
Useful properties of senna herb, senna as a laxative for weight loss

Useful properties of senna


The beneficial properties of senna (Alexandrian leaf, or narrow-leaved cassia) have been known to people since antiquity. Medicinal wild tropical plant with lanceolate leaves and bright yellow flowers can be found in India, Asia, Arabia. In Russia, for pharmacological purposes, senna is grown in specially designated areas, away from busy highways and large industrial plants.

A decoction and infusion of the leaves and herbs of this shrub is used as an effective laxative. The laxative effect caused by taking the drug normalizes bowel function and helps to cope with constipation.

Senna properties

Sena contains in its composition the main active ingredients – anthraglycosides, which have a pronounced laxative effect. The mechanism of action is to irritate the mucosal receptors of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce secretion, and increase peristalsis in the colon.

The medicinal herb has a mild and delicate laxative effect (in this regard, the use of drugs containing senna leaf in its composition is allowed in pediatrics). The main indications for the use of senna are chronic atonic constipation, anal fissures and hemorrhoidal formations. Another distinctive property of senna preparations is that they do not cause cramping pain in the umbilical region.

Senna herb for weight loss

The therapeutic properties of senna also did not leave indifferent all those who seek to become slim. Senna is one of the main ingredients in natural slimming teas. However, one should not forget that it is necessary to use decoctions, infusions and tablets containing senna only after a personal consultation with a doctor (gastroenterologist), who, based on the patient’s health status, will be able to make adjustments to the intake of this drug.

Preparing a decoction of senna at home is not difficult. Recipe for a decoction of senna: 1 tablespoon of herbs should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, the resulting mixture is insisted for 3-4 hours, after which it is recommended to take it in small sips before going to bed.

Taking senna decoction with excess body weight helps to cope with several negative factors at once: neutralize toxins, gently free the intestines from fecal blockages and naturally normalize stools. In addition, senna has a mild choleretic effect. Correctly and individually selecting the dosage, you can achieve the desired result and look spectacular, surprising others with your slender figure.

Senna as a laxative


As mentioned earlier, senna has a mild laxative effect and has a slight choleretic effect. Due to these properties, the use of decoctions and infusions of senna as a tea is perfect for atony of the large intestine, inflammation of chronic spastic colitis and ordinary constipation.

Positive dynamics after the use of drugs that include senna, as a rule, is observed after 6-8 hours (based on this property, the use of senna is recommended in the evening, namely before bedtime). On the second or third day of taking the medicinal plant, a thorough laxative effect occurs, after which defecation can be established in a natural way and in some cases the drug can be stopped altogether.

Contraindications to the use of senna

As before taking any medicinal plant, before using senna, you should familiarize yourself with its main contraindications and limitations. First: senna preparations are not recommended for use by nursing mothers, as well as people suffering from diarrhea and acute intestinal diseases during inflammatory processes. Second: senna preparations are contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to this medicinal plant (allergic reactions). Third: we should not forget that long-term use of the herb can cause the body to become addictive, so the use of the drug should be alternated with taking other drugs that have a laxative effect.

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