Self-motivation: the art of motivating yourself – ways

😉 Dear reader, I respect you for being interested in the topic of self-development and continuing to work on yourself. This is great! I hope that the article “Self-motivation: the art of motivating yourself – ways” will be of interest to you. There is a video in the article.

The human brain is a biological computer that can be programmed for confidence and success or decline and failure. Psychological programs, established independently or under someone else’s influence, determine the life and fate of a person.

Why does everything happen this way and not otherwise? Because earlier we have already set certain settings on our computer. To change your future, you need to start working on yourself now.

Watch this video on “Self-Motivation: The Art of Motivating Yourself”

What is self-motivation? Self-motivation is motivating yourself to complete the necessary tasks in order to achieve a goal.

It is not necessary to use tremendous willpower to change your thinking and attitude. Programming yourself for a better life can be easy and even invisible. Psychologists identify the 10 best ways to motivate yourself.

Self-motivation methods

Communication with children and youth

In childhood and adolescence, life is perceived much easier. Children know how to truly enjoy every little thing, teenagers can dream and fall in love. Even people of advanced age find it useful to make excursions to that distant and carefree time when they were young and carefree.

Self-motivation: the art of motivating yourself – ways

Experience and education often lead a person to complicate simple things. When older people communicate with children or adolescents, a process of “rejuvenation” takes place in their subconscious. Such discharges are very useful.

Getting rid of prejudices and stereotypical thinking

When a person tries to change his life, he often encounters misunderstanding and condemnation of others. This is natural, because people are used to thinking in stereotypes that have been formed over the centuries. It is necessary to respect traditions, but life does not stand still. Keeping pace with the times is a prerequisite for development and prosperity.

Dreams with a clear vision of the future

Dreams are a very useful way to motivate yourself. But this should not be a meaningless stream of dreams, but a clearly drawn picture of further events. Imagine how you would like to live, what to do, where to go. Enjoy what you want as if you already have it.

Recording your successes and happy moments

It is a very good habit to take “happy” photos or videos with friends, family or colleagues. Store these “memos” in an album or on your computer. Look through them from time to time and return again to those joyful days.

Photos or objects that remind you of pain and trouble are best thrown away without regret.

Communication with successful people

There is no need to be ashamed to ask for advice from those who have achieved professionalism and mastery. By analyzing their experience and the path to success, it will be easier for you to achieve your goal. It’s very helpful to just read the stories of successful people.

Self-motivation: the art of motivating yourself – ways

Not everyone wants to come from heaven. Most of them had to overcome a lot of difficulties before taking their place in the sun.

Knowledge of yourself and the world around you

It is probably boring to live for a person who knows everything, although it is impossible to know everything. Discovering something new and interesting every day, we fill our life with bright colors. There is a good proverb: “A wise man learns himself all his life, and a fool teaches all his life.”

Selfless help to people

If you give more than take, the good will surely return to you, multiplied by 100. This is not about financial assistance, but rather moral. You need to be compassionate and attentive to other people’s troubles, to console people with kind words.

Correct daily routine

Better not to waste your precious time. During work, do not be distracted by stupid computer games. In the evening, give preference to live communication, rather than sit up at the monitor.

If you have a free minute, it is better to listen to beautiful music or watch a movie with meaning. Every person needs a good rest. Workaholics are hardly happy.

Eradicating pride

It is important to have self-esteem and believe in yourself. However, pride and pride are different things. The latter prevents a person from growing and developing, forgiving mistakes to others and freeing consciousness from unnecessary offenses.

Self-motivation: the art of motivating yourself – ways

A person who has become a slave to pride is marking time, while open and simple people continue their way to the stars.

Saving spiritual energy

Do not waste your time and energy on empty arguments and conflicts. There is no need to prove your case to people who do not know how to listen and analyze information. In a dispute, truth is not always born.

Instead of wasting energy on verbal skirmishes, it is better to engage in self-development. It is also not worth dramatizing and exaggerating. See the world for real. He is cruel and beautiful at the same time.

Where to begin? First, get off the couch …

This video contains valuable tips on how to start a new life (self-motivation)

How to start a new life and change yourself? 6 steps to start life from scratch

Self-hypnosis can work miracles. Spiritual programming is a long-term process, the consequences of which are very difficult to eradicate. Therefore, you need to try to make them positive.

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