

Semiology or semiotics is the study of signs and their meaning. This scientific method inspired by linguistics has many fields of application including communication sciences. 

Definition of semiology

Semiology or semiotics is a scientific method. It is inspired by linguistics. It consists of the analysis of signs: linguistic signs (verbal language) and iconic and kinesic signs (non-verbal language). Semiology is therefore the study of language, the decoding of words and expressions. Ferdinand de Saussure, linguist, broadened the term. For him, semiology is “the science which studies the life of signs within social life”. 

The term semiology is used in several disciplines: in linguistics, communication sciences and human sciences (sociology, economics, psychology, etc.).

When to consult a semiologist?

The fields of application of semiology are very wide. Semiology is a medical discipline that consists of observing symptoms to find disease. Semiology can be applied to advertising, cinema, or even politics …

What does the semiologist do?

The semiologist “sees signs where others see things” (Barthes). The semiologist observes, deciphers and analyzes to account for the effects of meaning, connotations and implicitities present in communication. He starts from the surface signs visible to all to bring out the latent meanings. 

When semiology is applied to advertising, the semiologist carries out semiological studies which aim to identify the general meaning of an advertisement (logo, poster, etc.) and to predict consumer reactions. The semiologist will analyze the meaning actually emitted by the advertiser’s communication (meaning wanted, meaning sent and meaning received). 

Behavioral semiology deciphers the intentions of speakers from the signs they use: symbols, words, gestures, etc. The semiologist can thus decipher a political discourse, the posters of electoral campaigns. 

The semiology of cinema studies films in their linguistic dimension, as a system that produces meaning. 

Zoosemiotics is interested in animal communication. 

How to become a semiologist?

The semooogue is most often linguistic. The profession of semiologist can be exercised by having followed Masters of the type Master in language sciences specializing in expertise in semiology and communication or Master in Language Sciences. 

There are also short training courses in semiology which are aimed, for example, at marketing experts. 

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