Self-Esteem Disorders – Developing Self-Esteem From Childhood

Self-Esteem Disorders – Developing Self-Esteem From Childhood

Educationalists and school psychologists are very interested in children’s self-esteem. Along with home, school is the second important place where children’s self-esteem is built.

The self-esteem that the child has at the start will depend a lot on the quality of the relationship he has with his parents and the school (teacher and classmates). the educational style 1 (liberal, permissive or bossy) will or will not encourage the child’s self-acceptance and self-confidence. Finally, the discourse that adults will bring to the child’s abilities is also important. Allow the child to know its strengths and weaknesses and accepting them is important for them to develop good self-esteems.

Over time, the child faces new experiences and detaches himself from the image of himself that adults (parents, teachers) send him. He gradually becomes independent, thinks and makes judgments about himself. The vision and judgment of others will always be an influencing factor, but to a lesser extent.

In adulthood, the foundations of self-esteem are already in place and experiences, especially professional and family, will continue to nourish the self-esteem we have.

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