Semolina porridge: health benefits and harms
A dish familiar to everyone since childhood raises many questions among modern doctors. Is semolina really as useful as we used to think since childhood? We answer this question together with a nutritionist

History of semolina

Semolina porridge is made from semolina. Semolina is the usual crushed wheat, only its grinding is coarser than that of wheat flour.

For Our Country, in fact, this porridge is not very traditional – semolina appeared there only by the XNUMXth century and was inaccessible to most people. Because of the high cost, only noble people ate it, and then mainly during festive feasts. But the love of porridge has always been characteristic of the people, they were prepared for every important event, they came up with many sayings about porridge. Although initially, any cereals were cooked mainly in water or broths, with the addition of vegetables, fruits, meat, and only then – in milk.

The famous Guryev porridge from semolina is also mistakenly considered traditional for Our Country. It was invented only at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. The serf prepared a dish for his owner’s gala dinner. One of the guests, Minister Guriev, was so delighted that he bought a cook along with his family to cook porridge for him. This recipe then received the name of the minister.

They say that the love of this porridge among noble people even saved the life of Alexander III. Once the train in which the sovereign was traveling derailed. The cars with the bedroom, Alexander’s office were destroyed, and he himself escaped, because he was in the surviving dining car and could not tear himself away from the creamy porridge.

Semolina porridge firmly entered our culture only in Soviet times. Semolina began to be made from waste from wheat processing, and porridge became cheap and popular. Interestingly, most countries do not like semolina abroad. Many foreigners do not even know what it is, and after the “tasting” they are most often not enthusiastic. They say it looks like raw pancake batter.

Researchers associate this not only with other cultural traditions, but also with biology. There is a lot of gluten in semolina, which many Europeans suffer from intolerance and, apparently, subconsciously avoid a product that is dangerous for them.

The composition and calorie content of semolina

Caloric value on 100 g328 kcal
Proteins10,3 g
Fats1 g
Carbohydrates67,4 g

The benefits of semolina

Semolina has much less fiber than many other cereals. Despite the need for fiber for digestion, in some diseases it is almost excluded from the diet. It causes gas and irritates the intestines, so low-fiber semolina is well suited for feeding such patients. In the postoperative period, with a breakdown, semolina is useful for recovery.

Semolina envelops the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, does not cause spasms and is easily digested. This is important for many people suffering from indigestion.

There are not too many trace elements and vitamins in semolina, as in other cereals, but there are still benefits. Semolina contains the most important B vitamins, as well as PP, potassium, and iron. Vitamin B1 is necessary for the nervous system, it stimulates the brain. And vitamin B2 is involved in the synthesis of nerve cells. Also, this vitamin facilitates the absorption of iron, stimulates the maturation of red blood cells – erythrocytes. With a deficiency of B vitamins, dermatitis and damage to the mucous membranes are possible.

The harm of semolina

Many modern doctors consider semolina porridge “empty” – in terms of the content of various substances, it loses to many other cereals. At the same time, semolina is extremely high in calories, since it consists of fast carbohydrates. They are quickly digested and with frequent consumption contribute to imperceptible weight gain. After the processing of fast carbohydrates, the feeling of hunger arises much faster.

Also in semolina there is a large amount of gluten, more familiar under the name of gluten. Gluten can cause necrosis of the intestinal villi and impair the absorption of substances. Approximately one in eight hundred Europeans suffers from gluten intolerance – celiac disease. The disease is genetic and may not appear immediately. The degree of intolerance is also different – from severity in the stomach to severe inflammation of the intestines.

For the same reason, semolina porridge should not be given to children under 3 years old, and even at an older age, no more than a couple of times a week. The children’s stomach cannot digest such carbohydrates, and it is really intuitively unpleasant for many babies to eat semolina. If the child flatly refuses to eat such a dish, it is better not to forcefully push “a spoon for mom” into it. Of course, if such nutrition is not recommended by a doctor for any reason.

– Semolina contains phytin. It contains a lot of phosphorus, which binds calcium salts and prevents it from entering the bloodstream. It has been proven that many children who ate large portions of semolina every day suffered from rickets and other diseases due to malabsorption of nutrients, says nutritionist-consultant Dilara Akhmetova.

The use of semolina in medicine

Semolina porridge is digested only in the lower intestine, which is why doctors recommend it for diseases of the stomach and intestines. Porridge envelops the mucous membranes without causing heaviness, as it quickly “slips” further. Such a healing breakfast is useful for restoring strength after long illnesses. Porridge saturates well, which is necessary for people during the rehabilitation period, because they cannot eat meat and many foods that cause gas formation.

The use of semolina porridge in cooking

Semolina is, in fact, coarse flour, so it can be used in the same recipes as the latter. They make porridge, pies, puddings from semolina, roll cutlets in it.

Guryev porridge

The famous recipe is not too easy to prepare, but the result is worth it. If you don’t feel like messing around at all, you can not make foam, but layer the porridge with whipped natural cream. Although the taste, of course, will not be the same. The more layers of Guryev porridge, the more varied the additives, the tastier the dish

SemolinaHalf a glass
Milk1,2 l
Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds)300 g
Sugarglass, adjust to taste
Jam SeedlessHalf a glass
Butter2 Art. spoons
СпецииStar anise petal, half a teaspoon of lemon zest
Candied fruits, berriesOptional

To begin with, we will prepare foams, with which we will then layer porridge. Milk should be poured into a flat dish, such as a cast iron pan. Put the milk in the oven, preheating it to 180 degrees. As soon as the foam is formed and slightly browned, it must be removed with a slotted spoon and transferred to a plate. And wait for the next foam, typing at least 12-13 pieces, and preferably all 20.

At this time, pour the nuts with boiling water for a few minutes, peel and grind into pieces with a knife or mortar. Then put the nuts in a bowl and add a few tablespoons of water.

Semolina porridge should not be boiled, but brewed with boiling milk, which is left after the preparation of foams. Pour the cereal into the boiling liquid in a thin stream, stirring actively. Then let the porridge stand under the lid and brew for 15 minutes. Next, add sugar, butter, zest to the porridge, mix.

We collect Guryev porridge. Take a tall form or pan, grease the walls with oil. You can use portion molds. At the bottom, put a layer of semolina porridge about half a centimeter, cover with one foam. Top thinly grease with jam or honey, sprinkle with nuts. You can add candied fruits or pieces of fruit. And repeat until all the foams are gone. Place a piece of star anise on the penultimate layer.

The last layer should consist of foam. Put the form in the oven, heated to 100 degrees, and simmer the porridge for about half an hour, but it all depends on the size of the form. When the porridge begins to blush, you can anoint the top with jam. Serve in the same bowl, pouring cream or honey, with berries and fruits.

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Mannik on kefir

A healthy quick dessert that does not contain flour at all. You can add pieces of apples, raisins to mannik

Semolina250 g
Kefir500 ml
Eggs2 piece.
Sugar100 g
Baking powder10 g
Butter20 g
Lemon zest and juice1 piece.
Salt1 pinch

Pour semolina with warm kefir and let it brew for 30 minutes so that it swells. At this time, beat the eggs with sugar and salt. Add to semolina, add baking powder, squeeze lemon juice into the dough. Mix everything, add grated lemon zest, pieces of fruit.

Then pour into a baking dish, brushing it with butter. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 40-50 minutes. Remove the form with manna and cool. After that, you can take out the manna and serve with sour cream, jam, condensed milk.

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How to choose and store semolina

Semolina is chosen depending on what you want to cook from it. Semolina is made from hard or soft wheat. Special markings are indicated on the packaging. “M” – soft, suitable for casseroles and cereals, “T” – hard, usually used for baking, pancakes. You can also find “TM” – a mixture of two types, such a semolina is quite versatile.

It is better to take cereals in individual packaging, and not by weight. Then she will definitely not be damp. Ready-made semolina is eaten immediately; during storage, it thickens and becomes not so tasty. But pastries based on it are perfectly stored in the refrigerator.

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