The term synechia of the foreskin should not be afraid, but only if it concerns newborns. This phenomenon is natural and is a fusion of the glans penis and the inner side of the foreskin from the coronal sulcus to the urethra. Thus, our body performs a protective function and creates a barrier to infection at such an unprotected age. Gradually, the problem itself disappears, without causing any discomfort in the boys. However, if this did not happen or there are painful sensations, then you cannot do without going to the doctor.
The natural process of the disappearance of synechia
It is considered normal when by the age of three the head of the penis can be partially exposed, and by the age of 6-7 – completely. Adhesions are separated thanks to the sebaceous glands, which, under the influence of sex hormones, secrete a special enzyme – smegma. Also, the skin at this moment becomes more tender and elastic. Note that this process is not instantaneous, it will take some time before the foreskin finally separates.
It happens that due to an infection that has entered the child’s body, its defense mechanisms are activated, and the separation of synechia does not occur on time. It can be due to poor personal hygiene, passed from mother to boy during pregnancy, and sometimes due to an allergic reaction. However, the exact reasons for the preservation of adhesions at an older age, science cannot yet name.
What is the danger of synechia
The head of the boy’s penis that does not open in time can lead to more serious problems and affect his future sexual life. So, synechia, which did not disappear in due time, provoke the occurrence of various inflammatory processes, since the hygiene of the head of the penis is difficult. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection can spread further to the pelvic organs, and the consequences will be more dire.
Also, very often smegma, which was supposed to dissolve adhesions, accumulates and provokes inflammation of the foreskin from the inside. In medicine, this phenomenon is called balanoposthitis, or balanitis.
This process can also affect the head of the penis and even become chronic. In this case, the child’s penis swells and turns red, and urination becomes painful. Here you need not hesitate to contact a doctor who will prescribe a wash of the cavity between the head and the foreskin. The inflammation will quickly pass as soon as the excess enzyme breaks out. This process is usually performed by a specialist, sanitizing with an antiseptic jet, but after training, parents can also do the procedure at home.
In addition, synechia increases the likelihood of phimosis, in which the flesh becomes rough, wrinkled and forms scars. As a result, its narrowing complicates the exposure of the head of the penis. With this problem, surgery and excision of the foreskin will be required. Otherwise, this can lead to problems in intimate life, for example, male infantilism. This often happens when parents are concerned that the child’s head is not exposed and they try to forcefully separate the synechiae. This method is strictly prohibited, because, in addition to severe pain, the boy’s torn adhesions will grow together again after a while, only now they will not be tender.
Synechia treatment methods
As already mentioned, it is necessary to address this problem to a pediatrician or pediatric urologist if your child has reached the age of six, and the head of the penis is not shown at all or only partially. However, you should not hesitate with this issue, because if you contact a specialist in a timely manner, you can avoid complications, as well as surgical intervention.
Most often, there are no symptoms, but you should pay special attention if your child has:
- the penis is reddened;
- there is swelling of the penis;
- the boy is experiencing pain in the groin area;
- unpleasant sensation when urinating;
- there is purulent discharge.
If the child is under 12 years old, he will be prescribed conservative treatment for synechia. This method consists in a gentle effect on the boy’s foreskin. Parents can do this while bathing in warm water, gently stretching the skin and pushing it back.
Please note that there should be no discomfort or pain in the child. Do not count on a quick result, it will take at least 3-5 months of regular procedures.
However, it is worth it, because it will avoid the painful procedure of separation of adhesions in the future. When the boy has already reached puberty, he will undergo surgery to eliminate synechia. Since this is an extremely sensitive area with many nerve endings, local anesthesia is selected for the patient.
Basically, the procedure is done only with the help of hands, without any tools, sometimes a probe is used. The most important here is the postoperative period. You should carefully follow all the doctor’s instructions to avoid the recurrence of adhesions. Recovery may take up to 10 days. During this period, you should especially take care of personal hygiene, as well as use special anti-inflammatory ointments that your doctor will prescribe.
We also note that if the boy has an inflammatory process, then a course of treatment should be completed before the intervention of a doctor. Only after the disappearance of the infection will it be possible to proceed to the division of synechia.
There are no preventive measures to resolve adhesions in a timely manner and open the head of the penis. However, an important role is played by parents’ awareness of this delicate issue, the observance of the child’s personal hygiene and visiting a doctor if necessary. After all, the earlier the problem is diagnosed, the less complications there will be later.
Therefore, if after reading the information you have suspicions, make an appointment with a doctor. Usually, a specialist will only need a visual inspection to confirm or refute your concerns. If an inflammatory process is also detected, you will be sent for a blood and urine test, as well as a study of discharge from the urethra (if any) to determine the causative agent of the infection. And only in rare cases, when the doctor suspects an extensive spread of inflammation, it will be necessary to do an ultrasound of the genitourinary system.