At the mention of the word “psychopath” our imagination often draws a man. This is probably the result of the efforts of the media – after all, almost all psychopathic images in films, books and even music are male. However, women with this personality structure also exist. How to recognize them?
Understanding how a female psychopath thinks is almost impossible, because it is contrary to human nature, writes Winifred Rule, author of Born to Destroy: Female Psychopathy As It Is.
The personality and behavior of such a woman are made up of continuous paradoxes. Here she lies masterfully, but now she cuts the truth-womb. He deliberately says nasty things to his face, but immediately repents and asks for forgiveness. He sincerely sympathizes, gives advice, sympathetically offers to help – and suddenly refuses his own words under a plausible pretext.
She is tireless if she wants to get her way, but skillfully evades other important matters. What other features do these women have?
A mixture of admiration and contempt
Deceiving people, psychopaths experience a strange mixture of contempt and delight. They are surprisingly perceptive and know exactly which “buttons” to press in order to make someone suffer, and count another victory for themselves. Even their own children get it. After all, everything is done calmly and coolly, as if it should be so.
Psychopaths intentionally torment and upset others in order to revel in their success and feel superior. However, the enthusiasm passes quickly. Soon such women begin to get angry: “Here’s a simpleton, it’s so mediocre to get hooked!”
Pathological pride
Mostly psychopaths are aware that they are behaving inappropriately. To compensate for this flaw, they try to be the center of attention. For example, they pretend to be the soul of the company in order to charm everyone and win universal sympathy.
In fact, they prey on simpletons who are ready to serve their selfish aspirations. They wander through life, looking for someone to use for their own purposes, and then plan how to do it. And they often call it “friendship.”
Do not consider them mentally handicapped. They are exceptionally intelligent and do not suffer from mental illness at all. The CT scans clearly show that the brains of most psychopaths show no abnormalities, except for minor differences. Their amygdala, the region of the brain associated with emotions, is slightly smaller than normal.
Why are they like this? Nobody knows. Psychopathy is called a disorder, a deviation, a defect. But at the same time, psychopaths are quite rational and know what they are doing. Moreover, studies show that their behavior is the result of free choice.
Emptiness inside
What goes on in the soul of such women? Many of you have probably heard how psychopathic heroines in the movie say: “There is emptiness inside me.” Although this feeling is clearly associated with a misconception of oneself, most often it is fleeting and fickle.
As Winifred Rule notes, she has repeatedly observed such mood swings: “A psychopathic relative in desperation blurted out this phrase aloud and looked genuinely upset at the same time. A minute later, as if on click, she was chatting animatedly on the phone, laughing and gesticulating. And this happened regularly.”
Don’t feel sorry for them
If suddenly you feel sorry for psychopaths – do not. Behind this screen, albeit a very plausible one, are predatory and prudent intentions. Give up, you will be destroyed – verbally, emotionally, psychologically or physically.
Recognizing them is not so easy. From afar, they are charm itself. But if you look closely, you can see the true insidious nature. Just be careful and don’t get too close.