semi-white mushroomCategory: edible.

Below is a description and photo of a semi-white mushroom, by which a novice mushroom picker can distinguish it from other mushrooms.

Hat (diameter 5-22 cm): usually red-brown, yellowish, chocolate or just brown. In young semi-white mushrooms, it is convex and slightly swollen, but with time it becomes almost flat. Smooth to the touch, but may be with small and shallow wrinkles, in wet weather how many.

Leg (height 4-17 cm): light yellow, tapering from bottom to top.

Tubular layer: with rounded yellow pores, which darkens slightly in older mushrooms.

Pulp: very dense, yellow color, which does not change at the cut site and when interacting with air. It tastes sweet, smells like carbolic acid.

Doubles: rooted mushrooms (Boletus radicans), inedible mushrooms (Boletus calopus) and girlish mushrooms (Boletus appendiculatus). The rooting boletus has a bitter taste and the pulp turns blue on the cut, the inedible one has a more brightly colored leg, and the girl’s hat is darker and the leg is pointed at the bottom.

When a semi-white mushroom grows: from the beginning of July to the end of September in the warm countries of Europe.

semi-white mushroom

Where can you find a semi-white mushroom: on moist soils of coniferous and deciduous forests, especially in the neighborhood of pines, beeches and oaks.

Eating: marinated and dried.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Other names: half-white pain.

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