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Senile dementia is a condition that is accompanied by a series of disturbing psychological symptoms. The symptoms of dementia that worsen with the progression of the disease, incl. memory problems, but also, for example, speech or counting disorders – do not allow the patient to function normally. What is dementia? What is this disease and what symptoms of senile dementia appear in the subsequent stages of its advancement?

Dementia – what is it?

Senile dementia – sometimes also called senile dementia, in the English-language specialist literature referred to as dementia or senile dementia – it is a disorder that impairs the work of the brain on several levels. The changes in brain tissue caused by dementia are degenerative, degenerative and atrophic in nature. They translate into significant mental impairment, in advanced stages of the disease, leading to loss of daily independence.

Do you know that

Dementia is a problem that, according to specialists, affects over 400 people in Poland and over 50 million people around the world. With Western societies aging rapidly and life expectancy lengthening, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 2030 million patients will be affected by dementia in 80 and more than 2050 million by 150.

Dementia – causes

It is important to be aware that dementia can have many causes. Often – but not always – causes of dementia can be seen in neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. It sometimes happens that the symptoms of dementia are the result of a brain tumor: as it grows, it compresses adjacent brain structures and causes them to become dysfunctional. It also happens that dementia develops as a consequence of past injuries, chronic stress or alcohol abuse.

It is worth supporting memory and concentration, whether or not we develop symptoms of dementia. We recommend Ginkgo biloba Viridian extract, which, in addition to having a positive effect on mental abilities, also improves mood and adds energy.

Learn more about the causes, symptoms and treatments of Parkinson’s disease.

Senile dementia – what is it characterized by?

Senile dementia alters the tissue structure of the brain, significantly reducing its efficiency. As a consequence, a patient with dementia develops, among others:

  1. cognitive disorders;
  2. problems with memory;
  3. speaking problems;
  4. speech disorders;
  5. orientation problems;
  6. counting problems;
  7. emotional disorders.

A person with senile dementia cannot properly assess their situation. He also has trouble understanding and cause-effect thinking.

Read also: Alzheimer’s disease – causes, symptoms, treatment

Worth knowing

The older the person is, the more likely they are to develop dementia. Statistics show that symptoms of dementia appear in approx. 6% of respondents. people aged 60 and even in 25 percent. people over 85 years of age.

Although this condition usually affects people over the age of 60, dementia should not be confused, much less equated with age. It is a type of brain impairment caused by a disease of this organ and is not always simply related to old age, as can be deduced from the very name senile dementia. How long does this disease last? According to the current state of knowledge dementia is incurable – causes irreversible changes in the brain.

Appropriate pharmacological treatment (usually preparations from the group of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, which increase the concentration of an important neurotransmitter, acetylcholine) and introduction of certain lifestyle changes, such as adequate sleep, a healthy diet or a regular dose of exercise, may, however, alleviate the course of dementia and facilitate everyday functioning.

Read also: Acetylcholine – the most important neurotransmitter in the human body


Various activities that stimulate the work of the brain and thus counteract the degenerative changes taking place in it are helpful in slowing down the progress of dementia. Therefore, patients should be encouraged to, for example, solve crosswords, read books or learn foreign languages. Mental activity is also extremely important in preventing dementia.

Senile dementia – symptoms in the first stage of the disease

The symptoms of senile dementia are initially imperceptible. They can take years to develop. The first phase of the disease is primarily associated with memory impairment. The patient is unable to recall the names of the closest people. He also sometimes forgets about appointments. Moreover, they appear speech disorders. The sentences spoken by the patient may not always make sense because the patient forgets the meaning of individual words. The speaking difficulties sometimes resemble the symptoms of intoxication.

For memory problems, use ginseng root as an infusion.

In the first stage of senile dementia, it is also worth paying attention to the behavior of the patient who begins to avoid contact with other people. The volatility of moods is also characteristic. At this stage, the patient has no problem with motor coordination.


If we see the first symptoms of dementia in ourselves or in our loved ones, it is worth seeing a doctor as soon as possible and carrying out appropriate diagnostics. The brain changes caused by dementia cannot be reversed. Therefore, it is important to start treatment quickly and slow down the progression of the disease as early as possible, so that the patient is able to function independently for as long as possible.

Senile dementia – symptoms in the second stage of the disease

At the second stage of senile dementia memory disorders are becoming more and more severe. The patient is unable to remember what he did the day before. He begins to talk about past events, but is unable to place them on the timeline. The patient also has a growing problem with uttering sentences that he usually does not finish. His vocabulary is poor.

The patient’s behavior can also cause anxiety. Loud noises (e.g. horn) start to frighten him. The patient’s behavior is violent, it is difficult to predict his next movements. At this stage of senile dementia, the first problems with coordination of movements can also be noticed. There are imbalances and muscle spasms. There is also a lack of appetite. The patient should be under constant care.

Senile dementia – symptoms in the third stage of the disease

In the third – the most severe – stage of senile dementia, the patient requires constant care and control, which is why the family often decides to place them in a specialized care home. It is related to complete lack of coordination of the patient’s movementwho cannot sit or eat by himself. At this stage, the patient no longer recognizes his loved ones. Nor is it able to utter specific information. It is difficult for the person caring for the patient to understand him. Cognitive impairment can lead to delusions and paranoia.

Read also: Volunteering protects against dementia

Read also:

  1. An ingredient that increases the risk of Alzheimer’s by as much as 75 percent.
  2. The early symptoms of Alzheimer’s that you can see with the naked eye
  3. How to live to be hundreds? Seven lessons for centenarians

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