Sepsis – symptoms and prevention. How to avoid sepsis?

The majority of Poles (71%) do not know what the symptoms of sepsis are or how it can be prevented (69%), according to research conducted by SW Research. Meanwhile, in an effective fight against sepsis, it is crucial to recognize it quickly. This especially applies to meningococcal sepsis, which is the most dangerous and most often affects the youngest children, experts said at a conference organized on the occasion of the World Sepsis Day (September 13).

Sepsis is not a disease, but a set of symptoms that develops as a result of an overreaction of the human immune system to infection. It is a direct threat to life because it causes failure of many key organs, such as the kidneys, liver, heart and lungs. Every year in Poland there are at least 50 cases of sepsis, in the world 000-47 million cases, and 50 million people die from it. On the other hand, those who survive struggle with serious health effects for the rest of their lives.

World Sepsis Day has been celebrated since 2012 on the initiative of the Global Sepsis Alliance. Its aim is to raise awareness about sepsis, which is the most common preventable cause of death in the world. One of the most effective methods of prophylaxis are vaccinations to protect against dangerous microorganisms that cause sepsis. A small number of highly virulent bacterial species, such as meningococci, pneumococci, haemophilic bacilli, and purulent streptococci, are responsible for the development of sepsis acquired outside the hospital. Out-of-hospital sepsis usually affects children, adolescents and young people, often without clearly identified risk factors.

– Sepsis in children has the same incidence, morbidity and mortality as in the adult population, which is confirmed by international studies. It is not common, but it is so dangerous to health and life that if it can be prevented, it must be done. That is why we conduct educational activities to promote sepsis prevention, including vaccinations – said Dr. n. health Dorota Kleszczewska, president of the Foundation of the Institute of Mother and Child in Warsaw, organizer of the conference.

Incorrect or incomplete knowledge

– The need for education, because as can be seen, the knowledge about the early detection of sepsis symptoms and the possibility of its prevention is low. This applies to society as a whole and to mothers of infants, although they are fortunately more aware. But it is young mothers who need this knowledge the most, because children under 1 year of age, due to the immaturity of the immune system, are at the highest risk of developing sepsis, especially the most dangerous, meningococcal sepsis – commented the drug. Łukasz Durajski, chairman of the Vaccination Team of the Regional Medical Chamber in Warsaw, author of the blog.

According to opinion polls conducted in August by SW Research on a representative sample of 1043 Poles1, commissioned by the IMiD Foundation29, only every third person (31%) declares that they know how to diagnose sepsis. A similar percentage (23%) admits that they know how to avoid it, and only every fourth person (XNUMX%) admits which microbes cause it most often.

Mothers of infants (children under 1 year of age), of whom 500 additionally participated in the study, have more knowledge about sepsis. The percentage of respondents declaring that they know the symptoms of sepsis is twice as high as in the entire society (60%). An equally large difference to the benefit of mothers can be seen when answering the question about the microbes that cause sepsis (43% say they are knowledgeable about it). Only a bit more (46%) admit that they know how to avoid it.

However, the claimed knowledge, both in society as a whole and among mothers, is often incomplete or incorrect. Only half of those who declared the knowledge of sepsis symptoms indicated them correctly (42% in both groups). In turn, vaccination as the most effective way to protect against sepsis was correctly chosen by only 18 percent. Poles and 40 percent. mothers – while 60 percent. I found methods such as frequent hand washing, caring for the body’s immunity, e.g. through a proper diet, or avoiding staying in large groups to be more effective. On the other hand, the vast majority of both groups correctly indicated bacteria, such as meningococcus, as the most common microorganisms that cause sepsis.

Easier to avoid than to recognize

Meningococcal sepsis is one of the most dangerous, because at the beginning its symptoms are not very characteristic (they resemble a cold or flu), and it is rapid (the development of a life-threatening condition may occur in only 24 hours) and high mortality (even 1 in 5 patients die, twice as many are mutilated).

– Rapid diagnosis and implementation of comprehensive treatment in meningococcal sepsis is essential. Unfortunately, a lot depends on the circumstances and the human factor. In practice, patients are hospitalized after an average of 19 hours of illness. And in the case of meningococci, easy diagnosis is usually a late diagnosis – explained Prof. Leszek Szenborn, head of the Department and Clinic of Paediatrics and Infectious Diseases, Medical University of Wrocław. – Meningococcal sepsis is easier to avoid than in time to recognize and obtain optimal treatment results. Vaccinations are the best way to prevent them, emphasized the expert.

In Poland, vaccination against meningococcal type B is recommended in the first place, which causes the most cases of invasive meningococcal disease (it occurs in the form of sepsis and / or meningitis), both in the entire society and among children up to 2 years of age. (66 percent and 75 percent respectively).

The son of Małgorzata Lasota underwent sepsis with meningitis caused by type B meningococcus at the age of less than 3 years. – After his illness, Miłosz stopped talking, he stopped reporting his physiological needs, as it turned out later, he lost his hearing – reported his mother. She had never heard of meningococcal disease before, and the doctor at the clinic recognized the first symptoms of the disease as three days’ leave and sent her and the baby home.

– On discharge from the hospital, my husband and I were informed that the passing of this disease did not give us immunity to it. We do not want to go through it a second time, which is why we vaccinated both Miłosz and her younger daughter against meningococcal type B – explained Ms Małgorzata, who participated in the conference and appeared in the spot “We have sepsis” displayed during the event. She added that she hopes that many parents will see it open and realize why it is worth protecting against meningococci.

Do you know the symptoms of sepsis?

For the diagnosis of sepsis, it is important to identify the warning symptoms, the so-called “Red flags”, requiring immediate response. These are:

  1. Fever, chills, feeling cold
  2. Rapid breathing, shortness of breath
  3. Pain and malaise
  4. Sweaty skin, pressure rash that does not go away
  5. Deterioration of contact with the environment, disorientation
  6. Fast heartbeat

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