Self-diagnosis: how to learn to feel your body

We pay attention to the body when something hurts in it. In other situations, the brain is busy with other things, and we have no time to get acquainted with the peripheries of the body. Then why do we need the ability to feel what is happening in the body, and how to develop this ability?

One day a man came to my class. Usually their wives send them for healing practices, and this one was no exception. When asked what was wrong with the body, he confidently said: everything is fine with me. Back? No, it doesn’t hurt. Why then was he sent to work? “Sometimes after I drive more than 700-800 km in a car without getting up,” the man finally admitted, “my legs are taken away. I can’t get up.”

This story clearly illustrates how many of us treat the body. What happened to this man? Initially, he was healthy, but then his lower back began to ache. He ignored this signal. The back began to hurt more strongly, the toes of the feet began to go numb, and sometimes the entire foot. He ignored that too. The pain went away, and my legs just began to turn off. Why did the body behave so meanly? Because no one reacted to his alarm signals – pain.

Why does the brain turn off pain?

If pain is ignored for a long time, the brain decides that this function is no longer needed – which means that it can be turned off. On the way from the place where there is this or that problem, a block is built up to the brain, through which the nerve signal does not pass. The problem persists and develops, but there is no pain. In the opposite direction, this system works in exactly the same way: a person begins to do gymnastics, relaxes the usual tension, muscle clamps go away – and the blockage is removed.

I worked and practiced, and then it got sick. At each seminar, I do not get tired of explaining: this is an excellent result, we are moving in the right direction. We are approaching the source of pain, soon everything will relax there, and the pain will pass. But! In order not to bring yourself to the point where something suddenly turns off or falls off, it is very important to listen to the body – to perceive pain signals from it and take measures to get rid of them.

Pain as a tool

In our body, everything is connected: in particular, the condition of the spine is connected with the work of internal organs. For example, the condition and position of the first cervical vertebrae affect the quality of vision. Therefore, if there is pain in the neck, this is a good reason to check your eyesight. And vice versa: if vision problems begin to develop, there is a reason to go to a neurologist and check what’s in the neck.

If you know these relationships, pain will not be something from which it is enough to take a pill and forget, they will become a clear signal that will help you adjust the regulation of health and help you take timely measures to correct it.

Segmental innervation

So, how to understand what is required to maintain health by localizing back pain? First of all, we must remember that back pain can be directly related to the condition of the spine – there are problems with the muscular system (clamps, overstrain), or with posture (as a rule, any curvature is associated with impaired muscle tone), or with intervertebral discs ( hernias, protrusions).

Therefore, the first step in back pain is a visit to a neurologist and examination of the spine. And then – if nothing radical is found, then preventive measures: visits to an osteopath, massage, qigong for the spine Sing Shen Juang.

The second step is to check the organs associated with the segment of the spine that is giving alarm signals. The fact is that the brain communicates with the periphery through the spinal cord and nerves extending from the spine. If there is pain in the back, it means that there is a possibility of a violation of the innervation of certain organs – the connection between them and the brain is not ideal, they are not controlled correctly, which means that they do not work quite the way nature intended.

First cervical vertebra – the place where the skull is attached to the spine. Through this area there is an outflow of blood from the head, and the blood supply of everything that is in the head depends on the freedom, disclosure of this area. The brain, the meninges, the tissues of the head (in particular, the tissues of the face, on which our beauty and youthful appearance depend), as well as the eyes. Therefore, if there is pain in the neck, most likely, it is accompanied by regular headaches, which means that there is a threat to vision. Conclusion: first to a neurologist, then to an ophthalmologist.

seventh cervical vertebra – the base of the neck. Through this area, the heart is innervated – an important organ, the health of which must be monitored. If there is pain in the neck, and especially if there is a visible hump at the base of the neck (this is an abnormal curvature, this area should normally be flat), there is a reason to be examined by a cardiologist.

fourth thoracic vertebra – the area between the shoulder blades. This is a zone that can hurt for a dozen different reasons, in particular, it is associated with the health of the lungs and the entire respiratory system. If the pain here is accompanied by regular colds, there is a reason to see a specialist and start learning special breathing exercises that will solve this problem.

twelfth thoracic vertebra – the area opposite the solar plexus. This area is responsible for healthy digestion. Therefore, with pain at the top of the lower back, there is a reason to see a gastroenterologist. It should be noted that specific pain sensations in the same area can develop against the background of kidney disease, which is also important to exclude.

Lower back, sacrum area – areas associated with the genitourinary system: girls have a reason to see a gynecologist, men – a urologist.

Remember that your health is in your hands. By maintaining it at a level, you can feel more confident and freer – and pain, despite age, will appear less and less.

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