it can crack on impact. You can lower the Topas septic tank manually or using a crane. To be able to securely fix the ropes, there are holes in the ribs running along the perimeter of the body. A rope is pulled through them. One at the bottom, the other in the middle of the height. The rope should wrap around two opposite sides of the body.

We pass a thick reliable rope

Holding these ropes, the installation is carefully lowered into the pit. Then, laying the level on the lid, they check how even the Topas septic tank has become.

Gently lower into the pit

A gap of 20-30 cm remains between the walls of the body and the pit. It must be filled with sand. Gradually, in a circle, we fill the walls, while simultaneously filling the septic tank with water. At the same time, we make sure that the water level and the sand level are approximately equal. Having poured a layer of 40-50 cm, the sand is spilled with water. At the same time, it condenses, falls lower in level. So, gradually, the pit is filled to the top. After that, we can assume that the Topas septic tank is installed, the installation and connection of its equipment begins.

Read about non-volatile septic tanks here. 

Installation of equipment

First, connect the power cable. To do this, remove the protective cover on the input box, connect the wires to the mounting plate in accordance with the diagram. The ends of the conductors are stripped of insulation by 0,8-1 mm, inserted into the appropriate sockets, fixed with clamping screws.

Connecting the power cable

The next step is to connect the sewer from the house. It is brought to the very body of the septic tank. In the place where the pipe will enter the body, circle the pipe, drawing a circle. Then, using a jigsaw, a hole is cut out.

Cutting a hole in the body

The hole is coated with silicone sealant. A piece of pipe with a socket at the end is inserted into it so that it grows

the rub turned out to be outside, besides, it should fit snugly against the body (you can hit it with your fist so that it becomes good). The resulting joint is sealed by fusing a polypropylene tape 7 mm thick.

We weld the joint with polypropylene

The sewerage system supplied from the house is connected to the installed section of the pipe (do not forget to coat the joints with silicone).

We connect the sewerage from the house

Next, install the pumps. There are markings inside the case: the numbers “1” and “2” on the sockets, on the branch pipes and on the shelf. The same numbers are on the pump housings.

Marking on the body

We install the pumps according to this markup, connecting pipes to their inlets (seen in the photo above). We install flexible couplings on the nozzles, put the second end on the pump inlet, plug the plug into the socket on the body with the same number.

Connect pipes to pumps
Do not confuse wires

Actually, on this we can assume that the Topas septic tank is mounted. It remains to conduct a test run. To do this, they turn on the autonomous sewerage system Topas into the network, start pouring water into the receiving compartment (so far without drains). Until the compartment is full, the float sensor is at the bottom, air is poured into the receiving chamber. When the water level reaches a certain level, the float will rise, the air supply will switch to the air tank – the second pyramid compartment. Then it remains only to start using the sewer, monitoring the results of cleaning. Let’s say right away that in the first month, with intensive use, drains can come out unclear. This is because there are still few bacteria and they do not fully cope with their task. After a month, the situation should improve.


Autonomous wastewater treatment plants, which include the Topas septic tank, are often called sewage without pumping. This does not mean that the installation does not require maintenance at all. The point is that there is no need to call a sewage truck, but it is necessary to periodically remove sludge. How often? 1-4 times a year, depending on the intensity of use.

That’s what a septic tank looks like

It is also periodically necessary to remove fragments from the receiving compartment that the bacteria cannot process. This operation is carried out with a net, opening the lid. And one more procedure – cleaning the filter of large fractions and airlifts. The efficiency of the installation depends on their condition.

Filter cleaning

Another operation that must be carried out regularly is cleaning the filters on the pumps. To do this, unscrew the large plastic nuts that are on the top of the pumps. After removing the nuts, you can lift the covers under which the filters are located. If the filters are clean, nothing needs to be done with them; if there is contamination, they are washed in cold running water, dried and put back in place.

Loosen the nuts to clean the filters.

Removal of excess sludge

Excess activated sludge, which is formed during operation, enters the stabilizer chamber, where they are mineralized. From this compartment they must be periodically removed. The recommended frequency of the procedure is once every three months, but many determine that the time has come by the appearance of a smell that indicates that sludge has accumulated. Removal occurs with the help of a pump (airlift) available in the stabilization chamber. The process is simple, all you need is:

  • Turn off the power (toggle switch).
  • Put on gloves, substitute a bucket.
  • Open the stub.
  • Lower the hose into a bucket, turn on the pump.
  • After cleaning the chamber, fill the chamber with clean water, close the plug.

This operation can be carried out using a fecal pump. In this case, pumping can be done once a year.

Cleaning the filter and airlifts

During operation, the filter and airlifts become contaminated, which affects the efficiency of wastewater treatment. They need to be cleaned in order to be restored. This is done with a powerful stream of water, the air cleaner nozzles are cleaned manually – with a needle. The procedure for cleaning the Topas septic tank is as follows:

  • Turn off power.
  • Disconnect the air supply hoses, remove the pumps from the housing.
  • Spray with a jet of water under pressure – inside and out.
  • When cleaning the air cleaner, clean the nozzles with a needle.
  • Put everything back in place, add water to the working level, turn it on and check the operation.

These are all the necessary maintenance work for the Topas septic tank.

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