Semi-finished cutlets cooking recipe. Video
Cutlets are a tasty and very popular dish in our country, which can be enjoyed by both family members and dear guests. And in order not to spend a lot of time on their preparation, you can prepare them for future use. Before serving the semi-finished cutlets, it will be enough to simply fry in a pan.
Semi-finished cutlets cooking recipe
Ingredients: – 1 kg of pork; – 500 g of beef; – 1 egg; – 150 ml of carbonated water; – 150 ml of milk; – 2 heads of onions; – 300 g of white bread; – 4 cloves of garlic; – salt and black pepper.
Pass the meat, peeled onions and garlic through a meat grinder. Add to the resulting mass an egg, soaked in milk and pressed white bread, salt, black pepper and unsweetened soda. Mix everything thoroughly and beat the minced meat a little so that the cutlets are well formed and more tender. Then mold oval cutlets from the minced meat.
To make the patties easier to shape, soak your hands in cold water from time to time.
Cover a wooden board with cling film and place the cutlets on it so that they do not touch each other. Then cover with cling film and place in the freezer. When the cutlets are frozen, transfer them to a plastic bag and return to the freezer for storage.
Thanks to cling film, you do not have to make an effort to peel frozen patties from the board
Ingredients: – 1 kg of pitted fish fillet; – 1 egg; – 100 g of white bread; – 150 ml of milk; – onion; – salt and black pepper.
Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with the onions. Then mix with the bread and egg soaked in milk. Add salt, black pepper and milk from the bread. Mix everything thoroughly and beat the minced meat. Form cutlets from it and freeze as described above.
Ingredients: – 1 kg of minced pork; – 200 g of white cabbage; – a head of onion; – 100 g of white bread; – 100 ml of water; – salt and spices.
Chop white cabbage and onion with a knife. Combine with minced meat, white bread soaked in water, and spices. Add the remaining water after soaking the bread and stir again. Form the patties and freeze as described above.
Fried cutlets with tomato sauce
Ingredients: – cutlets; – onion head; – 1 glass of water or broth; – 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste; – vegetable oil for frying; – 2 cloves of garlic; – parsley; – salt and black pepper to taste; – flour.
Semi-finished cutlets can be fried directly from the freezer. However, it is best to give them some time to defrost. After that, roll them in flour and put them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil. Fry over high heat until golden brown. Then reduce the heat, cover the skillet with a lid, and simmer the patties for a couple of minutes on each side.
In a separate skillet, heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry the diced onions in it. It should be browned, but in no case burned. Then add the chopped garlic, and after a minute the tomato paste and water. Stir everything thoroughly, salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil and place the cutlets in the sauce. Cover and cook for 7 minutes, remembering to turn the patties. Serve with tender mashed potatoes, sprinkled with parsley.