senna leaves
Many people use senna leaves to loosen stools, but the medicinal properties and uses of the plant are not limited to this. We will discuss the indications and contraindications for the use of this plant in herbal medicine, clarify the important nuances that you should know about before taking the drug.

Senna (the second name of cassia) is a phyto-raw material known for laxative effects. The plant is found not only in our country, but also in Europe, Asia and India. Its medicinal properties are determined by the vitamin and mineral composition and the incoming biologically active components. This remedy is used to cleanse the body and normalize the stool, but it is important to use the herbal remedy only for its intended purpose, after consulting a doctor, evaluating all possible side effects and contraindications.

Senna is a small shrub with oblong leaves and bright yellow flowers. For this he received the name holly cassia. In herbal medicine, dry leaves of the plant are used, which have a maximum biological effect. It is achieved due to the content of active biological compounds in the raw material. The main active ingredient is anthraglycosides. This complex has specific properties – it actively irritates the intestinal mucosa, which enhances peristalsis and helps to enhance the movement of food masses to the exit. In addition, sterols and alkaloids, class A and B sennosides, resins, flavonoids, stearic, linoleic acids, and emodin were found in the composition of the plant. Due to this composition, senna leaves have certain therapeutic and prophylactic effects.

Medicinal properties of senna leaves

The effects of Cassia Alexandria have been proven through many years of use of this plant in folk medicine and herbal medicine. In addition, its effects are also proven in the course of scientific studies. The main effects of senna leaves are laxative and diuretic. This phytopreparation helps in cleansing the body of metabolic products and fecal residues, toxic products, without harming health and practically without side effects (if the drug is used correctly).

Glycosides have the main effect – they help in the normalization of the digestive tract. The irritant effect on the intestinal mucosa helps in increasing peristalsis, helps in bowel movements and softens the stool, which is useful when constipation is a tendency or an acute problem develops.

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The alkaloids contained in senna leaves have analgesic effects and can help correct intestinal spasms. Flavonoids – help in cleansing the body, have an antioxidant effect, neutralizing the inflammatory effect of free radicals.

Organic acids, which are part of phyto-raw materials, help in the fight against the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal lumen, which allows you to normalize the microbial flora and eliminate dysbacteriosis even against the background of the laxative effect of the drug. Additional effects of phyto-raw materials include:

  • stimulation of metabolic processes, acceleration of metabolism;
  • general strengthening effects, fight against free radicals;
  • anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal walls and other cells;
  • normalization of the work of the skin and internal organs by cleansing the intestines and actively removing metabolic products;
  • laxative effect in combination with a mild diuretic, which helps in weight management;
  • analgesic effect, which helps with problems with the intestines (spasms, pain);
  • normalization of the work of smooth muscles and striated muscles, including the myocardium.

The complex effect of senna leaves helps in the correction of digestive and metabolic problems, but the remedy should be used only after discussion with the doctor. This is important because there are a number of contraindications to taking phyto-raw materials that you need to be aware of.

Senna leaf contraindications

Side effects of senna leaves or harm to health are possible in cases where the drug is used without consulting a doctor, using dubious advice from unverified sources. Due to the active laxative and diuretic effect, the plant, with prolonged use, can contribute to the development of dehydration, and also flushes out the potassium necessary for the body. Therefore, this drug should not be used frequently. Of the side effects that are possible when taking high doses of herbal raw materials, one can note:

  • heaviness in the right hypochondrium;
  • bouts of dizziness;
  • spasms, convulsions;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • severe diarrhea;
  • disturbances in the rhythm of the heart.

In addition, as with any other herbal preparations, senna leaves may develop individual intolerance or allergy to components. In this case, you should refuse to take the herbal medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.

In addition to allergies, senna is prohibited in the following cases:

  • children’s age (up to 3-4 years);
  • problems with the kidneys and liver, insufficiency of the function of these organs;
  • the presence of chronic pathologies of the digestive tract (gastritis, enteritis or colitis);
  • inflammatory process in the abdominal organs;
  • suspicion of any form of intestinal obstruction.


In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and select other drugs or treatments.

Application of senna leaves

Often, senna leaves are used as part of combined preparations, herbal preparations or tablet dietary supplements for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Among the main ones are the prevention and elimination of constipation, auxiliary therapy for hemorrhoids and cleansing the body during intoxication. Often these drugs are used to cleanse the intestines before diagnostic procedures (X-ray, ultrasound or CT) or to perform operations on the intestines.

Senna leaves are also used to normalize stool after surgery for intestinal paresis.

Herbal medicines based on senna in the treatment of pathologies

To support the digestive system and stimulate the pancreas, a decoction of licorice root helps.


1 st. put a spoonful of dry leaves in a saucepan and pour 200 ml of boiled water. Cook the mixture over low heat until boiling, boil for 5 minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid, leave for 30 minutes and strain.

Take 1/3 cup at night before bed.

Decoctions of senna leaves are used to stimulate peristalsis and cleanse the intestines in case of anal fissures, treatment of proctitis, constipation, hemorrhoids or intoxication.

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Pour 25 g of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours to infuse, cover with a lid, then strain.

Take 1 glass of infusion per day in small sips. Children should not take more than half a glass a day. The duration of therapy is up to 5 days.

An infusion of senna leaves is indicated for hemorrhoids, allowing you to gently relax the intestines without harm to health.


1 st. pour a spoonful of dry leaves with 200 ml of cold water and add a spoonful of honey. Leave for 4 hours.

Before taking, strain and drink like regular tea.

Senna tea for constipation helps to gently eliminate bowel problems, acting gradually.


In equal volumes, mix senna leaves, chamomile, calamus root and buckthorn bark, dill seeds. 1 st. pour a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist for 10 minutes, strain and cool.

For treatment, a glass of infusion is used twice a day, the course of treatment is up to 5-7 days, the effect occurs from 2-3 days.

Fees with senna leaves are used to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures, to relieve constipation.

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Reviews of doctors about senna leaves

Pharmacist, teacher of pharmacology, chief editor of MedCorr Olga Zorina:

– Senna leaves – one of the most famous laxatives, used both for the preparation of infusions and in the form of finished drugs (tablets). It has a quick laxative effect, milder than synthetic agents. However, the phytopreparation should not be used constantly and for a long time, as it can have a negative effect on intestinal motility and provoke atony. That is, the intestines themselves will be lazy to work without stimulants.

Showering senna is used with caution in children. Also, the phytopreparation is not used during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for abdominal pain of unknown origin (the surgeon must first examine).

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