Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Plum in the Leningrad region, from year to year pleasing with a plentiful harvest of delicious fruits, is a gardener’s dream, quite capable of becoming a reality. To do this, it is necessary to choose the right variety, taking into account the specifics of the climate and soil conditions of the North-West of Our Country, as well as adhere to the rules for planting and caring for crops developed for this region.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

What varieties of plums can be planted in the Leningrad region

Plum is considered to be one of the most capricious and whimsical fruit trees, because it is very sensitive to environmental conditions. The temperate continental climate of the Leningrad Region and the North-West of the country is a serious test for this culture. High humidity, harsh cold winters, late spring frosts and cloudy rainy summers, diluted with a small number of sunny days – all this significantly limits the choice of gardeners regarding which plum to plant on the site. Nevertheless, thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, today there are many recommended and promising varieties that feel quite comfortable in the difficult conditions of the North-West.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Important! To the main varieties zoned for a particular region, scientists include those whose yield, winter hardiness and high quality of fruits they have already managed to check in the course of numerous tests, and officially confirm.

Varieties that have proven themselves under the indicated conditions, but which are still being tested, are considered promising.

Ideally, a plum suitable for growing in the North-West of the country (including the Leningrad region) should have the following qualities:

  • small tree growth;
  • strong winter hardiness and resistance to temperature extremes;
  • high rates of disease resistance;
  • self-fertility (very desirable for the gardens of the North-West);
  • early fruit ripening is preferred.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

When the plum ripens in the Leningrad region

According to the ripening period of fruits, plum varieties cultivated in the Leningrad region and in the North-West can be divided into:

  • early (first decade of August);
  • average (approximately from 10 to 25 August);
  • later (end of August – September).

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Advice! In order to be able to enjoy plums in the North-West all summer and the first half of autumn, it is worth planting trees on the site, the fruits of which ripen at different times.

The best plum varieties for the Leningrad region with a description

According to the reviews of the farmers of the Leningrad region and the North-West of Our Country, you can get an idea about the best plum varieties for this region, which are invariably popular in local gardens:

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
Red-breasted Red Early25 – 40 FeetMedium (up to 3,5 m)Oval-spherical, wideUp to 15 g, raspberry-violet, without pubescence, with yellow, dryish flesh, sour-sweetYes (according to other sources – partially)Renklod collective farm, Hungarian Pulkovskaya
Early ripening round Average10–15 (sometimes up to 25)Medium (2,5–3 m)Thick, spreading, “weeping”8–12 g, red-purple with a bluish bloom, yellow flesh, juicy, sweet with “sourness”NoEarly maturing Red
Gift to St. PetersburgA hybrid involving cherry plum and Chinese plumEarlyUp to 27 (max 60)AverageSpreading, medium densityUp to 10 g, yellow-orange, yellow flesh, juicy, sweet and sourNoPavlovskaya yellow (cherry plum), Pchelnikovskaya (cherry plum)
Ochakiv yellow Late40 – 80 FeetAveragenarrow pyramidalUp to 30 g, color from pale green to bright yellow, sweet, “honey”, juicyNoRenklod green
Renkloed collective farmHybrid of thorn and renclod greenMid-lateAbout 40AverageRound-spreading, medium density10–12 g (occasionally up to 25), greenish-yellow, juicy, sour-sweetNoVolga beauty, Eurasia 21, Moscow Hungarian, Red early ripening
Etude AverageBefore 20 kgAbove averageRaised, roundedAbout 30 g, deep blue with a burgundy tint, juicy, sweet with “sourness”PartiallyVolga beauty, Renklod Tambov, Zarechnaya early
AlenushkaChinese plumEarly19 – 30 FeetUndersized (2–2,5 m)Elevated, pyramidal30-50 g (there are up to 70), dark red with bloom, juicy, sweet with “sourness”NoEarly
The Volga beauty Early10 – 25 FeetvigorousOval-rounded, raisedUp to 35 g, red-violet, juicy, dessert flavorNoRed-breasted Red
Anna ShpetVariety of German selectionVery late (late September)25 – 60 FeetvigorousDense, broad pyramidalAbout 45 g, dark blue with a brick tint, juicy, dessert flavorPartiallyRenklod green, Victoria, Hungarian home
Eurasia 21A complex hybrid of several types of plum (diploid, Chinese, cherry plum, domestic and some others)Early50–80 (up to 100)vigorousРаскидистая25–30 g, burgundy, fragrant, juicy, sweet and sourNoRenkloed collective farm
EdinburghVariety of English selectionAverage vigorousRounded, medium densityAbout 33 g, purple-red, with a blue coating, juicy, sweet and sourYes 

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Advice! Seedlings of Renklod collective farm are considered one of the best stock materials for plums in the Leningrad region and in the North-West of the country.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Plum varieties for the Leningrad region

The assortment of plums for the Leningrad region and the North-West, of course, is not limited to the above items. It is necessary to characterize other varieties suitable for cultivation in this part of the country, grouping them according to certain characteristics.

Yellow plum for the Leningrad region

Plums with amber, yellow fruits are deservedly popular among gardeners – not only because of their exotic appearance, but also due to the sweetness and aroma inherent in these varieties, good winter hardiness and productivity.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

In the Leningrad region, as well as in the North-West of the country, you can successfully grow such of them:

The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
LodvaDiploid plum of Belarusian selectionEarly25 kg / haAverageRound-pyramidalAbout 35 g, round, tender, very juicy, sweet and sour taste with a “caramel” aromaNoDream, Bliss
MaraDiploid plum of Belarusian selectionLate35 kg / havigorousSpreading, roundedAverage 25 g, bright yellow, very juicy, sour-sweet tasteNoAsoloda, Vitba
SoneykaDiploid plum of Belarusian selectionLateUntil 40undersizeddrooping, flattenedAbout 35–40 g, rich yellow, juicy, aromaticNoEastern European varieties of plums
FireflyHybrid of Eurasia 21 and Volga beautyAverageUntil 20Vigorous (up to 5 m)Raised, oval30–40 g, yellow-green, juicy, slightly sour in tasteNoCollective farm renklod, Productive renklod
YakhontovayaHybrid of Eurasia 21 and SmolinkaEarly50 – 70 FeetVigorous (up to 5,5 m)Globular compact30 g, yellow, juicy, dessert taste, sweet and sourPartiallyEarly ripening red, Hungarian Moscow

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Important! There is an erroneous opinion that a plum with yellow fruits is nothing more than an ordinary cherry plum. In fact, these are, as a rule, hybrid varieties obtained by crossing cherry plums with other types of plums (in particular, domestic and Chinese).

Self-fertile domestic plum for the Leningrad region

For plums growing in the gardens of the Leningrad region and the North-West of Our Country, a very significant positive property is self-fertility, at least partial.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

A variety with this quality will become a real treasure for the farmer in the event that it is not possible to plant several trees on the site. If the garden is large enough, then the yield of self-fertile plum varieties with the right pollinators will be beyond praise.

The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
Oryol dreamChinese plumEarly35:50-XNUMX:XNUMXAveragePyramidal, raised, spreadingAbout 40 g, red, with a slight bloom, juicy, sweet and sourPartiallySkoroplodnaya, varieties of cherry plum hybrid
VenusVariety of Belarusian selectionAverage25 t / haAverageРаскидистаяFrom 30 g, red-blue with a strong coating, round, sweet and sourYes 
Naroch Late AverageGlobular, thickAverage 35 g, dark red with a thick coating, sweet and sour tasteYes 
NezhenkaChinese plumEarlyUntil 40Undersized (up to 2,5 m)Globular, thickAverage 24–29 g, scarlet, round, juicy, melting fleshPartiallyVarieties of Chinese plum
Stanley (Stanley)American selection varietyLateAbout 60Medium height (up to 3 m)Spreading, rounded ovalAbout 50 g, dark purple with a thick bluish bloom and yellow flesh, sweetPartiallyChachak best
Orlovsky souvenirChinese plumAverage20:50-XNUMX:XNUMXSecondaryWide, spreading31–35 g, purple with spots, dryish flesh, sweet and sourPartiallyAny variety of fruitful plums

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Important! Even self-fertile or partially self-fertile plum varieties will produce higher yields if a suitable pollinator variety is planted next to them.

Varieties of low-growing plum for the Leningrad region

Another advantage of the plum in the eyes of the gardener will be a small, compact tree. It is easier to take care of this one, it is easier to collect fruits from it.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Important! Low-growing plum varieties are better adapted to harsh winters and spring frosts, which is very important for the climate of the Leningrad region and the North-West.
The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
Candy Very earlyAbout 25Undersized (up to 2,5 m)Round, neat30–35 g, purple-red, honey flavorNoRenklod collective farm, Zarechnaya early
Bolkhovchanka LateAverage 10–13Undersized (up to 2,5 m)Rounded, raised, thick32–34 g, burgundy-brown, juicy, sweet and sour tasteNoRenkloed collective farm
Renklod Tenkovsky


 Average11,5 – 25 FeetUndersized (up to 2,5 m)Scattered, “broom-like”18–26 g, yellow with a red “blush”, strong patina, medium juiciness, sweet and sourPartiallyEarly ripening red, Early ripening new, Eurasia 21, thorn
PyramidalHybrid of Chinese and Ussuri plumsEarly10 – 28 FeetUndersized (up to 2,5 m)Pyramidal (in adult trees – rounded), thickened mediumAbout 15 g, dark red with a strong bloom, juicy, sweet and sour with bitterness near the skinPartiallyPavlovskaya, Yellow
Red ballChinese plumMediumUntil 18Undersized (up to 2,5 m)Drooping, round-spreadingAbout 30 g, red with a bluish bloom,NoChinese early-fruited, cherry plum
Omsk nighthybrid of plum and cherryLateBefore 4 kgUndersized (1,10–1,40 m)compact bushUp to 15 g, black, very sweetNoBessea (American creeping cherry)

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Advice! The variety Omskaya nochka can be an excellent pollinator for all plum-cherry hybrids, as well as for many varieties of Chinese and Ussuri plums, cherry plums, and even some varieties of apricots that can grow in the Leningrad region and in the North-West of the country.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Early plum varieties for the Leningrad region

Early varieties of plums in the conditions of the Leningrad region and the North-West of Our Country, as a rule, ripen in early August.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

This allows you to taste fragrant fruits earlier and, of course, harvest before the onset of autumn frosts. The tree will have enough time to recover and then successfully overwinter.

The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
Nika EarlyUntil 35Medium or vigorous (sometimes up to 4 m)Wide oval, spreading30-40 g, dark purple with a thick blue bloom, sweet with “sourness” and slight astringencyNoRenklod soviet
Zarechnaya early EarlyFrom 15 from a young tree (further increases)SecondaryCompact, oval or spherical35-40 g, dark purple with bloom, juicy, sour-sweetNoVolga beauty, Etude, Renklod Tambov
Starting Very early61 kg / haSecondarySpherical-oval, denseAbout 50 g, dark red with a strong coating, very juicy, sweet and sourNoEurasia 21, Volzhskaya beauty
Delicate Medium35 – 40 FeettallSpreading, roundedUp to 40 g, bright red, juicy, sweet and sourPartiallyVictoria, Edinburgh
Renklod earlyVariety of Ukrainian selectionVery earlyUntil 60Vigorous (up to 5 m)Rounded40–50 g, yellow-orange with a pink “blush”, sweet with “sourness” and honey aftertasteNoRenklod Karbysheva, Renklod Ullensa

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Important! Plum does not belong to long-lived trees: its average life span is from 15 to 60 years.

Planting and caring for plums in the Leningrad region

The specifics of plum cultivation in the Leningrad region and the nuances of caring for it in this region are directly related to the fact that geographically this is the northernmost part of the country where stone fruit trees can be successfully grown. The most important success factor is a correctly selected variety, which, according to its characteristics, is suitable for the North-West. However, competent tree planting on the site and proper care for it, taking into account the characteristics of local soils and climate, play an equally important role in obtaining a crop.

When to plant plums in the Leningrad region

Plum is usually recommended to be planted in autumn or spring. The last option for the Leningrad region and the North-West is more preferable. This is due to the fact that plum is a thermophilic culture. Landing in the ground is advised to be carried out 3–5 days after the soil has completely thawed, without waiting for the buds to bloom on the tree.

If the gardener nevertheless decided to plant a plum in the fall, he should do it 1,5–2 months before the time when frosts usually occur in the Northwest. Otherwise, the seedling may die without having time to take root before the winter cold.

Warning! It is permissible to lay a plum orchard in the place where the old one was uprooted earlier, not earlier than after 4-5 years.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Planting plums in the spring in the Leningrad region

The choice of a site for planting plums in the Leningrad region and in the North-West of the country is determined by the following features:

  • it is preferable that the soil is fertile, loose and well-drained;
  • it is advisable to choose a place on a hill (upper part of the slope): in winter there will not be too much snow, and in spring melt water will not accumulate;
  • the level of groundwater in the area where the plum will grow must be deep (at least 2 m).
Advice! The composition of the soil should ideally be light (sandy loam, loess-like loam).

Where exactly the plum will grow should be planned in advance. Within a radius of 2 m from this place, you need to dig the soil well, weed the weeds, and apply fertilizer to the soil.

Important! Plum loves sunlight. In order for it to grow well in the Leningrad region and in the North-West – a region with high air humidity – for planting a tree, you should choose a place that is not shaded, but at the same time well sheltered from strong winds.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

A couple of weeks before the proposed planting of a tree, it is necessary to prepare a planting hole:

  • its width should be approximately 0,5–0,6 m, and its depth – 0,8–0,9 m;
  • at the bottom of the pit, it is advised to lay a part of the fertile soil extracted from it, mixed with humus and mineral fertilizer, as well as a small amount of chalk, dolomite flour or slaked lime;
  • it is advisable to immediately establish a support for the garter of the future tree (optimally – on the north side), given that there should be at least 15 cm between the peg and the seedling.
Attention! If you plan to plant several plum trees, then the distance between them in a row should be at least 2–3 m (for medium-sized varieties), or 3,5–5 m (for tall ones). A distance of about 4–4,5 m should be maintained between rows.

Planting a seedling in the ground in the North-West of the country is carried out according to the general rules:

  • fertile soil is poured into the lower part of the pit with a mound;
  • a seedling is carefully placed on top of it and its roots are straightened;
  • then the soil is carefully covered, making sure that the root neck of the tree is 3–5 cm above ground level;
  • it is permissible to lightly tamp the soil, making sure not to damage the trunk and roots of the plant;
  • then the trunk is tied to a support using a hemp rope or soft twine (but in no case a metal wire);
  • the plant is well watered (20–30 l of water);
  • the soil in the trunk circle is mulched (with peat or sawdust).

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Advice! In the process of filling the roots with earth, it is recommended to periodically gently shake the seedling so that the soil in the pit is evenly distributed without forming cavities.

How to cut a plum in the Leningrad region

Plum crown formation begins from the second year.

Warning! In the first year of a tree’s life, no pruning work is recommended.

You can devote time to this in the fall or spring, however, it is believed that the spring pruning carried out before the start of the sap flow processes is easier for the tree to tolerate:

  • cut sites heal faster;
  • the possibility of freezing of a recently cut tree in winter is excluded, which is especially important for the North-West of Our Country and can contribute to the development of diseases.

The plum is carefully inspected after the winter, removing damaged and frozen branches. Simultaneously with the growth of the crown, shoots thickening it should be removed, as well as those that grow inward or vertically upwards, giving the tree a beautiful and comfortable shape.

In addition, shoots growing within a radius of about 3 m from the roots should be cut. This procedure should be carried out 4-5 times during the summer.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Important! When the plum begins to bear fruit, proper pruning should contribute to the strength of the growth of the branches. From the very beginning, it is advised to identify 5-6 main skeletal branches, and further support their development.

The following are recognized as the optimal schemes for the formation of a plum crown:

  • pyramidal;
  • improved longline.

Cultivation of plums in the Leningrad region

Plum care in the gardens of the Leningrad Region and the North-West as a whole is subject to the general rules for growing this crop, but it also has some specifics.

When organizing watering, you need to remember that plum is a moisture-loving plant. She does not like waterlogging, but you can not let her dry out. During hot periods in summer, the plum should be watered every 5-7 days at the rate of 3-4 buckets for a young and 5-6 for an adult tree.

Important! The lack of water is manifested by cracks in the fruits of the plum, its excess – by yellowing and dying leaves.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

It is equally important to properly feed the tree with fertilizers:

  • during the first 3 years after planting the plum, spring application of urea to the soil is sufficient (at the rate of 20 g per 1 m3);
  • it is advisable for a tree that is starting to bear fruit to receive support annually in the form of a mixture of urea (25 g), superphosphate (30 g), wood ash (200 g) and manure (10 kg per 1 m3 of the trunk circle);
  • for a fully fruiting plum, it is recommended to double the amount of organic fertilizers, leaving the previous volumes of mineral fertilizers: in the spring, humus, manure, and urea are added to the soil, while in the fall, potash and phosphorus mixtures are added.
Advice! Top dressing in the soil is best applied in liquid form – this way it will be easiest for the tree to absorb them.

The first couple of years after planting a plum, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil in the near-stem circle with a fork or shovel to a shallow depth in order to control weeds. In the process, you need to add peat or humus (1 bucket each). For the same purpose, it is possible to mulch the area of ​​​​the near-stem circle by about 1 m around the tree with a layer of sawdust (10–15 cm).

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

The area around the tree, which is older than 2 years, can be treated with herbicides. They are brought in in dry calm weather, making sure that the drugs do not get on the leaves and trunk.

Important! In harvest years, props should be placed under the main branches of the plum, especially with a spreading crown, so that they do not break off under the weight of the fruit.

Periodically, you need to carefully inspect the tree for pest damage or the presence of symptoms of diseases. Timely measures taken to eliminate the problem will save the gardener from a long and difficult struggle for the health of the plum, which can often end in the death of the plant.

Some simple and useful plum care tips that are also relevant for growing this crop in the Leningrad Region and the North-West can be obtained from the video

Plum care – 6 acres

Preparing plums for winter

Despite the fact that most varieties of plums suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-West have high frost resistance, in winter they still need additional shelter.

The stem of the tree should be whitewashed before the onset of cold weather. Then it is insulated, tied with roofing material, on top of which glass wool and a layer of reflective foil are laid. This will help the plum to safely endure even very severe colds, which are not at all rare for the North-West.

Trunk circles, especially around young plants, are covered with straw on the eve of the winter period. When snow begins to fall, you need to make sure that it does not accumulate much under the tree – no more than 50–60 cm.

Advice! In the gardens of the North-West of Our Country, during periods of heavy snowfalls, it is advisable from time to time to firmly trample the snow under the plum tree and gently shake it off the branches, while not completely exposing them.

Plum varieties for the Northwest

The varieties recommended for the Leningrad region will grow quite successfully in other regions of the North-West of the country.

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

You can expand this list:

The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
Red-meat big LateUntil 20Vigorous (up to 4 m)compact, rareAbout 25 g, dark raspberry with bloom, juicy, sweet and sour with “bitterness” near the skinNoCherry plum hybrid
Smolinka AverageUntil 25Vigorous (up to 5–5,5 m)Oval or round pyramidal35–40 g, dark purple with a thick bluish coating, sweet and sour taste, delicateNoVolga beauty, Morning, Early ripening red, Hungarian Moscow
Tenkovskaya dove AverageAbout 13SecondaryBroad pyramidal, denseUp to 13 g, dark blue with a strong coating, sweet and sourNoRenklod Tenkovsky, Red early ripening
Award (Rossosh) LateUntil 53vigorousOval, medium density25–28 g, greenish with dark red rich “blush”, juicyNo 
ViganaEstonian varietyLate15 – 24 FeetundersizedWeeping, medium densityAbout 24 g, burgundy with a strong touch, sweet with “sourness”PartiallySargen, Hungarian Pulkovskaya, Early maturing red, Renklod collective farm
Lujsu (Liizu)Estonian varietyEarly12 – 25 FeetSecondaryWell leafy, thick30 g, red-violet with golden “dots”, there is a coating, dessert tasteNoRenklod Tenkovsky, Morning, Red early ripening, Pulkovo Hungarian
Sargen (Сарген)Estonian varietyAverage15 – 25 FeetundersizedWide oval, thick30 g, burgundy-violet with golden dots, dessert flavorPartiallyAve, Eurasia 21, Kolkhoz Renklod, Red early ripening, Reward

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Varieties of self-fertile plum for the North-West

Among the self-fertile and partially self-fertile varieties of plums suitable for the North-West (including the Leningrad region), it is certainly worth mentioning the following:

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
Hungarian Pulkovo Late15 – 35 FeetvigorousWide, spreading20–25 g, dark red with “dots” and a bluish bloom, sweet with “sourness”YesWinter red, Leningrad blue
Hungarian Belarusian AverageAbout 35Medium (up to 4 m)Spreading, not very thick35-50, blue-violet with a strong bloom, sweet and sourPartiallyVictoria
VictoriaVariety of English selectionAverage30 – 40 FeetMedium (about 3 m)teary-eyed40-50 g, red-violet with a strong coating, juicy, very sweetYes 
Tula Black Mid-late12–14 (up to 35)Medium (from 2,5 to 4,5 m)Thick, oval15–20 g, dark blue with a reddish tinge, with a thick coating, sweet with “sourness” at the skinYes 
Beauty CGL Average SecondarySpherical, compact40–50 g, blue-violet with bloom, sweet and sour, juicyPartiallyEurasia 21, Hungarian

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Yellow Plum for the Northwest

To the varieties of plums with a yellow integumentary color of fruits that can grow in the climatic conditions of the Leningrad Region, it is worth adding a few more that can take root in the gardens of the North-West:

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
Greengage Kuibyshevsky Mid-lateUntil 20undersizedDense, stony25–30 g, greenish-yellow with a bluish bloom, juicy, sour-sweetNoRenklod collective farm, Volga beauty, Red early ripening
The Golden Fleece Mid-late14 – 25 FeetSecondaryThick, “weeping”About 30 g, amber-yellow with a milky coating, sweetPartiallyEarly ripening red, Eurasia 21, Volga beauty
Emma LeppermanVariety of German selectionEarly43–76 c/havigorousPyramidal, with age – rounded30-40 g, yellow with a “blush”Yes 
EarlyChinese plumEarlyAbout 9AverageFan-shaped20-28 g, yellow with a blush, fragrant, juicy, sweet and sourNoRed ball, any varieties of cherry plum hybrid

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region

Plum varieties for Karelia

There is an opinion that the northern boundary of the territory where plums can be successfully grown lies along the Karelian Isthmus. For this part of the North-West, gardeners are advised to purchase some varieties of Finnish selection:

The name of the plum variety suitable for the Leningrad region and the North-WestFeature of origin (if any)Maturation periodYield (kg per tree)Tree heightCrown shapeFruitSelf-fertilityThe best varieties-pollinators (for the Leningrad region and the North-West)
Common Blue Crane (Илейнен Синекрикуна) Late20 – 30 Feet2 to 4 m Small, rounded, dark blue with a waxy coating, sweetYes 
Common yellow plum (Илейнен keltalumu) Late 3 to 5 m Large or medium, golden, juicy, sweetNoKuntalan, red plum, blackthorn
Blue (Синикка) Average Undersized (1,5–2 m) Small, rich blue with a waxy coating, sweetYes 

Self-fertile varieties of plums for the Leningrad region


In order for the plum in the Leningrad region and in the North-West of the country to take root in the garden, not get sick and successfully bear fruit, varieties of this crop capable of growing in this region were bred and selected. They can endure the difficult conditions of the local climate, are less demanding on heat, air humidity and an abundance of sunny days than their southern counterparts, and are highly resistant to common diseases. It is very important to correctly determine the variety, correctly select and prepare the site, provide proper care for the plum, including measures to protect the tree in the winter – and abundant, regular harvests will not keep you waiting.


Elena Petrovna Savchenko, 56 years old, Luga, Leningrad Region (North-West Our Country)
I tried different varieties of greencloths that are grown in our area. So far, none of them has managed to “outshine” my favorite – Renklod collective farm, which has been growing in my garden for about fifteen years. Exceptionally tasty, not capricious, from year to year the branches abound with fruits (it happened that three buckets were collected per season, and even more). The only point is that it is better to pick plums slightly unripe: if you miss the right time a little, they will fall off together. And what a jam comes out of the fruits of this renklod! Bright, fragrant, with a moderate “sourness” … For me, this is the best option.
Andrey Viktorovich Topkalo, 48 years old, Opochka, Pskov region (North-West of Our Country)
Plum Startovaya appeared at my dacha on the recommendation of an old friend who works in a nursery. He also helped me, at that time a novice gardener, to pick up and plant seedlings. It’s been over ten years now and I’m still very happy with my trees. The fruits are very large, juicy, with a great sweet taste, in which a hint of acid is barely perceptible. They ripen very early, in early August. In the first year, the harvest was small, but now from three plums we annually collect more than a centner of fruits.

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