Self-massage of the neck

Self-massage of the neck is an undeniably useful thing. And not only for good health, but also for beauty. In this article, we will give an example of a simple but effective technique and prove why it is worth mastering. It is not difficult at all and very pleasant – you will like it.

Benefits of neck massage

Recently, neck statics and posture are increasingly being talked about in the context of beauty and youth. It turns out that the clarity of facial contours, the presence or absence of a double chin, the tendency to puffiness and even complexion largely depend on the position of the neck, which, in turn, determines the lymph and blood flow, nutrition of facial tissues.

Ideally, the neck should be free and straight above the shoulders and have the same length around the entire circumference. Unfortunately, today good posture, a straight and flexible spine, a loose neck line are a real rarity even among young people.

The way of life and bad habits are to blame for the deformation of the posture, that is, the daily repetitive actions that are caused by this very way of life, among them:

  • many hours of sitting in front of a computer with an elongated neck and raised shoulders, which provokes muscle clamping (followed by a headache, discomfort in the back, deterioration of mobility) and shortens the cervical spine;

  • the habit of constantly keeping the shoulders up and wringing the neck, spasmodic trapezius muscles and general discomfort in the collar zone are the result of prolonged stress;

  • admiration (in the literal sense of the word) for gadgets, a constantly lowered head, which, by the way, in an adult weighs an average of 6 kg, so even a slight deviation of the neck greatly increases the load on the spinal region, especially on the seventh cervical vertebra.

As a result, due to constant static stress, the back of the neck shortens, withers appear, and sagging and a second chin form in front. As time goes by, these things only get worse. Of course, such a development of events negatively affects not only the aesthetics of the face, but also health.

Lowering the head to the screen of the gadget, we load the neck.

However, it is never too late to take control of the situation. First, recognize the problem, and then look for ways to solve it. One of them is self-massage of the neck and collar zone. If performed correctly and regularly, it will help:

  • relieve tension from the neck and neck;

  • improve blood and lymph flow;

  • unblock tight muscles;

  • balance the back and front of the neck;

  • improve posture;

  • increase the effectiveness of face fitness and gymnastics for the face.

It is no coincidence that all facial practices begin with a neck massage or exercises for it.

Principles of cervical self-massage

It is quite possible to make a simple but high-quality massage for yourself at home, the main thing is to follow the correct technique for performing movements. The set of rules is:

  • in no case do not hurt yourself, the sensations should be extremely pleasant;

  • the number of repetitions depends on the nature of the massage movements, a deep and active effect requires fewer repetitions: shaking – no more than 3 times; “squeezing” and kneading – a maximum of 5 times; smoothing and rubbing – up to 8 times;

  • massage is best done in the morning or a couple of hours before bedtime, so as not to provoke morning puffiness;

  • do not get up abruptly after the massage, so as not to feel dizzy due to the active blood flow.

During self-massage, the effect is only on soft tissues – any manipulations with the spine are unacceptable.

Preparing for a self-massage of the neck

Self-massage of the neck is performed, observing several conditions.

  • It is better to sit on a fairly hard surface.

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, in this position it is easier to track the position of the back, which should be straight (as far as possible).

  • At the initial stage, it is useful to perform exercises in front of a mirror – again for control.

  • Choose an open top as clothing – the fabric should not interfere with movements.

  • The massage is performed “dry”, oil is not needed, because a fairly good grip of the hands and the massaged area is required.

How to massage the neck and collar zone to yourself

Of course, the fastest and most reliable way to master self-massage of the neck and collar area is to take a few sessions from a professional: he will demonstrate the basic techniques and teach you how to combine them correctly. We give a basic massage, which is for everyone.

Self-massage of the neck should bring a comfortable feeling.


Warm up your palms vigorously by rubbing them together. Gently grab the back of your neck with a trapezoid grip. Hold for the count of five.


Make stroking movements in the direction from the head to the shoulders. You can do it with both hands at the same time, or you can do it separately. Perform 5-7 times.


Repeat the same stroking movements, but with a tighter pressure and at a faster pace, while respecting the principle of sliding. 5-7 times.

Kneading and squeezing

Make a penetration from the head to the shoulders with pressing “wetting” movements, take your time. 5-7 times.

Fix the thumbs on the trapezium, place the rest freely on the neck. Perform circular movements with your thumb on both sides of the spine from the bottom up and back. 4-5 times.

Trapeze massage

You need to slightly squeeze the muscles with your fingers and try to pull them back and forth alternately, as if you want to move them. 4-5 times.

During self-massage of the neck, do not touch the vertebrae.


Place the ribs of the palms on the trapezium and strike alternately with each hand, relax the hand and do not beat yourself with all your might. It’s a pleasure, not a punishment. 🙂

Finish the massage with stroking from point number 2.

Skin care products after manual massage

After a manual neck massage, any care should go with a bang, because thanks to your efforts, at least the blood supply to the skin and lymphatic drainage have improved. This must be used!

Day cream “Age expert 35+”, L’Oréal Paris

Why not fight wrinkles after the massage, especially since it will not require any extra gestures, except for applying this cream with moisturizing and smoothing collagen biospheres.

Anti-aging complex care-sculptor “Age expert 45+”, L’Oréal Paris

It has a restorative effect and is addressed to the skin of the face, as well as the neck and décolleté – just what you need after a massage.

Fresh-mix fabric face mask “Concentrate with vitamin C”, for all skin types, Garnier

Intensive care after massage is a sacred thing. Entrust it to our favorite DIY Sheet Mask with Vitamin C Enriched Moisturizing Concentrate for a radiant complexion!

Lifting care Revitalift “Face, contours, neck”, L’Oréal Paris

The formula is specially adapted for the face and neck. Thanks to the special component vitafibrin (helps strengthen elastin fibers) and proretinol (stimulates cell renewal), the skin becomes more elastic. According to the tests, the elasticity of the skin of the neck increases by 71% after a month of regular use of the cream.

New formula of youth activator Advanced Génifique, Lancôme

The famous and respected youth activator, having been updated, began to take even more care of the skin and preserve its youth. A complex of 7 pre- and probiotics that strengthens the skin microbiome is exactly what it aims for. Recommended.

Antioxidant serum for skin renewal Vitamin C10 Serum, La Roche-Posay

And again the formula with vitamin C, this time the serum. It is also important that it is designed for sensitive skin, which will not interfere with a boost of energy in order to resist the negative factor that encroaches on its youth and beauty.

Complex care-sculptor “Age expert 55+”, L’Oréal Paris

The sculptor care from the 55+ series helps not only prevent, but also correct sagging tissues, including in the neck area, tighten facial contours, and reduce even deep wrinkles. Of course, with regular use. If you combine care with a competent massage, you can expect a decent effect.

Multi-corrective face cream Super Multi-Corrective Cream, Kiehl’s

After 12 weeks of testing, 92% of consumers noted that the appearance of not only the skin of the face, but also the neck has improved. All thanks to proxylan, hyaluronic acid and vitamin A phytomimetic, which restore elasticity and smooth wrinkles.

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