Senile dementia – symptoms and treatment

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Senile dementia is the type of dementia that is usually associated with memory loss. Dementia most often affects the elderly and is a cognitive impairment. What is senile dementia manifested in? What are the causes of senile dementia? Can we prevent senile dementia? What is the treatment of senile dementia?

Senile dementia – symptoms

Senile dementia is caused by decreased brain function. The decreasing number of nerve cells is responsible for the weakening of cognitive functions. The person suffering from dementia loses the function of recognizing the environment in which he lives and is unable to exist in it. Everything that surrounds her becomes alien.

The most characteristic symptom of the onset of dementia is memory loss. At first, a person with dementia forgets where they left their keys, their phone, locked their apartment, or paid their bills. These symptoms can happen to anyone and are initially downplayed. Over time, the patient loses the ability to learn, does not recognize people or things, begins to have difficulty speaking and counting, and loses orientation in time and space. A person suffering from dementia can talk to a TV set, have a mirror, have auditory and visual hallucinations, and may experience various types of delusions.

The symptoms of dementia can cause irritability, irritability, and even aggression towards loved ones who simply don’t remember. Fear also arises because everything around the person with dementia is new and unknown. A person with dementia changes their behavior. May become more stubborn, impulsive, apathetic, lose previous interests and activity. Restlessness, eating disorders, and screaming can occur in dementia.

Senile dementia – causes

Senile dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that includes Alzheimer’s, Pick, and Parkinson’s disease. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s type lesions. They concern about 50 percent. cases. However, these diseases are not always responsible for senile dementia. The causes of senile dementia can be a brain tumor, trauma, infections, alcohol abuse, but also prolonged stress.

It is also not explicitly stated that senile dementia only affects the elderly. It is important to be aware that dementia may appear in younger people. Therefore, it is important to properly diagnose and initiate treatment. If memory problems often bother us, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Senile dementia – treatment

Senile dementia is an incurable disease. There is no cure that will prevent or cope with this disease. All we can do is take drugs that will increase acetylcholine levels. It is a messenger substance in the nervous system and is responsible for memory processes and learning. However, the drug itself is not all we can do. Brain exercises are also important. Crosswords, board games, puzzles, checkers, chess, card games can help with this. Reading books can also help. It is also worth using dietary supplements supporting memory and concentration, such as Ginkgo biloba Viridian extract.

The above memory exercises not only support treatment, but are a form of prophylaxis. Thanks to them, we can prevent the development of this incurable disease. The condition of the brain is also influenced by a diet rich in fish and nuts, but also an adequate amount of sleep and exercise. By following a proper diet, exercising regularly, and training your brain on a daily basis, we can reduce the risk of senile dementia.

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