Selenium – properties, applications and sources of selenium
Selenium - properties, applications and sources of seleniumSelenium – properties, applications and sources of selenium

Very often we hear about the great importance of whether we provide our body with enough valuable products, rich in vitamins and minerals. It is important to know the specific properties of the minerals and supplement the knowledge about them by familiarizing with their specificity and the wealth of functions that they fulfill by assimilating into the body in various available products. Among the number of minerals it needs for proper functioning, there is also selenium, which has very important functions. among others contributes to the increase of the body’s immunity and the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. In what products should you look for this element? What other properties does it have?

Selenium – or just one of many elements?

Much is said about the role of individual elements. Especially about those that are found in large numbers in the world around us. Selenium belongs to the second group – discovered late and revealing its presence in small amounts in nature. Laboratory tests contributed to a closer understanding of the properties of this element, the invention of a way to determine its level in the blood.

Does selenium have an important function in the body?

It is impossible to undermine the important functions that selenium performs in human functioning. It helps to remove free radicals, protects cells and red blood cells against toxic effects, builds immunity, supports the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, supports the treatment of depression, relieves pain. Selenium properties make it very important to control its amount in the blood, although it is assumed that the traditional diet used by the average person allows you to cover the demand for selenium. Nevertheless, there are certain circumstances that contribute to the creation selenium deficiency or are part of another disease. There will be blood vessel diseases, acute pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, arthritis, kidney failure, mental illnesses. Some studies also lead to the conclusion that supplementing the level of this element in the blood protects against cancer.

And what if too much selenium in the body?

It is considered a supplement selenium deficiency in the body protects against cancer, however, there are situations in which in people with normal concentration in the blood, excessive assimilation selenium actually increase the risk of such disease. Even this fact, showing selenium as an element that has a double effect on the body, should mobilize everyone who wants to supplement their diet to consult a doctor beforehand. It may happen selenium poisoningwhich results in undesirable symptoms such as brittleness, nail loss, hair loss, nervous breakdown, emotional instability, nausea, excessive sweating, disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.

Selenium in food – in which products can this mysterious element be found?

Although the available knowledge and nutritional practice indicate that the body is supplied with adequate amounts of selenium through the use of an average diet, it is worth knowing its sources in many products that we consume every day. Brazil nuts are most often indicated as a food source of the element. Additionally, significant amounts selenium found in salmon and tuna. However, not only fish are the source of the element. Meat lovers who need to supplement it in the body can reach for meat, e.g. beef or chicken. Several percent of the daily human selenium requirement can be obtained by eating an egg with a few slices of bread or a bag of rice. It is worth remembering that by consuming products containing simple sugars, we prevent the absorption of the element into the body, which should encourage, among others, to give up sweets. Inactive brewer’s yeast is a very good source of selenium. Its large amounts can also be found in peas, beans, Brussels sprouts, broccoli.

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