Self-medication, safe?
A runny nose, a fever, a cough that begins … After a short trip to the pharmacy and a few days of treatment, Baby will be well. Self-medication, yes, but on the advice of the pharmacist …
What is self-medication?
In France, half of the drugs on the market can be obtained without a prescription from pharmacies. We then speak of “optional prescription drugs” because they can also be dispensed by a doctor and, in this case, are most often reimbursed by social security. This practice is better known by the general public under the term “family medication”.
Health professionals rather use the name “OTC”, translation of the English expression “Over the Counter – on the counter” which refers to the free sale of these products.
Safe drugs?
Rest assured, on the legislative side, all drugs sold in pharmacies have a marketing authorization, issued by the French Agency for Sanitary Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS). It guarantees the efficacy, safety and harmlessness of the products administered under the conditions of use indicated. As for the substances used, they have been known for a long time and have not caused frequent or serious side effects.
In summary, self-medication drugs are intended and designed to be used without the intervention of a doctor for the occasional treatment of benign illnesses (fever, cough, etc.).
Which drug to choose?
You hesitate between the syrup or the soluble sachet? In practice, it is preferable to opt for a syrup, easier to dose according to your little one’s weight than tablets. Note, however, that sachets and suppositories will keep in the medicine cabinet (or fridge) longer.
Regardless of its form, the main thing is to choose the right medicine for the age of your children.
« Medicines for adults should be avoided. Some of them may have side effects on children », Recalls François Angoulvant, doctor in the general pediatrics department of Debré hospital.
Other precautions are of course to be taken such as cleaning the pods in the event of use on several children. ” You should also read the instructions carefully, check the expiry date and do not hesitate to call your doctor for an opinion. », Adds Dr Angoulvant.
« There are no risks under normal conditions of use “, Assures Magali Flachaire, general delegate of AFIPA, before adding” that it is not recommended to use drugs purchased as part of a prescription for another small patient “.
And be careful not to believe that you have solved the problem when you have only treated the symptoms. In addition, if the treatment given is not appropriate, your child’s health may deteriorate. If in doubt, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.
Self-medication has its limits
« We must not take the place of the doctor. Self-medication should be used exceptionally and with caution », Warns François Angoulvant.
Vigilance is particularly important when breastfeeding. No medication should be taken without the advice of a doctor or pharmacist.
Self-medication should be excluded for newborns and infants up to three months. For babies under two years old, you should also be very careful and get an over-the-counter medicine, mainly for fever.
No question of playing doctorate apprentices with the youngest …
In all cases, discuss self-medication with your doctor. He will be the most qualified to guide you towards suitable products.
And the role of the pharmacist in all of this?
Family medication is not a marginal practice, associated in a pejorative way with “bobology” (treatment of ailments). Indeed, pharmacy advice is an education in its own right for students.
For Guy Hauvespre, pharmacist for 25 years and owner of a dispensary in Paris, his line of conduct regarding over-the-counter products is clear: “ we must not sell at all costs. It is especially important to be wary of the little ones. I warn parents by inviting them to see a doctor for persistent symptoms On a daily basis, his opinion is as reliable as that of doctors for mild symptoms. But the pharmacist recognizes that “a large part of the parents who come to see him ask him for dermatological advice, moreover, when it comes to their first child. Dermocosmetics is also part of a specific teaching in the university curriculum.
Even if any pharmacist is competent to advise on the choice of treatment, it is best to speak to the professional who knows your child.
And if so, do not forget to report any allergies in your offspring to the pharmacist.
And the role of the pharmacist in all of this? Family medication is not a marginal practice, associated in a pejorative way with “bobology” (treatment of ailments). Indeed, pharmacy advice is an education in its own right for students. For Guy Hauvespre, pharmacist for 25 years and owner of a dispensary in Paris, his line of conduct regarding over-the-counter products is clear: “ we must not sell at all costs. It is especially important to be wary of the little ones. I warn parents by inviting them to see a doctor for persistent symptoms On a daily basis, his opinion is as reliable as that of doctors for mild symptoms. But the pharmacist recognizes that “a large part of the parents who come to see him ask him for dermatological advice, moreover, when it comes to their first child. Dermocosmetics is also part of a specific teaching in the university curriculum. Even if any pharmacist is competent to advise on the choice of treatment, it is best to speak to the professional who knows your child. And if so, do not forget to report any allergies in your offspring to the pharmacist. |
Homeopathy: in what form for Baby?
All pharmacies have homeopathic products. Some remedies can even be obtained without a prescription and cost less than some drugs! If you have not come from the doctor, describe your toddler’s symptoms to the pharmacist, he will be able to advise you. Does the little brother or big sister have the same symptoms? There is no question of giving him the same treatment, remember that homeopathy is the medicine of the individual. What works for one will not necessarily work for the other.
How to give baby homeopathy?
If you are breast-feeding baby
The smartest way is to take the prescribed remedies yourself, unless you are already being treated with homeopathy for some other reason. Baby will reap the full benefits of what you swallow.
In other cases :
- Dilution. The doses dissolve very well in water. The granules, on the other hand, melt more difficult. Immerse them in water a few hours before taking. If your little one is going to a nanny, prepare a bottle of mineral water in advance with the number of granules planned for the day. This method simplifies the life of the nurses who will only have to give a few sips of the mixture at the usual times of treatment. Note that many nurseries, however, refuse to give homeopathic treatments. The doctor may also prescribe drinkable ampoules for your child. Easy to use, they are still more expensive. They are preferred for basic treatments or for an emergency!
- The trituration. This is the most common way! Some laboratories market homeopathic remedies in the form of powder. Using a measuring spoon, slide it directly under Baby’s little tongue. If the doctor has prescribed granules or doses for you, crush them yourself with the back of a spoon.
- Sucking. The ideal, with the granules, is to be able to slip them between the cheek and the gum of your offspring. These small 1mm spheres melt slowly, so it is important to hold the baby in your arms or to watch that he remains in a sitting position for several minutes. Even if they are tiny, these granules can swallow askew! Wait at least seven months of age to try the method.
Homeopathy, the right reflexes according to Dr Thierry Joly
Of course, you must respect the dates when your child should take the treatment. Avoid giving the granules at mealtimes, with a drink or other medicines, but rather 5 minutes before. Also be careful not to touch the granules with your fingers. Write down any changes in your little one’s behavior, along with the name and dilution of the remedy that caused the change. This information will be of great help to the doctor during the next consultation. If in doubt, always contact your doctor.
Homeopathy, a 200-year-old science It was Samuel Hahnemann, a young toxicologist, who laid the foundations of homeopathy in 1796. He carried out his experiments on himself and drew conclusions from them. The principle of similars was born. To date, scientific studies conducted on homeopathy contradict each other. For specialists, the therapeutic utility of homeopathy is based on evidence of experience, that is to say on the results obtained daily on patients. |
To read :
Treat your children with homeopathy, Albert-Claude Quemoun, Smart Daily editions
Treat your child with homeopathy, Dr Pierre Popowski, Rocher editions