In the work plan, you should have: areas of work, stages of work and specifics — when, where and how. And who will help you with this.
To achieve your goal in developing yourself, you can have several different directions and in each direction — some specific steps.
This is really a very important skill — the ability to break a complex task into something simple, into understandable stages. Yes, sometimes you may be faced with a big, overwhelming task for yourself, in front of which you give up. But to do it anyway — it is necessary. How? If the task is as big as an elephant, break it down into small, easy steps that you can handle each one↑.
A healthy lifestyle with this approach will decompose, for example, into the following areas: giving up bad habits, daily routine, healthy eating, sports, hardening, and each direction into a chain of specific steps, such as “eat dinner until 8 pm”, “15 minutes of morning exercises”, «cold and hot shower». Or, for example, if a girl decides «I want to look better, add femininity», her plan might look like this … ↑
The plan is not always born immediately. If you do not have enough experience in developing a plan, do not give up and do not slow down: you can temporarily skip the development of a well-thought-out plan, immediately move on to specific cases, and refine the plan later, in parallel with what you have already begun to do. Tell more often about your plans, most likely you will begin to object and suggest. If you do not argue, but take it as hints, you will quickly understand what you need to do. In any case, try to communicate with more sensible people: sensible people suggest sensible things.
Once you have a plan, get down to business quickly. There are observations — if you have conceived something and within 48 hours have moved to action, to implementation — your plans are worth something. If you have thought about it, but you put it off and haven’t started doing anything, your plans will never come true. So, hurry up to take the first step, to carry out at least some, but concrete deed↑.
And after that — calm methodicalness. Methodicalness, consistency and constancy in working on oneself give more than strength and pressure. Work calmly: the more compact, the lower the energy cost of your step, the more guaranteed that you will reach the goal.
From the distance report
I’ve accomplished so much this week that I’m proud of myself now!!! According to my plans for this week, I had to redo all the things that “hung” on me for quite a long time. Realizing the scale of the necessary accomplishments, I realized that I simply could not do without a clear plan. Every evening I wrote myself a task for the next day, and the number of points every day became more and more! As many as 30 points were planned for December 17!!! That is, as you understand, the unfinished today automatically spilled over to tomorrow! The conclusions were as follows: 1) It turns out that my dad is not at all “with a weirdo”, as I always thought, when he literally exhausted all of us, blockheads, with a request to write him a clear plan for any pressing issue. I had to call on December 30 and admit that he was definitely right. 2) Living according to the plan (meaning written on paper, clear and real, and not hypothetical, sluggishly floating in the head), is much more convenient, more productive and self-satisfying. 3) You need to do it right away, not later. All week I caught myself on the fact that if you do it right away, it will be easier tomorrow. My main task for this week was to bring complete, direct total order! What I did was never in my life! I, like Papa Carlo, have been “flying” non-stop since the 27th and settling everything. I will not go into details, but I will only describe today and you will understand the fullness of my current utter happiness: I woke up today at 9 am in an ABSOLUTELY CRYSTAL CLEAN apartment, where everything was cleaned to the last needle. All washed, ironed, repaired, paid! I got into a completely cleaned car and went to the car wash, where they completely cleaned it for me))). From there, my friend and I went to the bathhouse (and this was generally the main feature), where, under the chirping of crickets (yes, yes! Real ones), we got so steamed up, blushed and were happy that the smile still does not leave our faces !!!!!! !!! So here it is! I VSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ↑
Ways and strategies of self-improvement
In achieving simple goals, a simple plan is enough. If you look at your life as a whole, then it already makes sense to think about ways and strategies. There are different ways: to break through with energy and determination, to squeeze through with dexterity, to master with the mind. There is an approach through actions, there is through feelings. There are different individual characteristics… See →