Self-tanner for the body

Sunbathing is certainly useful: ultraviolet radiation promotes the synthesis of vitamin D and a beautiful tan, but a long stay on the beach provokes photoaging, and even more serious consequences. In this regard, the modern beauty industry offers an alternative in the form of self-tanning. Let’s talk in detail about this product and give the best examples – according to the editors of Healthy-Food.

Self tanning properties

For many girls, a beautiful body is associated with a bronze skin tone, like after a vacation at sea. But it is not always possible to spend holidays on the beach (and it is harmful to roast in the sun). Previously, in this case, one could only dream of a tan. But now we have bronzers at our disposal. Their benefits are obvious.

  • Gives the skin a dark tone. In contact with the skin, the active substances stain it, and the effect is noticeable after a couple of hours.

  • Moisturize and nourish – components such as vitamins A, C, E, B5, aloe extract and panthenol are responsible for this. In addition, they help to evenly distribute the product.

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Product Benefits

Self-tanning has many advantages:

  • availability;

  • quick effect;

  • security;

  • the ability to choose the optimal shade;

  • skin tone equalization;

  • ease of application;

  • harmless alternative to solarium.

Self-tanning is produced in the format of lotion, spray, mousse, gel, wipes

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Types of tanning

Among autosunburners, the most popular formats can be distinguished.

  • Oil

    To get a uniform color, it is recommended to exfoliate and moisturize the skin first. The oil not only gives the body a dark shade, but also helps to prolong the natural tan obtained at the seaside.

  • Gel

    Easy to apply, does not leave marks on clothes. Provides instant effect.

  • Mousse

    Ideal for owners of oily skin, as it does not clog pores and even slightly dries up inflammation. It must be applied with a special mitt (usually it is in the package) so that the palms do not stain. The tan develops gradually, within two hours changing the shade from light golden to more saturated.

  • napkins

    Perhaps the most convenient format: such a tanning product can be applied with one hand movement even on the road. Napkins are also a good option for those who want to maintain their vacation tan. Usually they are suitable for both the body and the face.

  • Spray

    Easy to use: spray makes it easy to apply the product to hard-to-reach places. The result is visible immediately.

  • Serum

    Means of this category are chosen by those who need the most natural result. To do this, 2-4 drops of serum are mixed with a small amount of day cream immediately before application.

  • Lotion

    Ideal for dry skin, perfectly moisturizes it and instantly gives a beautiful tan.

  • Cream

    A format that suits almost everyone. Often labeled with the phototype of the target consumer (for example, for blondes or brown-haired women). It has an instant or cumulative effect.

Consider your skin tone when choosing a self-tanner

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How to choose self-tanner

When choosing a self-tanner, you need to consider the color of your skin. Read the information on the labels: it will help you navigate when buying. If there are no special marks on the packaging, rely on the basic rules that we give below.

  1. For fair-skinned people, tinting milk or lotion labeled Light on the bottle is optimal.

  2. If the skin is already touched by a tan and you want to enhance or prolong it, creams and lotions marked Medium will do.

  3. Dark-skinned people can use tinted wipes, sprays, and the darkest self-tanners marked Dark.

  4. Consider the time of action: gels, light lotions and mousses begin to work the fastest.

Advantages of self-tanning – quick effect, safety, easy application

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Application rules

Buying the right product for fake tan is half the battle. The main thing is to apply it so that there are no streaks and spots left, and the skin looks natural. To do this, a number of conditions must be met.

  • Prep your skin: Thoroughly exfoliate and moisturize your skin to ensure your self-tanning is as even as possible.

  • To achieve an even distribution, apply self-tanner all over the body with the entire palm of your hand, smoothing movements.

  • After application, do not rush to dress. Let the product absorb and dry.

  • Reapply self-tanner after three hours for a more intense shade.

  • By repeating the procedure every 3-4 days, you will be able to maintain the required intensity of tanning.

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Safety measures

Self-tanning is a completely harmless remedy, but when using it, it is worth remembering some nuances.

  1. Avoid getting self-tanner on eyebrows and hair roots.

  2. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying the product.

  3. Do not use self-tanner if you are prone to allergic reactions or if your skin has open wounds or damage.

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How long will the result last

The duration of the self-tanning effect is 3-5 days. But if you apply the product regularly, you can significantly extend its effect.

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Funds overview

The best self-tanners for the body, according to the editors of Healthy-Food.

  1. Dry spray-tanning “Even tan”, Garnier

    Microspray allows you to achieve a natural tan without spots and streaks, even on hard-to-reach areas of the body (for example, on the legs and back). Contains apricot kernel oil & botanical bronzer.

  2. Gentle milk-tanning Sublime Bronze, L’Oréal Paris

    Moisturizes the skin and gives it a natural golden tan, absorbs quickly and does not leave stains. The self-tanning component for the body provides an effect similar to the result of the production of melanin in the skin, a natural pigment that is formed under the influence of UV rays. The product is enriched with fruit acids – they are responsible for a uniform color.

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