Send to stock: what products are stored for a long time

The recent rise in prices for buckwheat made me wonder: isn’t it time to take advantage of the experience of grandparents, who had cans of sugar, bags of matches and salt on their shelves. We decided to buy products for future use – pay attention to the period and conditions of their storage.

April 3 2018

outdoor kitchen

Condensed milk undergoes special processing, during which microorganisms die. But you should not expect that this product will be stored for years. Condensed milk has a shelf life of 12 months. And only at temperatures from 0 ° C to + 10 ° C. Sugar crystals form in the food in frost or hot places. Important! Up to a year, you can store only condensed milk in cans, and not in plastic bags and tubes.

It is not worth buying canned fish ten years in advance. 24 months is the maximum shelf life. Cod liver and salmon do not deteriorate the longest – up to 2,5 years, sprats, sardines – two years. The ideal storage temperature is from 0 to + 5˚С. The fact that canned food is spoiled is evidenced by an unpleasant odor, flabby consistency of fish, wateriness. When buying canned food for future use, pay attention to the packaging, it should not be wrinkled, let alone rusty.

Canned stew can be stored for up to four years, but only if the container is airtight. It is not difficult to make sure that the container does not allow air to pass through. Dip the jar into a bucket of water and lightly press down on it. Air bubbles appeared – the packaging cannot be stored. There should be no traces of rust on the can. From contact with air, the metal will oxidize, this will lead to spoilage of the meat.


It is not difficult to store cereals, pasta, sugar and salt, but among these products there are those that spoil quickly.

Millet contains a lot of fat, which oxidizes on contact with oxygen. Therefore, after six months, the cereal becomes bitter and tasteless. Semolina is also not long-lived, its shelf life is 10 months. Do not keep oatmeal in reserve. They are stored for no more than four months.

But there is grocery that can stand the test of time.

Buckwheat, polished rice and pearl barley are stored for up to 18 months. To extend the shelf life to two years, heat the food in a skillet or oven and roll it up in glass jars. You can put a pod of hot pepper in a container with rice, it will protect the cereal from both bugs and mustiness. For the same purpose, you can add bay leaves to buckwheat stocks.

Peas stored for up to 24 months. The best container is a glass jar. Put a pinch of salt in it and only then add the peas. This procedure will protect the product from bugs.

Pasta do not deteriorate up to four years, but only in sealed packaging. Please note that it is better to lay durum wheat products in the backlog.

Sugar in a dry, dark place will not lose its properties up to eight years. Please note that granulated sugar quickly absorbs odors, and therefore should be kept away from foods with strong aromas.

Salt it never deteriorates, but so that it does not turn into stone, it is necessary to protect it from moisture. Put a few grains of rice in the package, this will protect the eternal product from dampness.

It is easy to understand that the cereal has deteriorated. Rub a handful of the product in your palms, if a rancid smell appears, the stock has not stood the test of time.

Meat row

Smoked sausage, cooked in accordance with GOST, it can wait 120 days at temperatures from +12 to + 15˚С. True, this does not apply to slicing, it can only be stored in the refrigerator, without breaking the package. By the way, so that the stick of raw smoked sausage does not become too hard over time, it can be greased with vegetable oil.

Meat it can be kept in the freezer for six months. True, there are some subtleties. Before putting a piece in stock, wash it, cut it into portions. It is necessary to act in this order. The fact is that when we cut unwashed meat into pieces, we transfer all the dirt to the cut. This leads to microbial contamination of the product. You cannot send meat in a large piece to the refrigerator, because every time you have to completely defrost it to cut off a portion. And you can’t do that.

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