Self-esteem in the family

Self-esteem plays a key role in the personal and professional development of a person; it determines how his relationships with others will be built. Here are four ways you can successfully deal with low self-esteem.

1. Recognize the erroneous scenario

Parents play an important role in the formation of self-esteem. But not only do they influence our self-image – brothers and sisters, friends and acquaintances, school teachers can also change our opinion of ourselves for better or worse.

Be that as it may, no matter how our parents treat us, you cannot help yourself with reproaches and complaints about an unhappy childhood. The only way is to understand the root and essence of the problem, try to change your own behavior and not reproduce endlessly, on your own or through children, the same erroneous scenario that brings suffering.

2. Re-create your CV

Parental love is the foundation on which our self-esteem is built and developed. The lack of love and affection always leads to problems in the process of its formation.

It is important to learn how to openly talk about the feeling of “disliked” with the rest of the family.

Fortunately, these kinds of errors can be corrected. But this will require a lot of effort and serious work on yourself. It is very important to learn how to openly talk about the feeling of “disliked” with the rest of the family and loved ones.

If this is not possible or does not bring the desired result, then you can throw out your feelings, thoughts and experiences on paper, creating a kind of “therapeutic autobiography”. Don’t forget: everything is fixable.

3. Enter into an inheritance

Low self-esteem is not inherited – there is not a single scientific study that would prove this fact. In this case, the emotional environment and education matter more than hereditary factors.

The influence of heredity on self-esteem does not mean at all that it cannot be changed later.

However, heredity can contribute to the development in a person of various states of internal anxiety, a tendency to depression – they, in turn, exacerbate problems associated with self-esteem. But even the influence of heredity on self-esteem does not mean at all that it cannot be changed later.

Think about it, even if you have a genetic predisposition to be overweight, you can keep a slim figure with a healthy diet and physical activity. The same principle applies in psychology. Some types of fish are able to fly! What is this if not a challenge to the notorious heredity?

4. Learn to share love

Older siblings are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem, studies show. The fact is that the position of the eldest in the family is not as simple as many people think.

With the birth of brothers and sisters, they lose their status as the only child in the family. It certainly brings suffering. Younger children are in a better position – they realize from an early age that everything in the world needs to be shared, which means they get along easier with brothers and sisters.

We must learn to share love, respect and all positive emotions with others.

Thus, the tendency of older children in the family to underestimate self-esteem is quite understandable and widespread. But in this case, everything is fixable. First of all, you need to learn to share love, respect and all positive emotions with others, without thinking that you yourself may not have enough of them.

The oldest child in the family needs to give up the idea that the love that parents give to their younger brothers and sisters is love that they themselves will not receive.

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