In a small garden, it can be difficult to find a place for a spreading apple tree, but this does not mean at all that the owners of modest household plots should abandon the idea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbgrowing fruit trees. There are many varieties of low-growing apple trees that have a compact, decorative crown, do not require much space and delight with a good harvest. When choosing such a tree, you need to pay attention to its main characteristics, such as winter hardiness, productivity, early ripeness, fruit taste. For example, in the proposed article we will talk about which varieties of apple trees should be preferred for the Moscow region and the central regions of Our Country. After reviewing the proposed information, for sure everyone will be able to choose a suitable fruit tree for themselves.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

Variety of dwarf varieties

The climate of the central region of Our Country is characterized by low temperatures and unstable weather conditions, in which not every apple variety can fully grow and bear fruit. However, many dwarf fruit trees demonstrate high resistance to the climate near Moscow, which does not adversely affect the yield and quality of fruits. Dwarf apple trees in the Moscow region take root well and do not require enhanced protection against freezing.

Important! Dwarf trees are fruit plants up to 2,5 m tall.

In addition to high resistance to adverse climates, dwarf apple trees have some other advantages, which include:

  • Compact and decorative crown. Its diameter can reach 2 m.
  • A dwarf fruit tree will successfully fit even in the smallest garden.
  • The small height of the bonsai makes it easy to harvest.
  • Unlike most common varieties, dwarf apple trees bear fruit annually.
  • The high quality of fruits is not inferior to the fruits of tall apple trees.
  • Dwarf apple trees tolerate frost well and do not require enhanced care.
  • A well-developed root system of dwarf trees can spread at a depth of up to 1 m over an area of ​​up to 8 m2. It successfully nourishes the apple tree and ensures a good yield of the plant.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

It is thanks to these characteristics that many gardeners prefer dwarf apple trees. Proper selection of such varieties for the garden allows you to collect fresh fruits throughout the summer-autumn period, and then lay a certain amount of fruits for the winter for long-term storage. To get this opportunity, it is necessary to simultaneously grow apple trees of different ripening periods in the same garden: early, mid-ripening and late varieties. We will try to describe some of them in detail later in the sections of the article, so that the gardener, having read the information, can make the right choice for himself.

Early varieties of undersized apple trees

The first fruits of the apple trees proposed below can be tasted by the end of June. These first fruits are the most valuable, because they ripen at a time when other varieties of apple trees are just forming ovaries, and buying apples in a store is still “a pretty penny”. Among the early dwarf apple trees, the 3 most successful species should be distinguished:


This variety is very productive, its apples are distinguished by excellent external and taste qualities. So, each fruit of the Melba variety weighs more than 200 g. The fruits have a smooth, round or slightly elongated shape. The skin of these fruits is bright green. By the time of ripening, a yellow tint appears on it, and a pink blush appears on the sunny side of the apples. The taste of the fruit is excellent: the pulp is very tender, juicy and sweet, there are caramel notes in its aroma.

To evaluate the external quality of Melba early grade apples, you can view the photo below:

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region


The “candy” apple ripens a little later than the fruits of the Melba variety proposed above. In terms of the taste quality of fruits, these two types of apple trees compete with each other. “Candy” fruits are not very large, weighing up to 120 g. Their shape is round. The fruits are covered with a matte, light yellow skin with small scarlet stripes. They are very juicy and aromatic in taste. The pulp of “Candy” apples is dense.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region


Apples of this variety ripen in mid-summer. The first harvest of dwarf apple fruits can be tasted already in the 4th year of growing the crop. The fruits of the “Wonderful” apple tree are medium in size, weighing up to 150 g. Their taste is dessert, the pulp is juicy and sweet. It has a bright fresh scent. The fruits are covered with delicate skin, yellow-green in color, sometimes with a bright blush.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

The varieties of apples listed above should be planted on the south side of the site in early spring. This will ensure the successful establishment of the crop and will contribute to the early ripening of the crop in the future.

Important! With a lack of heat, apples of early varieties ripen 1-2 weeks later than the due date.

Medium-ripening varieties

Mid-season varieties of dwarf apple trees in the Moscow region bear fruit in early autumn, smoothly replacing the harvest of early apple trees. There are quite a few low-growing mid-season varieties suitable for the Moscow region, but the following are duly recognized as the best of them:


This apple has been known to experienced gardeners for many years. The variety begins to bear fruit already for 3-4 years of cultivation, it is highly resistant to winter frosts, diseases, and pests. “Zhiguli” fruits are large, weighing up to 350 g. Their shape is round, slightly flattened, the skin is golden-red. The taste of fruit is sweet and sour. The pulp of apples is tender, coarse-grained.

Important! The advantage of the variety “Zhigulevskoe” is a long period of storage of fresh fruit. In the presence of special, cool conditions, it can be 5-6 months.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region


Variety “Shtrifel” is one of the most famous in the territory of the central regions of Our Country, including in the Moscow region. It can also be found under the names: “Autumn striped”, “Streifling”.

Important! Dwarf apple-trees “Stripel” are obtained by rootstock of a tall variety on a short-growing fruit tree.

Harvest variety “Striefel” ripens in September. Its quality is high: the mass of apples varies from 150 to 200 g, the shape of the fruit is slightly elongated, the skin is green-yellow, with bright longitudinal stripes over the entire surface. The taste of the fruit is rich, harmoniously combines acidity and sweetness.

Important! The root system of dwarf apple trees of the Shtrifel variety is located in the upper layer of the soil and may suffer from severe winter frosts.

To prevent freezing, fruit trees must be insulated with burlap.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region


Apple trees of the “Landed” variety perfectly tolerate wintering and are very rarely damaged even by the most severe frosts, which means they are great for growing in the Moscow region. The taste of such fruits is sweet and sour, the aroma is very bright. The color of the fruit is greenish-red. Already in the 3rd year after growing the seedling, the gardener will be able to taste the first crop of large fruits. It is worth noting that the number of fruits ripening in season is large and stable from year to year.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

In addition to the listed mid-season varieties, it is worth noting the Sokolovskaya apple tree, which also successfully endures wintering in the Moscow region and produces a good harvest of very tasty fruits. Their weight is average, about 90 g, the color is yellow-green.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

Late varieties

Apples of late varieties have excellent keeping quality. They can keep their freshness at +3-+60Until the start of the new season. At the same time, the taste of such fruits only improves with storage. Among these late-ripening varieties, the following types of dwarf trees can be noted:

“Grushovka Podmoskovnaya”

The history of this winter variety goes back many decades, but still retains its relevance, primarily due to the high resistance of apple trees to adverse external factors.

The fruiting of this variety is slow and occurs only in the 5-6th year of cultivation. Apples of this variety are relatively small, weighing up to 90 g. Their shape is round, slightly elongated. The surface of the fruit is covered with a reliable skin, painted yellow with a bright blush on one side. The taste of the fruit “Grushovka Podmoskovnaya” is excellent, sweet and sour. As apples are stored, the acid in their taste almost completely disappears. Fruit aroma is bright and fresh.

Important! Variety “Grushovka Podmoskovnaya” is resistant to decay.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region


The late-ripening variety “Bogatyr” is distinguished by the highest resistance to fungal, bacterial diseases and extremely low winter temperatures. The first harvest of the apple tree “Bogatyr” gives in the 5-6th year of cultivation. Its fruits are relatively small, weighing no more than 100 g. Their shape is round, slightly flattened. The color of the fruit is yellow-green, with a slight pink blush. The taste of apples is sour, similar to the taste of the notorious fruits of the Antonovka variety.

Important! The dwarf tree “Bogatyr” is sprawling and requires annual pruning.

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

More information about the Bogatyr apple variety can be found in the video:


“Moscow necklace”

This undersized apple tree can become a real decoration of the garden, because its fruits are painted in the original dark red or purple color, which can be seen in the photo below:

Semi-dwarf varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region

These unique apples ripen in mid-October. The crop yield is average, the taste of the fruit is excellent: large fruits are very juicy and sweet, stored in special conditions for 6-7 months.

Along with the listed late varieties of apple trees for the Moscow region, it is worth noting the fruit trees of the Arbat, Kovrovoe, Snowdrop, Bratchud varieties and some other types of culture.


By growing apple trees with different fruit ripening periods on his plot, the gardener will be able to receive a regular stream of fresh healthy fruits for his entire family. And late varieties will allow not only to enjoy the harvest during the season, but also to keep it throughout the winter. In the article, we proposed several types of apple trees with different ripening periods, which are great for the Moscow region, since they are characterized by the highest resistance to adverse external conditions and freezing. Having studied the information provided, everyone will be able to make an informed choice and successfully grow wonderful dwarf fruit trees on their site.


Semenova Ekaterina, 37 years old, Obninsk
Since childhood I have loved Shtrifel apples. A huge tree of this variety once grew with my grandmother in the village and, estimating its dimensions, I did not even try to plant a seedling on my tiny plot. But a few years ago I found out that there is a “Striefel” grafted on a short tree. Now my favorite apples are growing on my site. The tree is compact, and apples taste, well, just like from childhood.
Myroslava Vasylkova, 29 years old, Podolsk
We recently purchased a plot and are now selecting trees for a new garden. They decided to plant dwarf apple trees, because they are unpretentious, take up little space and have a good yield.

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